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has anyone here lost 40lbs or more?


New member
Apr 28, 2009
i need to hear from someone who has also lost a lot of weight.

I, myself, have lost 45lbs in about 4-5 months. Mostly due to carb dieting. What i am very concerned about is the 100lbs that i've also lost off my bench. Ok, its maybe not 100lbs, but close. I used to weigh 270 and could put up 425. Now im 225 and im seriously struggling with 315! I used to get 405 without any gear... but i ate whatever i wanted. All my other lifts are down as well. I tried adding more carbs in, up to 300 per day for an entire week.... had no effect! So now im starting to think there is something wrong with me.... like maybe i have cancer, or some kind of muscle disorder.

can someone tell me if this kind of strength loss is normal?
i need to hear from someone who has also lost a lot of weight.

I, myself, have lost 45lbs in about 4-5 months. Mostly due to carb dieting. What i am very concerned about is the 100lbs that i've also lost off my bench. Ok, its maybe not 100lbs, but close. I used to weigh 270 and could put up 425. Now im 225 and im seriously struggling with 315! I used to get 405 without any gear... but i ate whatever i wanted. All my other lifts are down as well. I tried adding more carbs in, up to 300 per day for an entire week.... had no effect! So now im starting to think there is something wrong with me.... like maybe i have cancer, or some kind of muscle disorder.

can someone tell me if this kind of strength loss is normal?

I lost 46lbs in 14 weeks. My strength decreased pretty good, but I didn't give a shit. I would much rather have the look I have now. FYI. Since loosing it 15 months ago. I have put back on 10lbs solid and my lifts are pretty much back.
^^^ thank god! thanks for your reply. I was really beginning to think there is something wrong with me.

I also like the way i look now. I think its worth the strength sacrifice. But i was just really starting to freak out about the strength loss.
My introduction to the bodybuilding lifestyle came after a 75 pound weight loss, when I began to search forums like these (we were all newbies once!) on how to gain muscle mass without backtracking on my hard work. I've never naturally benched 405 like you, but I too was a big strong guy. During my period of weight loss I kept my eye on the prize, and let go of any hope of making anything resembling strength gain. I would guess a 80lb. loss on my bench (using bench because you used it as an example). It was always a bit heartbreaking to KNOW you are making progress towards your goal, yet the numbers keep falling, but like what was said above - you have to remind yourself of how good it's going to feel when you accomplish what you set out to do.
If I was you I wouldn't be switching nutritional habits up if you are still making progress in the battle against body fat. My little trick behind not getting pissed about the loss of strength was to really look forward to the few body weight exercises in my program. As a fat guy pullups and dips are like bad words, but when you drop body fat, they start to be a lot more rewarding and fun.
I've been there too brother, it's no fun. Best of luck to you.
I lost 85lbs. Yes, your strength will suffer a good bit.

From 270 down to 195 (injury+job stress+joined a rowing team), Im back to 225 now. But I lost and a looooota muscle and strength on the way down.

Being skinny was a magical time and had a lesson to remember: Abs = Ass. You got one, ya get the other :D

Enjoy your health Bro, and remember, you are still stronger than 99% of the public.
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I lost close to 80 lbs, and got progressively stronger over an 11 month period, gaing over 100 lbs to a squat rep max. Check your diet and supps.
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I was trainer for 9 years before I goat fat in real estate. You are the exception not the rule. 99% will loose significan strength with large weight loss even with gear. I was doing low dose test and gh during a good portion of my weight loss, and I had a great diet, and still lost strength. Once again you are an exception not the rule.
^^^^^You can certainly lose weight and keep or increase your strength. I did the same as Diesel when dieting with Shelby. It wasn't until the final 4-5 weeks of a 16 week diet that I began to lose strength and that was primarily due to extending my caloric deficit and large increase of cardio. I would also assume switching to a no carb diet played a large role.

