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Health Screenings


Rep for Uncle Z.
Feb 13, 2015
Preventive heath screenings should be an essential part of you life. Why? Preventive. It is just what it says. Preventive screening are what help us catch issues before they have a chance to take hold. Typically these are simply a visual inspection like a skin cancer screening, or blood tests for PSA, Cholesterol and other issues that may arise.

AS body builders, most of us without fail, have our Total Test, Free Test and Estrogen levels checked frequently. But as we get older there are additional test that we need to have done, not only for us but for those that we love and that love us.

So, what are some of these test and when should we have them done.

Every year we should consider having test completed for your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, skin, liver functions, and PSA.

High blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes in men. As bodybuilders and AAS uses, our red blood cell count and typically hematocrit are already elevated. If you are not checking your blood pressure frequently, especially on cycle then you should be. This should not wait for a once-a-year exam. This is something that you can easily do yourself and if you don’t then you have no one but yourself to blame if you stroke out.

Most medical circle will say that you should have your cholesterol checked every three years, again due to AAS use, and the fact that AAS can have a profound effect on your lipid profile, you should have it done every year if not more often.

If you do not already check your blood sugar regularly then you should at least have it done once a year. If you are running HGH you should be checking it frequently, however, if you are not and you opt for the once a year test, then you should have your doctor evaluate you A1C. This blood test will let you know what your blood sugar has done over the past 3 months.

Reading through the forums, it is obvious that a high number of us work outside. This exposes us to a greater risk of skin cancer. This can affect men of any age but those that work out side, have had sever sunburns when they were younger, or have a family history of skin cancer are at even greater risk. A dermatologist cn do a visual inspection of your skin and help to determine in a contrary mole or birthmark is becoming or is cancerous. This is really something that you should never put off.

Liver function tests are a standard part of a blood test. This should be done every year. This is especially important if you use oral AAS, are a frequent Tylenol user and/or drink alcohol. This will be especially important if you do two or more of these. It’s a simple test that can provide you with information that can help you to prioritize your lifestyle and make the right decision for your health.

The PSA blood test should be done every year and it beats the hell out of the “Finger up the Ass” digital rectal exam for seeing where you stand with your prostate. Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer found in men, with Skin cancer being number one. If you have a family history of prostate cancer or have an unknown family history you should stat getting the PSA exam at 40 years old, otherwise you should start by age 50. Catch it early and save your life. Think it can’t happen to you and widow your wife.

This is not to be construed as medical advice. This is my opinion, and I am sharing it with you because if I can put this information out there and help save one life, then it is worth it. Do not wait till it is too late. Have the needed testing done by your Primary Care Physician and take the steps if needed to turn things around. Stay Healthy and Stay Strong

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I pull the below 1x a year. "Regular" labs are done every 1-2 months. For me, "regular labs" consist of CBC, CMP, Lipids, Total Test, Free Test, Estradiol, IGF, and I usually add 1+ more such as: CRP, Vitamin D, Prolactin (if running a 19-nor), homocysteine, fasted insulin, or an extra lipid test.

A good "regular" lab pull is the Private MD Labs- Hormone Panel for Males

Labs Pulled Once a year at my physical:

Serum Cystatin C- kidney function

NMR Cholesterol particle test

Apolipoprotein Assessment (APO B)

Lipoprotein (a)


C Reactive Protein





Vitamin D


I pull the below 1x a year. "Regular" labs are done every 1-2 months. For me, "regular labs" consist of CBC, CMP, Lipids, Total Test, Free Test, Estradiol, IGF, and I usually add 1+ more such as: CRP, Vitamin D, Prolactin (if running a 19-nor), homocysteine, fasted insulin, or an extra lipid test.

A good "regular" lab pull is the Private MD Labs- Hormone Panel for Males

Labs Pulled Once a year at my physical:

Serum Cystatin C- kidney function

NMR Cholesterol particle test

Apolipoprotein Assessment (APO B)

Lipoprotein (a)


C Reactive Protein





Vitamin D



Good info and you’re right - that lab requisition is solid!
I think we should be getting echocardiograms every few years as well. Even a baseline screening EKG could be helpful
And regarding the liver, labs are of course necessary but the liver is a rugged mofo and normal or nearly-normal labs can possibly mask the wear and tear that is going on. A baseline liver US to check for fatty changes isn't a bad idea
Since I'm down to TRT or a slight TRT+ I do the below 1x a year:

