did all the research on naltrexone,,,htere is no inj naltrexone, only oral,,,,,inj naloxone if you want to try
yo uwill feel like shit first of alll
second, old studies look VERY promising
new studies only show preserved frequency but amplitidue of LH/FSH pulsations are still down
i would rather do hcg during cycle, come off with test only tpared down, hcg and aromasin for one week, low dose clomid/nolva/igf or insulin afterwards for a month. that has better track record than the old news of naltrexone and the possibility of opposing the negative feedback, impossible.
also i ve tried naltrexone, sucked,
LDN, low dose naltrexone is another type of off lable protocol for diseases,,,for pct you would need alot,,,i was using LDN dose and felt like garbage,,,the latter protocol was the easiest ever PCT.