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H.I.T Real or Fake?


Nov 23, 2006
Hey have a quick question I usually trained 2 body parts per day then
i heard that the body needs time to recover and it will be better if a worked 1 bodypart per day know am hearing that if i trained Mon,Wens,Fri 3 bodypart
high in intensity and only 1 working set i would shock my muscle and make them grow.

I kind of feel weird going only 3 times per week especially on gear what do you guys think?

Has anyone tried H.I.T before?
I was using HIT before my hernia, I also write down my progress. I noticed that for the first 3 months everything size, and weight continued to climb. Now it may be due to changing routines but I have a lot of faith in it.
H.I.T. is IMHO one of the best things to happen to training ideology ever. One set taken to complete muscular failure is all that is needed to turn on "the growth process" anything more is overtraining in a sense.

although it is completely foreign to everything we learn as young gym rats it works and most importantly it is backed by science. this isnt arnold's 95 set bicep blast. its real world PROVEN techniques!

if you fear the one set to failure check out Big A's post for beginners (not saying this applies to you ness.) it has an AWESOME program that adds a few extra sets but keeps it within reason and common sense.

Even on the gear the body must recover! remember that your body doesnt care wether its a biceps day or a leg day your body recovers systematically. In the words of pete sisco "...every day is a kidney day."

a great program you might look into is Mike Mentzer's Consolidated routine outlined in The wisdom of Mike Mentzer copyright aside the program consists of only two exercises, one set of each, to failure. A total of two sets per workout, two workouts. Mentzer noted gains as high as "-five pounds in three weeks" (after raising the client's rest period between lifts. I am also assuming this client was NOT on AAS due to the increased rest resulting in gains) Although the recovery period would be lowered drastically (he outlines i believe between 7-14 days rest between workouts) due to enhanced recovery from your injectable vitamins.

Although Arthur Jones outlines Full body routines because he felt if the body recovered systematically then why wouldnt logic tell us to train this way. while this theory is well founded and makes sense I find full body workouts far too exausting to preform and by the end find myself ready to collapse.
being that i completely missed the target on that post lol I recommend the MWF routine as you stated.

in the event that reps or weights fail to increase for at least 3 exercises i would increase rest by one day between lifts.

try some high intensity techniques to beef up the "single set" but beware because these are increasing the inroad on your system and the recovery ness. for growth to begin.
to hit or not to hit?

hit worked very well for me for about 2 mo. I belive it was from the incresed recovery and decreased cns overload that regular training caused. I dont know too many people that have stayed on this hit training for years and had the same gains it showed in the begining. I do however like seing science behind what I am doing, that is what led me to the hit in the first place.

you will hear this is better and that is better for a million reasons, try it out and see what works for you bro.

I have noticed my beat and most consistent gains on aa routine of traing by feel. take rest days when needed, the body dosent know if it is wed and its time to hit legs. it does however give you signs of over training and a taxed cns. these signs shoild be carefully taken into consideration befor going to the gym. my bodu can usually handle no more than 2 days on befor it needs a day rest to recover. I can also tell by my appetite.
Do asearch under my username to get the real story on Mentzer (whom I knew), Jones, Nautilus (where I was trained before they moved from FL), and the so-called Casey Viator experiment.

I'm not going to go through all this again, but HIT as practiced by Jones/Mentzer, and SuperSlow in particular leaves a lot to be desired. As a change-up for variety, sure maybe, but "the one and only valid method of training" - hardly.

The only guy I know who's solved some of the gaping holes in HIT is DC.
I agree that HIT is a really good program in the short term as it gives those who have trained high volume for a while a chance to let their body rest and recover all the while stimulating the muscles to grow. However, like has been said many times in the past, there is no one workout program that will make you a monster... There are alot of different things that factor into the equation such as supplementation, diet and genetics... Just because some make great gains on HIT does not necessarily mean that it will be the same with you...
That having been said, I firmly believe that Dante has the right idea when it comes to putting on mass... His program incorporates all of the above and even brings in cruise periods so that the body has time to rest and recover before going at it again... If I were gonna choose a program to put on as much size as possible it would be DC hands down... However, it is NOT EASY!! The program is hard and will take your full amount of effort to get the full benefits of the program.. Go over to www.intensemuscle.com and do some research... It has worked wonders for my physique...
Dad said:
Do asearch under my username to get the real story on Mentzer (whom I knew), Jones, Nautilus (where I was trained before they moved from FL), and the so-called Casey Viator experiment.

