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GHRP6 without hunger?


New member
Aug 30, 2010
got my peptide in last night, tried 100mcg and did not feel hungry at all. Bad peptide? or is this normal for some people? i took it 3 hours after a meal and didnt feel like eating for along time after the injection.
GHRP6 is the less likely of the bunch to cause the hunger issue so that doesnt mean its bad. Its GHRP 2 that generally speaking causes the hungryness.
For me its GHRP 6 that not only causes the hunger but a bit of stomach upset. It takes about 10 days of use then it goes a way. I hardly any hunger increase with GHRP 2.

If you have ordered from a sponser, I don't think its an issue of being real. People are affected it different ways to different things.
GHRP6 is the less likely of the bunch to cause the hunger issue so that doesnt mean its bad. Its GHRP 2 that generally speaking causes the hungryness.

this is not true, the ghrp6 causes substantially larger hunger issues compared to to ghrp2
For me its GHRP 6 that not only causes the hunger but a bit of stomach upset. It takes about 10 days of use then it goes a way. I hardly any hunger increase with GHRP 2.

If you have ordered from a sponser, I don't think its an issue of being real. People are affected it different ways to different things.


I had a lot of hunger the first several days using ipamorelin and it's not supposed to cause hunger. I've had feelings of euphoria taking ipa/cjc with GH and melatonin at times and other times felt zilch. Hunger, pleasure, nausea etc. are all things that come and go and our reactions will vary with experiences. You just never know sometimes.
no hunger increase for me on the ghrp6
this is not true, the ghrp6 causes substantially larger hunger issues compared to to ghrp2

What he said. GHRP-6 is know for its hunger inducing and gastric emptying side effects...Not in everyone obviously...Sometimes I get the sides, sometimes I don't....
GHRP2 makes me hungry just about everytime a minute or so after pinning..I cant imagine how much more hungry I 'd be with the ghrp6..gonna have to find out..
no hunger either

No hunger for me either, none at all. I know it is real stuff to b/c my fingers were tingling the other night.
What he said. GHRP-6 is know for its hunger inducing and gastric emptying side effects...Not in everyone obviously...Sometimes I get the sides, sometimes I don't....

Agreed. I get hunger pains every time I run GHRP-6 for at least the first 7-10 days. With that being said, I would not use that as a measure of potency. Each person is going to have slightly different sides, if any.

I have never personally experienced gastric emptying but I know some do.
100mcg isn't much. I ran it for a while and I needed 250mcg to really feel the hunger issue.
Agreed. I get hunger pains every time I run GHRP-6 for at least the first 7-10 days. With that being said, I would not use that as a measure of potency. Each person is going to have slightly different sides, if any.

I have never personally experienced gastric emptying but I know some do.

Exactly. There are times when I really have to run to the bathroom after taking a peptide shot. And, then for days I don't get this kind of side effect. I'm not talking pgf2a type bathroom sides, just mild laxative type stuff.
got my peptide in last night, tried 100mcg and did not feel hungry at all. Bad peptide? or is this normal for some people? i took it 3 hours after a meal and didnt feel like eating for along time after the injection.

1. 100 mcg does not seem like a very high dose

2. It is definitely possible for the peptide(s) to suppress hunger. I don't have experience with GHRP-6, but HGH, and mostly recently CJC-1295/GHRP-2, have greatly suppressed my hunger, by >67% per day! [Then again, I have some unique genetics in this regard… according to the literature, and from most have said, these peptides typically increase appetite]

I'm guessing, (in terms of effects on hunger), that these peptides are acting as weak/partial agonists at the ghrelin receptor in those who experience decreased appetite. Using the good ol' lock n' key model, this might be like gently opening a door (effect from peptides) vs. slamming it the fuck open (effect from ghrelin, in a person with ghrelin/ghrelin-receptor imbalance(s)). But in a normal person, the agnostic effects of the peptides, (in terms of hunger/appetite), are more potent compared to endogenous ghrelin (thus increased perception of hunger). This is likely an oversimplification, but then again, so is whole lock n' key model…
okay thankyou for replies guys, i just found it strange that i was missing the most noticeable and most popular side effect. I didnt think i was getting the right stuff. its upsetting that i am 1 in the 100 that have immunity to the peptide
okay thankyou for replies guys, i just found it strange that i was missing the most noticeable and most popular side effect. I didnt think i was getting the right stuff. its upsetting that i am 1 in the 100 that have immunity to the peptide

just be lucky you aren't the 1 in 100 whose balls fall off and anus explodes.

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