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Hawthorn Berry and blood pressure (some info included)

Big Dave Smith

Featured Member / Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 22, 2006
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Found this. I've been using Hawthorn berry for the last few weeks. I don't know if it's a placebo, but I definitely notice a calming effect. I am currently on an ACE inhibitor, as I have a history of high BP (started when I was 13 or 14). Seems like good stuff. I'm around 270lbs right now, so I do my best to keep heart healthy.

What else is good for blood pressure/heart health that you guys take? Anything definitively proven? I'm almost convinced on hawthorn, even though I haven't actually measured the numbers. I certainly sleep better.
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Found this. I've been using Hawthorn berry for the last few weeks. I don't know if it's a placebo, but I definitely notice a calming effect. I am currently on an ACE inhibitor, as I have a history of high BP (started when I was 13 or 14). Seems like good stuff. I'm around 270lbs right now, so I do my best to keep heart healthy.

What else is good for blood pressure/heart health that you guys take? Anything definitively proven? I'm almost convinced on hawthorn, even though I haven't actually measured the numbers. I certainly sleep better.

Make sure you are using a hawthorne extract, I use NSI brand....

In addition to that the cardio protective supps I take are:

fish oil
magnesium oratate (cardio mag2.0)
garlic standardized for allicin content
baby aspirin

I also am prescribed avapro, a generic ARB blood pressure med that helps with reversal of LVH...left ventricular hypertrophy
Hawthorn berry is the best thing i've used for BP. I take around 4.5grams per day. I noticed a huge diff in bp. I go through so much of it I get it here. Cheap too and works.
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Hawthorn berry is the best thing i've used for BP. I take around 4.5grams per day. I noticed a huge diff in bp. I go through so much of it I get it here. Cheap too and works.
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Are you preparing this in any way, I see the site is referring to brewing as tea and tinture, or are you consuming it as the powder?
I just started hawthorn berry as well and have noticed a calming effect. Havent checked my BP but I just feel overall healthier and better. I like the fact that its so cheap, 3.99 at bb.com for 100 caps
Are you preparing this in any way, I see the site is referring to brewing as tea and tinture, or are you consuming it as the powder?

they have the berries and the powder. I just order the powder. It looks and tastes just like what would be in a capsule. I just usually scoop out like a 1/4tsp a few times a day and just chase it down with a shake or something. I do it that was with a lot of powders like milk thistle, coq10, tumeric,etc..
Nice little thread. A lot of guys bash herbs because many are weak, but some actually work very well.
Nice little thread. A lot of guys bash herbs because many are weak, but some actually work very well.

agreed. i think its b/c doses need to be much higher than what companies put on the bottles.
they have the berries and the powder. I just order the powder. It looks and tastes just like what would be in a capsule. I just usually scoop out like a 1/4tsp a few times a day and just chase it down with a shake or something. I do it that was with a lot of powders like milk thistle, coq10, tumeric,etc..

Thanks - it's good to hear that taking the powder straight is working for you. I was just curious if the prep had anything to do with the effects since the site was referencing preparing it as tea, etc.

I've taken the powder caps for several months, but hadn't seen any results, (300mg x 3 day) - I'm going to try the powder in a larger dose - thanks
Thanks - it's good to hear that taking the powder straight is working for you. I was just curious if the prep had anything to do with the effects since the site was referencing preparing it as tea, etc.

I've taken the powder caps for several months, but hadn't seen any results, (300mg x 3 day) - I'm going to try the powder in a larger dose - thanks

Yah you need much higher doses. Natures way recommends 3 caps 3x per day. each cap is 500mg, so thats a daily dose of 4500mg or 4.5grams daily. I just take around 5grams.
Nature's Way Hawthorn Berry -- 100 Capsules - Vitacost
I'll have to get cuff readings on different doses. I take 3 caps at 500mg each, 3x/day and I definitely notice something going on with my stress level and mood. I'm the FIRST one to bash herbs. Not because they don't work... but because many don't work and many do, leaving you with a lot of placebo'ish effects.

Herbs aren't magic. They contain drugs/drug like compounds. Do we know what these drugs are? Mostly no. If we did, we'd synthesize them in labs. It's just easier to take the herb.

Marijuana is an herb. The DUMBEST minds have been able to extract the chemical that gets you high from the herb to ingest. Ever hear of pot brownies? THC is fat soluble, hence the reason why they cook it in butter and strain out the leaves. I'm assuming the drug Marinol was a sealed gel cap with THC oil inside the capsule. The government is finally giving in though, as smoking it for medicinal use is common nowadays... yet when's the last time you heard of Marinol? I have no point. It's just weird.
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Found this. I've been using Hawthorn berry for the last few weeks. I don't know if it's a placebo, but I definitely notice a calming effect. I am currently on an ACE inhibitor, as I have a history of high BP (started when I was 13 or 14). Seems like good stuff. I'm around 270lbs right now, so I do my best to keep heart healthy.

What else is good for blood pressure/heart health that you guys take? Anything definitively proven? I'm almost convinced on hawthorn, even though I haven't actually measured the numbers. I certainly sleep better.

Some of my guys have been using this for the last few years with no other BP meds and its worked well for them.
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Found this. I've been using Hawthorn berry for the last few weeks. I don't know if it's a placebo, but I definitely notice a calming effect. I am currently on an ACE inhibitor, as I have a history of high BP (started when I was 13 or 14). Seems like good stuff. I'm around 270lbs right now, so I do my best to keep heart healthy.

What else is good for blood pressure/heart health that you guys take? Anything definitively proven? I'm almost convinced on hawthorn, even though I haven't actually measured the numbers. I certainly sleep better.

I use hawthorn for the same reasons..damn 270...your a beast!
i googled hawthorn berry yesterday and read alot about it yesterday...... i read something i had not heard before.....i read it may help with weight loss and may help reduce sodium in the body therefore helping reduce water retention.....anyhow....i went out and bought a bottle to try.....
I've been using this herb for sometime. My Grandmother swears by it and odorless garlic for lowering BP!
Make sure you are using a hawthorne extract, I use NSI brand....

In addition to that the cardio protective supps I take are:

fish oil
magnesium oratate (cardio mag2.0)
garlic standardized for allicin content
baby aspirin

I also am prescribed avapro, a generic ARB blood pressure med that helps with reversal of LVH...left ventricular hypertrophy

when you use hawthorn extract is there a difference in the amount (mg) you take? I found the extract but its only 80mg/pill.... so if I wanted to take 4g a day thats 50 pills a day :eek:
I would like to try this herb sometime, but my bp is fine. I like to take regular niacin, 8-10 grams fish oil, and red yeast extract.
when you use hawthorn extract is there a difference in the amount (mg) you take? I found the extract but its only 80mg/pill.... so if I wanted to take 4g a day thats 50 pills a day :eek:

just look for pills that are usually around 500mg per cap. Thats about avg. And you want to take around 6-9per day

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