I'm not going to go through all this again, but HIT as practiced by Jones/Mentzer, and SuperSlow in particular leaves a lot to be desired. As a change-up for variety, sure maybe, but "the one and only valid method of training" - hardly.

The only guy I know who's solved some of the gaping holes in HIT is DC.

Am trying to do a search but i cant find any thing on hit
Dad said:
Do asearch under my username to get the real story on Mentzer (whom I knew), Jones, Nautilus (where I was trained before they moved from FL), and the so-called Casey Viator experiment.

I'm not going to go through all this again, but HIT as practiced by Jones/Mentzer, and SuperSlow in particular leaves a lot to be desired. As a change-up for variety, sure maybe, but "the one and only valid method of training" - hardly.

The only guy I know who's solved some of the gaping holes in HIT is DC.

You hit the nail right on the head Dad. HIT does have it's place in bodybuilding but it's not the only way to train. I've found it very effective in areas where my schedule allows for little time to train and made nice progress. My training routine now is DC style and the gains I'm making from it are some of the best in my life, I just need to work on the diet portion:cool:
HIT has alot of great concepts. Although Mentzers ideas I dont like for the most part. Low volume, training to failure is always a nice way to get stronger and increase hypertrophy.
so should i try looking at Dc instead of H.I.T

I train by myself so its kind of hard to go heavy if am using free weights
so i stick to machines

i was normally training 2 bodyparts per day 5 days a week for one year didnt do to bad but didnt grow like i wanted to then i heard that dorian said it was better if we trained one bodypart per day so i was doing that for 4-5months
now am trying H.I.T this is the first week and i feel that its to little and i feel i could do more i have only been training for a year and 11 months

150lbs to 190lbs back down to 170lbs now 185lbs and rising
please very confused with training regimen to choose
Very true but as Dante says many are not able to give it everything so they should do something scaled down until they gain experience. Most people are too proud to accept this however.
HIT in its core is also supposed to be 100%. I cant comment on the effectivness of "DC" but i can say you need to be commited and give 110% to recieve gains off HIT or "DC" as it sounds from the others speaking on it.
GeorgeMiami said:
so should i try looking at Dc instead of H.I.T

I train by myself so its kind of hard to go heavy if am using free weights
so i stick to machines

i was normally training 2 bodyparts per day 5 days a week for one year didnt do to bad but didnt grow like i wanted to then i heard that dorian said it was better if we trained one bodypart per day so i was doing that for 4-5months
now am trying H.I.T this is the first week and i feel that its to little and i feel i could do more i have only been training for a year and 11 months

150lbs to 190lbs back down to 170lbs now 185lbs and rising
please very confused with training regimen to choose

bro, if your growing on any program dont change it, its a pretty simple concept. I train a certian way untill I stop growing like I want, then switch it up. Like high volume maybe 15-20 set per bodypart 5 days a week for a while then a few months after will go med volume 8-12 sets maybe 2-3 days on and a day or two off, just change it up. also get off the machines they will slow your progress, there should only be a few sets in a workout you fell you need a spotter( not using hit or dc) so just change up the rest days ,exersizes, and sets and I'l bet you'll grow
You feel weird going 3x per week ?

HIT is great maintenance for your physique or if you have time constraints.

I trained 5-6x PER MONTH for the past 7 months and actually gained a couple pounds of lean mass.

I was going to start a thread about it, but didn't feel like getting into the usual HIT debate that comes with it.
If you have been lifting balls to the wall for a few years and have just become stagnant with your results, then I say go with DC... However, I will say that it is hard as shit, but nothing will put the size on you like Dante's program... Even if you train by yourself (although, it would be nice to have a partner to push you and spot you) you can still do DC.... Just incorporate more machines such as hammer strength and a smith machine... As I am sure everyone who is doing DC will tell you it has just as much to do with your diet as it does with your training... Mainly, YOU HAVE TO EAT and then EAT SOMEMORE!!! But it works!! My advice is if you are truly serious, I would e-mail Dante and talk with him... There is no better way to find out than from the man himself...

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