  • CMP/CBC and I do an "extreme wellness" one by walkinlab. com which also has things such as vitamin D, B vitamin levels, A1C, Uric Acid and CRP and all the standard liver and kidney stuff and insulin, etc.
  • Uranalysis with microscopic examination
  • Spot Uranalysis microablumin:Creatinine ratio. This is a GREAT spot urine test as it uses the ratio so if you are super hydrated it won't "fool" the test.
  • Cystatin C
  • NMR Lipoprofile
  • basic hormone panel
  • magnesium levels

If I were "hitting it hard" I'd probably do this 2-3 times a year but 1x is just fine at this point in life.
I pull the below 1x a year. "Regular" labs are done every 1-2 months. For me, "regular labs" consist of CBC, CMP, Lipids, Total Test, Free Test, Estradiol, IGF, and I usually add 1+ more such as: CRP, Vitamin D, Prolactin (if running a 19-nor), homocysteine, fasted insulin, or an extra lipid test.

A good "regular" lab pull is the Private MD Labs- Hormone Panel for Males

Labs Pulled Once a year at my physical:

Serum Cystatin C- kidney function

NMR Cholesterol particle test

Apolipoprotein Assessment (APO B)

Lipoprotein (a)


C Reactive Protein





Vitamin D


@Reno911 This is awesome brother. If your good with it, when I update this I would like to include this information.
Good stuff Flex. Never heard of a spot urinalysis microalbumin. Will get my read on.

General comment. For true CAD/CVD risk, nothing beats a CAC (well, other than a CT-angiogram but not practical expense-wise electively and you aren’t getting Ins to pay for this unless you have pre-existing established CAD/CVD).

A fasted insulin (preferably glucose-challenged) is right up there with the most informative and predictive biomarkers of not just metabolic health but cardiovascular and overall health as well.
Preventive heath screenings should be an essential part of you life. Why? Preventive. It is just what it says. Preventive screening are what help us catch issues before they have a chance to take hold. Typically these are simply a visual inspection like a skin cancer screening, or blood tests for PSA, Cholesterol and other issues that may arise.

AS body builders, most of us without fail, have our Total Test, Free Test and Estrogen levels checked frequently. But as we get older there are additional test that we need to have done, not only for us but for those that we love and that love us.

So, what are some of these test and when should we have them done.

Every year we should consider having test completed for your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, skin, liver functions, and PSA.

High blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes in men. As bodybuilders and AAS uses, our red blood cell count and typically hematocrit are already elevated. If you are not checking your blood pressure frequently, especially on cycle then you should be. This should not wait for a once-a-year exam. This is something that you can easily do yourself and if you don’t then you have no one but yourself to blame if you stroke out.

Most medical circle will say that you should have your cholesterol checked every three years, again due to AAS use, and the fact that AAS can have a profound effect on your lipid profile, you should have it done every year if not more often.

If you do not already check your blood sugar regularly then you should at least have it done once a year. If you are running HGH you should be checking it frequently, however, if you are not and you opt for the once a year test, then you should have your doctor evaluate you A1C. This blood test will let you know what your blood sugar has done over the past 3 months.

Reading through the forums, it is obvious that a high number of us work outside. This exposes us to a greater risk of skin cancer. This can affect men of any age but those that work out side, have had sever sunburns when they were younger, or have a family history of skin cancer are at even greater risk. A dermatologist cn do a visual inspection of your skin and help to determine in a contrary mole or birthmark is becoming or is cancerous. This is really something that you should never put off.

Liver function tests are a standard part of a blood test. This should be done every year. This is especially important if you use oral AAS, are a frequent Tylenol user and/or drink alcohol. This will be especially important if you do two or more of these. It’s a simple test that can provide you with information that can help you to prioritize your lifestyle and make the right decision for your health.

The PSA blood test should be done every year and it beats the hell out of the “Finger up the Ass” digital rectal exam for seeing where you stand with your prostate. Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer found in men, with Skin cancer being number one. If you have a family history of prostate cancer or have an unknown family history you should stat getting the PSA exam at 40 years old, otherwise you should start by age 50. Catch it early and save your life. Think it can’t happen to you and widow your wife.

