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Have any of you gotten Agression from just Test?

Dude, slow down man...You stole my shit, I was just typing that before I caught someone quote you above :LOL::LOL:

I actually feel less aggressive the more I'm on (doesn't matter Test, Tren, Adrol, Dbol, whatever) and the better shape I'm in...I feel more comfortable to handle irritating situations.
Yes.. test levels me out.. much more mellow.. I dont use a ton of it.. but at 300 to 400 mgs of test I'm much more even temper wise..
The only anabolic that made me feel " off" was deca or npp.. I love the compounds but woukd get a bit more emotional or even paranoid after a bit..
Now tren was a whole different animal .. feel great for 3 weeks then the roller coaster begins.. even at very low dose.. not worth it..
Waddaya mean off gear people will be better or worse, I don’t follow “fine and dandy” while on in reference to aggression. Not arguing just don’t follow what you’re saying.
Oh i was just thinking about 8 years ago, i thought i would stop taking test was running about 400 a week for a year straight. And man come about the 8 week mark i was so irritable and short tempered lol. I made it about 2 months . Been on 200 mg a week ever since. Im fine and dandy as long as im on my test lol.
Excess testosterone is thought to cause aggression, but I never saw anyone experience increased aggression from just test. Yes Tren does make you more of a dick and so do many other AAS, but not test IMO.

Has this too been your experience? If so, the portion of test that converts to DHT should at least cause aggression, but if anything test makes you mellower I think.

What you think?
Tough to say. Now-a-days here in the States anything above Cuck EMO is considered aggressive. Men are suppose to be more aggressive. That is the nature of man and one of the characteristics imparted on all males of practically all species by testosterone. It's why we aren't as neurotic women, and more extroverted than they are. We take more risks and generally look to carve out a place to earn and climb. Aggressiveness is a necessary element of personality and generally a more significant component of the human male than the female human. Aggressive doesn't mean asshole.
On the other hand, When I decided to do tren for the first time in 20 years about 12 years ago I made all the women in group cry and had to take a management class.
If anything test keeps me happy radiant confident and give me wellbeing

..TEST is such a feel-good!! ..i'm mellow-yellow on TEST
..even high doses feel good
..just increases my focus & purpose

Crystal Ball Says:
"..if basic TEST disturbs you ..you might want to look for another hobby"

Only when I was off for a long time and my test was double digits before the 1 shot..goes away in like a week
For the last few weeks I was running 50-100mg tren ace.
Any amount of measurable tren shortens my fuse. Instead I was calm and focused as could be. Of course I was also hitting 2+ hrs cardio a day.
I only removed the tren the last week as I could feel that weight on my chest. And my cardio intensity was getting lower and lower. While still keeping same duration.
I hit 3hrs stairs yesterday.
1.5hrs in the morning. Boxing.
Then in the evening to prevent me from running the streets(aka chasing new tail), I decide to hit another 1.5hrs on the stairs.
I just keep it between levels 5-7. Sometimes holding the handles. Sometimes not.
I'll lean on the handles every 20mins. Catch my breath for 1-2mins then stand back upright for another 20mins.
Oh i was just thinking about 8 years ago, i thought i would stop taking test was running about 400 a week for a year straight. And man come about the 8 week mark i was so irritable and short tempered lol. I made it about 2 months . Been on 200 mg a week ever since. Im fine and dandy as long as im on my test lol.
Oh yea I came off for fertility and was miserable but I wasn’t aggressive just bitchy
Never got aggressive from any drug

Especially test make me calm

Never got aggressive from any drug

Especially test make me calm

Test yes calm but clen makes me pretty nasty at times though.
You literally just said in this same thread that test makes you violent?
Violent if some one attacks me yes more violent than usual read the post. If I’m just chilling I’m calm as can be you fuck with me off test I’ll be violent on test I’ll over do it and take teeth or other.
I've never had any anabolic effect me mentally in my 13 years of use. Stress, anxiety, anger, aggression, dark thoughts etc...
Nope. Been on for about a year, so not very long but no aggression issues here.
Yes.. test levels me out.. much more mellow.. I dont use a ton of it.. but at 300 to 400 mgs of test I'm much more even temper wise..
300 - 400mg/wk is my sweet spot cruise/trt most of the year. This is where I feel the best, my wellbeing, disposition and energy levels are right on, no aggressive feelings or desires whatsoever.

Now tren was a whole different animal .. feel great for 3 weeks then the roller coaster begins.. even at very low dose.. not worth it..
Same, at any dose the first three weeks are great, then the sides rear their ugly head and yes, I'm noticeably more aggressive internally. I have to stay on top of my emotions to stay calm and centered, always have a level of agitation/irritability inside while on Tren. "Trenbolone stimulates the central nervous system, increasing the production of adrenaline and therefore inducing thermogenesis." Tren always gives me energy, but at the same time consumes mental energy, that coupled with the insomnia makes me a mean motherfucker.
Tren is the only thing that makes me more likely to take that aggression which i may normally have under certain circumstances but take it to another level.

Im a very calm and passive person 99% of the time. There are times though as in every persons life where events unfpld that just piss them off and i notice these times are definitely increased severly when using tren.
Not even deca ??
Deca seems like a dark thought in a bottle.
Nope. Deca and Tren are my two main Blasters. Other side effects I have to mitigate but nothing mentally changes me or how I act.

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