interesting KS,
so why dont i run hcg for PCT instead of SERM?
how much of test spike from HCG will cause you to be 'shutdown' still after gear is all clear lets say a month or two of low HCG?
there is T increase from SERM how come that doesnt cause you to be shutdown ?
i may experiment HCG+SERM protocol in the future
if SERM works by blocking ER when test is negligible,,,why not AI instead of SERM? same thing, low t+ low e = GNRH>LH/FSH activation
SHBG wise,,,i used torem which any SERM will increase SHBG,,,two monthts later after PCT my total T was very high (around high 700s) but free T was low,,meaning high SHBG.
i would keep E low and not worry about free T so much during recovery. OR right after PCT make sure to lower SHBG
shiiit this is getting tricky but the above protocol has worked for me well so im stickin with it,,,as should others if your PCT is great then dont change it