I believe it is very large in part to your diet and supplementation. Phil Hernon also has guys getting stronger and leaner so it's certainly something that can be done if you have your diet right.
Cutting the fat too low zaps my strength. That's why I like CKD's.
I have lost over 30 with 3 weeks. BUT it was do to an illness I went through a couple years ago. I went to 103 lbs, now I am 165 lbs. When I got out of the hospital, I could only curl 20 lb DB, bench press 105 lb and squat 115. VERY VERY embarrasing. I think the pictures of when I was 104 is more embarressing than anything. I keep them to look back on and tell me self, all the hard work was worth it.

What am I trying to get to? Get back in there, train your ass off, eat smart and never stop.
i need to hear from someone who has also lost a lot of weight.

I, myself, have lost 45lbs in about 4-5 months. Mostly due to carb dieting. What i am very concerned about is the 100lbs that i've also lost off my bench. Ok, its maybe not 100lbs, but close. I used to weigh 270 and could put up 425. Now im 225 and im seriously struggling with 315! I used to get 405 without any gear... but i ate whatever i wanted. All my other lifts are down as well. I tried adding more carbs in, up to 300 per day for an entire week.... had no effect! So now im starting to think there is something wrong with me.... like maybe i have cancer, or some kind of muscle disorder.

can someone tell me if this kind of strength loss is normal?

Hey bro i am in the same boat as you. Last year i was 270...benching 495,315 behind the neck presses for 10-12,squatting 495 x 10....THEN......torn pec, and lost my job.......then a little depression. I went down to 205. I am back to 230, but its not the same...shit just feels heavy now. 315 on the flat feels like a ton...even thoug i can do 10 fairly easily....it just feels so heavy. I am trying to get back up in body weight. I thought i would like to get to 270, but now i think 250 is good for me. I can be strong,fast , and flexible at 250. I just hope that this feeling of everything feeling so heavy goes away.
LOL, You guys are worry about your strength. Don't get older, you will not be as strong or will have severe joint problems. I rather look and feel good. You can always lie about how strong you are, but can never lie about how good you look.;)
LOL, You guys are worry about your strength. Don't get older, you will not be as strong or will have severe joint problems. I rather look and feel good. You can always lie about how strong you are, but can never lie about how good you look.;)

what a great quote! :)
i went down from 283 19% bf to 256 15% bf right now in less than 4 weeks all im doing is following big a's diet for "getting ready for competion" but im following to a T. really fkng tiresome. got 5 more weeks to go
LOL, You guys are worry about your strength. Don't get older, you will not be as strong or will have severe joint problems. I rather look and feel good. You can always lie about how strong you are, but can never lie about how good you look.;)

i work out for power...im not a bb, but i do care how i look. being that i am never fat looking...power is my motivation. To each their own :)
I lost alot cutting carbs.. 265 to 225ish.

After that I never wanted to bulk up with so much carbs..

Strength not as bad as size loss. :(
LOL, You guys are worry about your strength. Don't get older, you will not be as strong or will have severe joint problems. I rather look and feel good. You can always lie about how strong you are, but can never lie about how good you look.;)

I rather have the muscle definitions than the strength. Well said Pesty!
Lost over 100 and gained about 15-20 lean. I started working out at 310 with a unknown BF.
Lost 60+lbs for my last contest. Was ridiculous at 237lbs and wish I would have never bulked that much with such a lack of quality.

Lost with Chicken and Fish/EVOO diet and some protein shakes and LBA's.

Strength really did not noticeably fall until a few weeks before contest, but nothing extreme. Actually as I lost weight I became stronger, esp. around 200-185. I think it can be natural to lose some strentgth. Depends on how much body fat you have, how much you have lost and your conditioning, energy levels at new weight, current diet ............. many variables.

Find a healthy weight for your body type and work from there about maintaining weight and getting stronger.
Was ridiculous at 237lbs and wish I would have never bulked that much with such a lack of quality.

Was it something like this? :D

**broken link removed**
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