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getting past a dislike of pins...


New member
Oct 10, 2010
hey all,

im pretty new to all this so pleae bear with me if my questions are bit 'tarded

anyways, ive just finished an oral only cycle. got good gains, and not much in the way of sides. its my second dabble with AAS and so far so good

the next logical step for me i reckon would be to move onto my first course involving injectables...

thing is that while i got me a few piercings, for some reason i just cant bring my self to start pinning....and i havent really got anyone id feel cool about asking to do it for me... so im kinda stuck on the orals only unless i can get past this..

anyone else overcome this? experiences of injectables v orals? advice?

If you're not ready to pin, you're not ready for AAS...

You just gotta suck it up and do it...
my first time

here is what i did my first time. first off i warmed it in microwave for 5 seconds to the liquid would be thinner. I had a 25g 1/2 inch pin. which was the shortest only size i could find but that worked in my advantage because i did not want to use anything huge. I pinned my quad the first time. i chose my quad because i cant really see my ass that good even in the mirror i have a hard time seeing it lol n i can really reach my ass that good lol. pushed the plunger and a little bit of oil came out the top n dripped down the pin. It kind of lubes it up. and i went in slow. easy as that. n yes i was afraid too but then pretty soon you look forward to it. took me 20 minutes of telling myself i wont get any bigger unless i do it. goodluck bro
If you're not ready to pin, you're not ready for AAS...

You just gotta suck it up and do it...

thats specious reasoning at best...

In the past, I've always had a friend at the gym get me what I needed and do the injecting. It was hard because I always had to wait or try to fit it into his schedule, meaning that I would sometimes be a day or so late with the shot. This time I decided to get the stuff myself and do my own injections. It was easier than I could ever believe. Follow the instructions you can find at this site and you'll be fine.
Question to the OP. What is a testosterone esther, and how do they work( please be detailed) ? If an steroid has a 14 day half life, how much of that steroid will be active in your system in 6 weeks?
Really its no big deal. After a few times you will get use to pinning yourself. Just warm the oil up with a blow dryer alittle and follow proper pinning procedures.
hey all,

im pretty new to all this so pleae bear with me if my questions are bit 'tarded

anyways, ive just finished an oral only cycle. got good gains, and not much in the way of sides. its my second dabble with AAS and so far so good

the next logical step for me i reckon would be to move onto my first course involving injectables...

thing is that while i got me a few piercings, for some reason i just cant bring my self to start pinning....and i havent really got anyone id feel cool about asking to do it for me... so im kinda stuck on the orals only unless i can get past this..

anyone else overcome this? experiences of injectables v orals? advice?

you'll come to learn that orals are hard on your stomach......pinning is really quite easy.....once you get the hang of it.......just lay down on your bed.......pick a spot on your upper and outer glute and slowly inject......don't stab.......take your will get over your dislike of pinning in no time.
First off there right if your not ready to pin your just not ready to do it at all.
That being said it is easy just get past the first few and before you know it you'll be looking foward to getting hit with that pin.
Question to the OP. What is a testosterone esther, and how do they work( please be detailed) ? If an steroid has a 14 day half life, how much of that steroid will be active in your system in 6 weeks?

how does the fuel injection system in your car work? in detail please... also if you could outline the process of exhaust design taking into account the principles behind exhaust baffles, back pressure, and how a catalytic convertor affects its operation...

oh dont know? you must not be ready to drive a car then... hand those keys over son...

how does the fuel injection system in your car work? in detail please... also if you could outline the process of exhaust design taking into account the principles behind exhaust baffles, back pressure, and how a catalytic convertor affects its operation...

oh dont know? you must not be ready to drive a car then... hand those keys over son...


I don't think that's what he was getting at man, I think he was just saying you need to know the laws of driving and have a drivers license before you go drag racing with your friends is all don't take it the wrong way they're just lookin out for you in the end.
hey its all good, i can understand the sentiment.

i see a lot of numpties on different boards who dive in without doing the research

ill admit i dont know in detail how they all do what they do, but i know what to expect, i have a good grasp on the pitfalls and the necessary things to do to negate those pitfalls...

im not exactly a kid... im 36 and been training since im 18 (off and on)...

how does the fuel injection system in your car work? in detail please... also if you could outline the process of exhaust design taking into account the principles behind exhaust baffles, back pressure, and how a catalytic convertor affects its operation...

oh dont know? you must not be ready to drive a car then... hand those keys over son...


your missing the point, not knowing the underlying principles of back pressure regulation is not going to make me crash a car. However not understanding the compounds your putting into your body can verry well have huge negative effects on your health.

