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GH and Diet

If your not losing weight then your not in a calorie deficit. If doing keto don't even count the first two weeks of WEIGHT loss as it's just glycogen and water your losing. Weigh and track EVERYTHING you put into your mouth and if you have your calories figured out so that you are in a calorie deficit then you will drop BODYFAT.
My BF% is dropping. I'm not tracking food but I will start. Thanks
Carbs will help, not hinder fat loss as long as you are in a deficit.

Sufficient Carbs keep your leptin higher. You will need good leptin levels to STAY Lean. No point in getting as lean as you want just to gain it all back like 90% of people do.

Leptin is the master regulator of "weight" its what makes fat loss and maintenance so diffficult. Use it to your advantage. As you get leaner, you produce less leptin, keeping carbs higher keeps leptin higher.

Leptin is what makes you feel satisfied after a big meal and also why you get cravings and feel like shit as you get leaner. It regulates appetite and metabolism.

GH will definitely help with fat loss and more importantly maintenance of a lean state once achieved.
I feel that I do need to raise my carbs. I'll start counting food as Bad-boy mentioned and go from there. Food is hard for me. I try to get the protein in,, my appetite has always been low. I force myself now just to get protein in. I feel at 51 years old, my metabolism is lower. In my 30-40, all I needed to do was reduce carbs and I got to 12% BF quickly. Much appreciate the replies and I will post updates.
I feel that I do need to raise my carbs. I'll start counting food as Bad-boy mentioned and go from there. Food is hard for me. I try to get the protein in,, my appetite has always been low. I force myself now just to get protein in. I feel at 51 years old, my metabolism is lower. In my 30-40, all I needed to do was reduce carbs and I got to 12% BF quickly. Much appreciate the replies and I will post updates.
How much protein are you going for? Most guys are eating too much protein. If you are cutting 1 g per lbs of lean body mass is usually enough and if maintaining or bulking you need even less.

Eating too much protein makes it harder for someone with low appetite as it's very filling.
How much protein are you going for? Most guys are eating too much protein. If you are cutting 1 g per lbs of lean body mass is usually enough and if maintaining or bulking you need even less.

Eating too much protein makes it harder for someone with low appetite as it's very filling.
Where do you come up with most guys eat too much protein?
I'm getting around 200 grams. I'm starting T3 today and I'll raise my morning fasted cardio to 45 minutes and maybe add a second cardio session.
I'm making progress. So much experience here that I am looking for any positive adjustments. I've gotten great feedback that I'm implementing now. I might look for someone to help make a diet plan for me. Well worth the money. At 51, just a different game then when I was younger.....
Where do you come up with most guys eat too much protein?

I was thinking the same thing.

High protein is good for bulking and cutting. Protein has the building blocks for muscle… carbs and fat don’t.
I'm getting around 200 grams. I'm starting T3 today and I'll raise my morning fasted cardio to 45 minutes and maybe add a second cardio session.
I'm making progress. So much experience here that I am looking for any positive adjustments. I've gotten great feedback that I'm implementing now. I might look for someone to help make a diet plan for me. Well worth the money. At 51, just a different game then when I was younger.....
Let me tell you something from someone who will be 63 next month. I don't do any cardio and I am very lean. It is mostly nutrition that makes you look one way or another and being consistent at it. If you are doing 1 and 1/2 cardio, you need to look at your diet more. Start logging it on an app like myfitnesspal. Do you take GH? I might not be able to lift the same heavy weights when I was young, but still have intense workouts and good metabolism because of my diet.
I have been weighing myself weekly and taking BF% but I'll adjust to daily. My food intake:
Breakfast is 40-50 grams Micellar protein with Leucine and Fiber (metamucil)
2 hours later (4 whole eggs and 1-2 piece multi grain tost)
3 hours later, 8 ounce meat (chicken, beef)
dinner (8-10 ounce meat with 30 grams carb (rice)
Intra-workout (50 grams whey isolate and other powder goodies
3 hours later (8 ounce meat) done with carbs
Maybe one more protein which is usually Greek yogurt
The reason I like to look at a 7 day average is it’s very possible to have a day or two with a large fluctuation in water weight. It could be from inflammation, lack of sleep, digestion issues, all sorts. Scale weight is only one metric to consider assuming we are shooting for an overall body composition goal.
I was thinking the same thing.

