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GH and Diet


Active member
Apr 21, 2022
I started GH and my goal is to maintain muscle and drop BF to 12%. I'm currently at 15% and it's been really hard to break this (even with keto)
I'm 51 years old. TRT is 200 mg test and 100mg Deca per week. I am adding 4IU GH (2IU qam, 2 IU qpm). I am also on 1000mg Metformin long acting.
I'm 237 pounds. I'm very muscular with abs lightly showing but I would like to reduce my BF percent.
I am eating a lot of meat and keep my carbs low (25 grams non-workout day) and (75 grams on work out days).
I'm concerned that I am not eating enough carbs. The carbs are all high quality, no junk.
With GH, should I be altering my nutrition?
Thank You!
The main diet external to weight loss/gain concern with gh is blood sugar, really.

Met will help. Just keep an eye on it, and tailor your diet to your physique goals.
Simple, need to cut back calories or increase cardio, but GH will help. I suggest adding T3/T4 combo to speed up the process.
At the end of the day, I don't think being on GH really matters. If you are 237lbs at 15% bf, it means you have 201.45 lbm. To be 12% bf and still have 201.45 lbm, you need to drop down to 229lbs. So that's 8lbs.
Adjust your diet (calories) so that you are in a deficit. Drop 2lbs a week and you will be at your goal in 4 weeks without doing anything aggressive.

Unless you are having blood sugar issues, I don't even see the need to reduce carbs. Just reduce calories overall and/or increase your exepndature.

Very simple. You are not at a point where you're at 6% trying to get 4% which would be a lot more difficult.
If you're on Keto, up your protein if not at least 1gr per 1lb then drop some fats. And do more cardio. If you've been on keto at least a month your body will tap into its fat stores if less fat is present. The GH definitely helps. If you do a cadio morning/ lift evenings. Dose the gh before exercise
I was prescribed 200 test + 100-200 nandro

Dropped to 100/50 and I lost so much water weight it was ridiculous.

Have you done hydrostatic testing or an actual 3-d scan?

My new “cruise” is 100+50+300EQ (not exactly a cruise, I fully admit)

Labs are always perfect, I feel and look fantastic
Simple, need to cut back calories or increase cardio, but GH will help. I suggest adding T3/T4 combo to speed up the process.
I do have T3, can you suggest dose. (12,5 mcg? for how long?) Thank You!
If you're on Keto, up your protein if not at least 1gr per 1lb then drop some fats. And do more cardio. If you've been on keto at least a month your body will tap into its fat stores if less fat is present. The GH definitely helps. If you do a cadio morning/ lift evenings. Dose the gh before exercise
my problem with GH before exercise is that I use that time to take in carbs. The GH is blunted by carbs?
At the end of the day, I don't think being on GH really matters. If you are 237lbs at 15% bf, it means you have 201.45 lbm. To be 12% bf and still have 201.45 lbm, you need to drop down to 229lbs. So that's 8lbs.
Adjust your diet (calories) so that you are in a deficit. Drop 2lbs a week and you will be at your goal in 4 weeks without doing anything aggressive.

Unless you are having blood sugar issues, I don't even see the need to reduce carbs. Just reduce calories overall and/or increase your exepndature.

