Well Damn. My wife and I have been on blue tops from a bd sponsor for about 8-9 weeks. Started off at 3 iu a day 5 on, 2 off. Then bumped it up to 3 iu AM and PM. Have done gh about 6 months at a time off and on for several years, and although it usually takes a few weeks to really do anything, before I could always tell when it was kicking in. Burning fat faster, leaner, harder, just better all over. If get too high dose, the elbow pain kicks in - and sometimes the tingling in hands and all.
This time can't really see any thing at all, except, my feet and ankles are swelling some. Also some general bloating. Never had that before. I was about to think this was just sugar water or something, but maybe its just weak. Also, these "sides" are different - interesting to hear same from you guys.
Anybody got the real scoop on the deal these days on gh, I'd love to hear it. Gh has always been good stuff (except expensive - and seems to be getting more so) - with reasonable doses, not much sides, and especially when you're getting older like me, its good stuff, if its real.
Chuck 999