High protein is good for bulking and cutting. Protein has the building blocks for muscle… carbs and fat don’t.
I posted something the other day on IG…. Something to the effect of.. “All my OG Mentors all push high protein (1.5-2g per pound) and I’ve never seen anyone with an impressive physique who said they lowered their protein intake and their physique improved”. I realize there are exceptions and statements like these can be picked apart. This was also directed at the lifestyle/gym rat population. Personally when I’m eating at maintenance I’m 300-350g per day and 205-210lb body weight.
Your body can only use so much protein. Most guys don't need the +200 grams they are consuming. It's just more work for kidneys. Too much protein, too little carbs.
How much protein are you going for? Most guys are eating too much protein. If you are cutting 1 g per lbs of lean body mass is usually enough and if maintaining or bulking you need even less.

Eating too much protein makes it harder for someone with low appetite as it's very filling.
1g per pound of bodyweight is for natural weightlifters who haven’t reached their genetic potential yet.

If you’re on PED’s then 1.5-3g is preferred if your trying to put on mass!

Try Tirzepatide with HGH.

In all seriousness though 85%of being lean is knowing what you’re ACTUALLY eating. It’s way too easy to be off half a serving size here and there which easily accounts for 300+ cals a day in some cases.
My BF% is dropping. I'm not tracking food but I will start. Thanks
I'm not tracking food ^^^^^ that's speaks VOLUMES
I posted something the other day on IG…. Something to the effect of.. “All my OG Mentors all push high protein (1.5-2g per pound) and I’ve never seen anyone with an impressive physique who said they lowered their protein intake and their physique improved”. I realize there are exceptions and statements like these can be picked apart. This was also directed at the lifestyle/gym rat population. Personally when I’m eating at maintenance I’m 300-350g per day and 205-210lb body weight.
How much of your protein comes from supplements? To get the protein recommended, that's a lot of food.. Thanks
How much of your protein comes from supplements? To get the protein recommended, that's a lot of food.. Thanks
I get around 300g from whole food sources. I usually have a couple cups of Fairlife milk, maybe 2 scoops of whey, and an occasional bar. If you have MyFitnessPal you can view my whole food diary. I am the same username there. I was only averaging around 300g but started adding a shake in the last week bumping things to around 350g.
I get around 300g from whole food sources. I usually have a couple cups of Fairlife milk, maybe 2 scoops of whey, and an occasional bar. If you have MyFitnessPal you can view my whole food diary. I am the same username there. I was only averaging around 300g but started adding a shake in the last week bumping things to around 350g.
I should add the numbers I speak of personally is total protein not just the number from animal sources.
I get around 300g from whole food sources. I usually have a couple cups of Fairlife milk, maybe 2 scoops of whey, and an occasional bar. If you have MyFitnessPal you can view my whole food diary. I am the same username there. I was only averaging around 300g but started adding a shake in the last week bumping things to around 350g.
I downloaded the app and sent a request. Appreciate the help
I'm not tracking food ^^^^^ that's speaks VOLUMES
I second this.

Before # of carbs, protein, gh, t3, cycle , cardio... The most important thing is to know how many calories your eating and reduce if your not losing weight.

Trying to lose weight without tracking calories is like reading a book in the dark.
Your body can only use so much protein. Most guys don't need the +200 grams they are consuming. It's just more work for kidneys. Too much protein, too little carbs.
Muscle is metabolically demanding. Staying lean and muscluar isnt natural.The body is constantly turning muscle tissue over. When you're above your "natural" limit you need more protein than a natural athlete just to hold onto lean tissue. The older you get the more you need. It's been proven ages ago protein dosnt damage healthy kidneys. It's an issue if you damage them some other way.

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