Written from the same guy who wrote DNP for Dummies.
This is just a narrative of my own best experiences with this, for those who don't want to trust
the capping of a source, or can obtain raw powder on their own. How you obtain that is up to
you; I won't even hint at a source for it.
Another advantage to self-capping is that you can use useful filler instead of just corn starch. For
example, I fill mine with 250mg DNP and the rest with fruit antioxidant powder --that's IN
ADDITION to the caps full of fruit antioxidants I take 2-3x day anyways. Or you could use alpha
lipoic acid, or grape seed extract, or ellagic acid, or whatever useful product you'd like.
While cap-m-quik machines are standard, I personally prefer another device from
www.capsuleconnection.com called the "Capping machine," size 0. The reason is this: the capping
machine will apply capsules tops automatically in a one-motion press of the top tray, instead of
having to hand-apply each capsule top one at a time with the cap-m-quik. That minimizes spilled
powder and doesn't exspose your hands to 50 individual opened capsules. Be sure to practice a
lot of times first so you'll get the smooth, even pressure motion down. Otherwise you'll inevitably
crush and break a few capsules. Hint: don't overfill them (too much filler squeezes rhe sides
outward, making them harder to cap properly).
DNP will stain anything vivid yellow even in proximity; hands look like you've been drawn all over
by a highlighter pen. I had no trouble removing most stains with a fast trip to soap and water,
but protective gloves are essential. Regular latex examination gloves are cheap and easy to get;
wear double layers. Surgical gloves are more expensive and harder to find, but better protection -a
single pair will protect you (thanks, Elite bros, for this tip!).
You'll need a precise--PRECISE--scale. My choice; the MX-120 digital scale, $38 from
www.americanweigh.com. Deering beam scales are also fine.
The capping machine makes 24 capsules at once. Here's how to make 24 capsules of 250mg DNP
with other filler of your choice
This begins with exactly 6 grams of DNP, which will divide into 250mg (6/24). Each size 0 capsule
holds about 300-500mg total, so you'll need about 8 grams total, so that means you'll add 2
grams of filler. I made a mix of exactly 6 grams DNP and 2 grams fruit antioxidants. These 8
grams fit PERFECTLY into the size 0 capsules with no leftover, creating 24 capsules of 350mg
(volume and weight are different; even though size 0 says it'll hold up to 500mg, 8 grams of my
powder was a precise fill).
I'll omit directions on how to operate the machine.
Each capsule weighed exactly 400mg total, including the gelatin cover, when it was finished. It
took 5 minutes.
For a cap-m-quik, if you insist on using it, here are size 0 calculations:
50 capsules will take 10 grams of DNP, or exactly 200mg DNP per capsule. Since each capsule
will actually hold 350-400mg, you'll need to add 7.5 grams of extra powder to create the 17.5
grams that will evenly fill 50 capsules at 350mg each.
Expect to lose a small amount of powder as you individually cap each capsule; this is neglibile
I'd just discard it.