And BTW i can explain IN DETAIL everything your asking including the thermodynamic regulation principles behind the choices of outomotive components if you can handle the calculous
the questions i asked are more along the lines of which one is the break and which one is the gas. My reasoning is what would you do if after a decent doseage of HCG and "proper" PCT and 6 months clean you have low test, testicualr atrophy, and zero sex drive? or lets say you use multiple compounds in a cycle and you have elevated liver values, or kidney values come back in a dangerous range? understanding how these chemicals work is important in knowing the possible effects to your body. as much great information as there is here you cant take some guy's word over a message board concerning your health. Im not trying to be an asshole here its just to attempt to convey that this is something you need a full understanding of before you dive in. you health is at risk if you dont.
the questions i asked are more along the lines of which one is the break and which one is the gas. My reasoning is what would you do if after a decent doseage of HCG and "proper" PCT and 6 months clean you have low test, testicualr atrophy, and zero sex drive? or lets say you use multiple compounds in a cycle and you have elevated liver values, or kidney values come back in a dangerous range? understanding how these chemicals work is important in knowing the possible effects to your body. as much great information as there is here you cant take some guy's word over a message board concerning your health. Im not trying to be an asshole here its just to attempt to convey that this is something you need a full understanding of before you dive in. you health is at risk if you dont.

New to the board, but I believe the bro here is just trying to help you out so you do not destroy your body in any way.
your missing the point, not knowing the underlying principles of back pressure regulation is not going to make me crash a car. However not understanding the compounds your putting into your body can verry well have huge negative effects on your health.

And BTW i can explain IN DETAIL everything your asking including the thermodynamic regulation principles behind the choices of outomotive components if you can handle the calculous

i earned my degree in Mechanical Engineering at DIT Bolton Street, Dublin. widely regarded as one of the top three engineering colleges in Europe at the time...

i can handle your CALCULUS (not calculous) :star-w:rs:star-w:rs:star-w:rs


anyway back to the point at hand... i understand the importance of research and knowledge in AAS before starting. i have been reading up on various forums for the past 6 years or so... ive picked up a hell of a lot from other peoples mistakes... no doubt there...

so its not as if ive jumped into this not on here asking retrospectively am i? i aint one of the guys whose thread title goes HELP MY BALLS ARE LIKE RAISINS IVE JABBED NONSTOP FOR 15 YEARS WHAT DO I DO??

when i said in the original post im pretty new to all this. i mean im new to taking AAS, i have probably done more reading up and researching it than a hell of a lot of guys who are on it... years of it...

im a member and contributor on UK-Muscle since 2006... ive read of so many horror stories of guys getting shutdown id have to be totally obtuse to disregard them...

so... please be assured... i would never start a course without doing the background on it first..

which is why my first AAS course was a 4 week d-bol one... a 'toe in the water' as it were... to assess my tolerance to orals...

im prolyl gonna do a T-bol course next...

Oral Turinabol Profile

**broken link removed**

Turinabol (Testosterone Turinabol)- Steroids - Steroid Information

there are literally dozens of threads on UK-muscle outlining experiances of tbol at different dosages, different cycle lengths, best stacks for it, its effects, or lack of in some peoples opinions... etc etc etc...

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New to the board, but I believe the bro here is just trying to help you out so you do not destroy your body in any way.

i do realise that, and appreciate the effort for sure..

im simply trying to assure them im doing my research...

i see enough threads here screaming for help when things have gone tits up (literally in some to be aware of what im signing up for...

anyway - there it is..

What about injecting makes you hesitate to do it? If we can pin down the underlying reason, we can maybe work around that. Once that issue is out of the way I think you would experience better results with a protocal I use that, for me at least, has always yielded fantastic results. the results being less dramatic but i feel much better long term.
Most fear is derived from lack of knowledge .
No one really likes to pin, but the only way to do it is to get the correct knowledge and proceed from there.
The site below will point you in the correct direction.
INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTIONS (IM), How To Do Injections, Injection Instructions, Injection Methods, Injection Guide, Injection Photos, Injection Pictures, Sterile Needles

Doing IM is the easiest, and less likely to goof up.
I for one don't like it idea of warming in the microwave .
All it needs to be at is 98.6 .
To warm it just put the filled syringe in a baggie and carry it in armpit for a while to bring it to near 98.6. ( the baggie is to keep it clean)
I know this seems a little strange, but for a beginner I'd go that way.
It's much safer this way until you know for sure about what your doing then you can bypass this .

At first practice on something like a orange or the like.
Only to get the feel of it.
All I'm saying is just do this to get use to the working of the syringe.
If you really want to have fun try it on the cat ..Naw Just jokin'
And most of all establish a sterile working environment (as best you can).
I have a small TV tray that I wipe down with alcohol.
Most Bros I've see just lay paper towels down and put there gear and accessories on them.
But I'm not sure how clean they are .

Whatever you decide just be as sterile as you can .
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