Very simple. You are not at a point where you're at 6% trying to get 4% which would be a lot more difficult.
Agree, I have been reducing calories and doing fasted cardio. Lost 3 pounds fat in the first week and 1.5 pounds in the second. My goal is to make sure I'm maximizing the GH benefit. I cut carbs too much in reading your post. I'll re-adjust my ratios. I feel a bit week and flat. I feel amazing when I have a carb meal, so yes, I'll add more carbs but i'll maintain a deficit. I ran my BMR and TEE, etc....
my problem with GH before exercise is that I use that time to take in carbs. The GH is blunted by carbs?
Gh isn't blunted by carbs when you inject it. Insulin is needed to increase IGF. The amount of carbs you take in I wouldn't worry about if it'd 50gr
I do have T3, can you suggest dose. (12,5 mcg? for how long?) Thank You!
Start out at that, check bloodwork and take it from there. I do 25 mcg, some guys take more.
Airman basically laid it out already but here goes. If you really want to figure it out weigh yourself every day same time first thing in the morning. Keep track of a 7 day rolling average. Now log all you food during this time as well. Maybe try and not eat out and make all your food for one month minimum. Eat at least 250g Protein, I'd prefer in a fat loss attempt to go even higher at around 300g and then fill out the rest of your calories with carbs or fat whichever is the most satisfying to you. Pay attention to the foods that make you feel the best and digest good. In addition to the calorie deficit, you need to try and train with the same intensity and attempt to keep your strength as high as possible. This will be critical to holding on to as much muscle as possible. Make sure to drink lots of water, salt your meals and get as much quality sleep as possible. After one week see if you are losing any weight and adjust the calories (keep the protein the same) according to your goals. It is really not the drugs or supplements when we're just talking about getting lean (high single digits). Also if not already taking a fiber supplement, I highly recommend it.
Airman basically laid it out already but here goes. If you really want to figure it out weigh yourself every day same time first thing in the morning. Keep track of a 7 day rolling average. Now log all you food during this time as well. Maybe try and not eat out and make all your food for one month minimum. Eat at least 250g Protein, I'd prefer in a fat loss attempt to go even higher at around 300g and then fill out the rest of your calories with carbs or fat whichever is the most satisfying to you. Pay attention to the foods that make you feel the best and digest good. In addition to the calorie deficit, you need to try and train with the same intensity and attempt to keep your strength as high as possible. This will be critical to holding on to as much muscle as possible. Make sure to drink lots of water, salt your meals and get as much quality sleep as possible. After one week see if you are losing any weight and adjust the calories (keep the protein the same) according to your goals. It is really not the drugs or supplements when we're just talking about getting lean (high single digits). Also if not already taking a fiber supplement, I highly recommend it.
Phenomenal response. Everything is laid out as simple as possible. 👍
If your not losing weight then your not in a calorie deficit. If doing keto don't even count the first two weeks of WEIGHT loss as it's just glycogen and water your losing. Weigh and track EVERYTHING you put into your mouth and if you have your calories figured out so that you are in a calorie deficit then you will drop BODYFAT.
I started GH and my goal is to maintain muscle and drop BF to 12%. I'm currently at 15% and it's been really hard to break this (even with keto)
I'm 51 years old. TRT is 200 mg test and 100mg Deca per week. I am adding 4IU GH (2IU qam, 2 IU qpm). I am also on 1000mg Metformin long acting.
I'm 237 pounds. I'm very muscular with abs lightly showing but I would like to reduce my BF percent.
I am eating a lot of meat and keep my carbs low (25 grams non-workout day) and (75 grams on work out days).
I'm concerned that I am not eating enough carbs. The carbs are all high quality, no junk.
With GH, should I be altering my nutrition?
Thank You!

Carbs will help, not hinder fat loss as long as you are in a deficit.

Sufficient Carbs keep your leptin higher. You will need good leptin levels to STAY Lean. No point in getting as lean as you want just to gain it all back like 90% of people do.

Leptin is the master regulator of "weight" its what makes fat loss and maintenance so diffficult. Use it to your advantage. As you get leaner, you produce less leptin, keeping carbs higher keeps leptin higher.

Leptin is what makes you feel satisfied after a big meal and also why you get cravings and feel like shit as you get leaner. It regulates appetite and metabolism.

GH will definitely help with fat loss and more importantly maintenance of a lean state once achieved.
Airman basically laid it out already but here goes. If you really want to figure it out weigh yourself every day same time first thing in the morning. Keep track of a 7 day rolling average. Now log all you food during this time as well. Maybe try and not eat out and make all your food for one month minimum. Eat at least 250g Protein, I'd prefer in a fat loss attempt to go even higher at around 300g and then fill out the rest of your calories with carbs or fat whichever is the most satisfying to you. Pay attention to the foods that make you feel the best and digest good. In addition to the calorie deficit, you need to try and train with the same intensity and attempt to keep your strength as high as possible. This will be critical to holding on to as much muscle as possible. Make sure to drink lots of water, salt your meals and get as much quality sleep as possible. After one week see if you are losing any weight and adjust the calories (keep the protein the same) according to your goals. It is really not the drugs or supplements when we're just talking about getting lean (high single digits). Also if not already taking a fiber supplement, I highly recommend it.
I have been weighing myself weekly and taking BF% but I'll adjust to daily. My food intake:
Breakfast is 40-50 grams Micellar protein with Leucine and Fiber (metamucil)
2 hours later (4 whole eggs and 1-2 piece multi grain tost)
3 hours later, 8 ounce meat (chicken, beef)
dinner (8-10 ounce meat with 30 grams carb (rice)
Intra-workout (50 grams whey isolate and other powder goodies
3 hours later (8 ounce meat) done with carbs
Maybe one more protein which is usually Greek yogurt

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