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Have any of you gotten Agression from just Test?


Active member
Dec 23, 2007
Excess testosterone is thought to cause aggression, but I never saw anyone experience increased aggression from just test. Yes Tren does make you more of a dick and so do many other AAS, but not test IMO.

Has this too been your experience? If so, the portion of test that converts to DHT should at least cause aggression, but if anything test makes you mellower I think.

What you think?
if any steroid makes you aggressive it means you shouldn't take anything - steroids are for people who can control their emotions and if you are guided by emotions you are not behaving like a human being you are just like an animal 🤷🏻‍♂️
Took the words out of my mouth. If you can’t handle your emotions, don’t take the drugs.
You guys are making a general statement that is completely unrelated to the question asked
No I have never gotten increased aggression from any drug personally if that helps. I feel mentally honestly the same on all drugs (though I have never tried halo…)

The only thing that tends to make me feel edgier is lack of enough food over an extended period of time.
No I have never gotten increased aggression from any drug personally if that helps. I feel mentally honestly the same on all drugs (though I have never tried halo…)

The only thing that tends to make me feel edgier is lack of enough food over an extended period of time.
Appreciate it
Only ever noticed aggression when my BP was elevated. Haven't had that issue in years now. Even at slightly under 2g test, zero issue.
Only ever noticed aggression when my BP was elevated. Haven't had that issue in years now. Even at slightly under 2g test, zero issue.
I can see low blood sugar cause aggression, but high BP cam from left field. Very interesting
No I have never gotten increased aggression from any drug personally if that helps. I feel mentally honestly the same on all drugs (though I have never tried halo…)

The only thing that tends to make me feel edgier is lack of enough food over an extended period of time.
Agreement. Only hunger on a hard diet will affect my behavior. Otherwise, I'm good as a lamb on any drug.
Excess testosterone is thought to cause aggression, but I never saw anyone experience increased aggression from just test. Yes Tren does make you more of a dick and so do many other AAS, but not test IMO.

Has this too been your experience? If so, the portion of test that converts to DHT should at least cause aggression, but if anything test makes you mellower I think.

What you think?
Test never changed my attitude.

Tren yes but usually I am dieting on it and also eating less can make you more edgy.

In general it's never anything I can't control
if any steroid makes you aggressive it means you shouldn't take anything - steroids are for people who can control their emotions and if you are guided by emotions you are not behaving like a human being you are just like an animal 🤷🏻‍♂️

What about t3?

And I'm just playing bro. Off another posters claim
if any steroid makes you aggressive it means you shouldn't take anything
Dude, slow down man...You stole my shit, I was just typing that before I caught someone quote you above :LOL::LOL:

I actually feel less aggressive the more I'm on (doesn't matter Test, Tren, Adrol, Dbol, whatever) and the better shape I'm in...I feel more comfortable to handle irritating situations.
Dude, slow down man...You stole my shit, I was just typing that before I caught someone quote you above :LOL::LOL:

I actually feel less aggressive the more I'm on (doesn't matter Test, Tren, Adrol, Dbol, whatever) and the better shape I'm in...I feel more comfortable to handle irritating situations.
Sorry bro 😂
  • Haha
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All the studies i have seen where they try to prove roid rage never panned out. I never lost my temper when i was natural and never did on any compounds. If i choose to fixate on an irritating person or event then i can get pissed for no reason but that is on me. I was raised by this weird guy that thought real men always stay in control. He left it to women and children to act out on their emotions without thinking. Go figure.
Aggressive? No. But things like clen, tren, that affect sleep definitely make me more irritable
Never had any issues at all with test even at 1800mg per week.
Tren definitely affects my attitude but thats the only one
Can only speak to testosterone.

I did when I first started. Most definitely, zero doubt about it.

Once I realized it, short temper, aggressive behavior (no fights 🙁 😉) I was able to control it. I only felt this way at the start and those ‘feelings’ dissipated overtime without my intervention.
The more test I take the more awesome I feel. Just a great overall sense of well-being. Even on a carnivore diet, with zero carbs I don't get aggressive or irritated any more than I usually would. Awesome pumps, good energy, libido. Can't beat test man. Test truly is best in my opinion. The only gear that ever made me irritable was tren and mast, which I don't use either anymore.
Excess testosterone is thought to cause aggression, but I never saw anyone experience increased aggression from just test. Yes Tren does make you more of a dick and so do many other AAS, but not test IMO.

Has this too been your experience? If so, the portion of test that converts to DHT should at least cause aggression, but if anything test makes you mellower I think.

What you think?
What the fuck kind of question is this. We do NOT get aggression from Test damnit!

🤣🤣🤣 fucking with you. I’m safe with anything but tren e. If anything pushes DHT to high though or if you’re naturally aggressive then it’s possible.

If you’re ever unsure, just ask your wife or GF. They’ll be the first to tell you. LOL

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