This is not to be construed as medical advice. This is my opinion, and I am sharing it with you because if I can put this information out there and help save one life, then it is worth it. Do not wait till it is too late. Have the needed testing done by your Primary Care Physician and take the steps if needed to turn things around. Stay Healthy and Stay Strong

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It's always good to give a reminder but these subjects have been discussed here at length for some time. I created the Definitive Health Thread... https://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/index.php?threads/the-definitive-health-thread.168881/ so members can consolidate information regarding health and being proactive is the main point of the thread! As a reminder, members, please add to it. As far as people actually being proactive, it's the old adage, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Bloodwork, which you mentioned, has been discussed ad nauseam. Another is blood pressure, yet we still have people admit that they didn't track and/or do anything about high blood pressure which is absurd and the remedy is simple. Insulin sensitivity is another topic that is always ongoing.
Good stuff Flex. Never heard of a spot urinalysis microalbumin. Will get my read on.

General comment. For true CAD/CVD risk, nothing beats a CAC (well, other than a CT-angiogram but not practical expense-wise electively and you aren’t getting Ins to pay for this unless you have pre-existing established CAD/CVD).

A fasted insulin (preferably glucose-challenged) is right up there with the most informative and predictive biomarkers of not just metabolic health but cardiovascular and overall health as well.
here is a little about it:


What are microalbumin and creatinine?

Albumin, also known as microalbumin, is the primary protein found in the blood. When healthy kidneys expel waste from the blood, tiny filters control large albumin molecules from escaping the body in urine. Usually, just a trace of albumin, or none, will get through the filters. However, if the kidneys are damaged, more significant amounts of albumin may pass into the urine.

Creatinine is a byproduct in urine from day-to-day wear and tear on the muscles. A microalbumin creatinine ratio test assists in comparing albumin levels to creatinine levels in the urine. This method is more precise in measuring the albumin levels in the urine.

What is the purpose of this test?

Order this Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio Urine Test, Random to measure albumin and creatinine levels in a urine sample to help screen for kidney disease. Slight traces of albumin in the urine may be one of the first signs of kidney disease. If kidney disease is detected early, an individual can seek treatment before it worsens. This test may also monitor disease progression and the effectiveness of the treatment.
The last cardiologist i saw was telling me that the echocardiogram on it's own really is not much help. Is should be done in conjunction with a stress test to actually see what the heart is doing while working.
Respectfully, i disagree w that cardiologist. The echo on its own provides a lot of very useful information. Valve structure and function, particularly mitral and aortic valves. The aortic valve of people who lift heavy sees pretty enormous pressure during lifting. Another really important thing is to assess for hypertrophy, particularly the left ventricle. Athletes in general can have some eccentric LV hypertrophy, which is healthy, but i think the bodybuilding +AAS group can be particularly vulnerable to concentric hypertrophy which is absolutely not healthy and can become irreversible over time, which would result in diastolic heart failure, potential arrhythmias, etc... i can think of at least one prominent young bodybuilder who died way too young and likely had HOCM. (Pure speculation, not trying to start an argument). This would likely be caught on an ekg but 100% would get caught on an echo.
I know a guy who's a former competive bodybuilder, still uses gear and lifts regularly. He broke his ankle and was admitted to the hospital to get surgery for his ankle. One of his docs went over his history with him, including AAS and GH use, and was like "while you're here let's get you an echocardiogram". Dude totally had severe concentric hypertrophy and was asymptomatic. Thankfully his ejection fraction was preserved and there's good evidence that the heart can still reverse course (given appropriate lifestyle modifications/limiting AAS and GH for a while, cardiac meds, etc..) as long as the EF is preserved. Once the EF starts to drop thats when the damage is most likely permanent. Having hypertension contributes to this risk as well.
"Stress test" encompasses a few things. Most of us put ourselves through a stress test every time we workout. If you're getting chest pain when you're exercising then prob should get a stress test in addition to an echo. Stress echos used to be done w some frequency but seem to have fallen out of favor for nuclear medicine treadmill or chemical stress test.
I'm not arguing at all against a stress test in the correct scenario.
I am arguing for basically any of us who use gear and lift heavy to get a baseline echo. Echo looks good, then keep your shit up haha but if there's some bad hypertrophy or something else detected then take appropriate modifications to what you're doing
Got me thinking me... it would really be great to crank out an echo/stress echo. Would look at the structure as mentioned above and can still potentially detect ischemia if the stress part shows wall motion abnormalities. Less sensitive though than the nuclear medicine tests but also totally non-invasive. I have a friend who's a cardiologist really into BJJ, he's got a dream to have like a sports medicine clinic where he could run people through tests like that.

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