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Heavyhitter's becoming a Monster log


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 12, 2004
Alright log is over for the trial of Viking's oral.....but I love how consistent running a log makes me and how it keeps me honest. gonna continue running a log with the monster products im currently running.

Here is my current cycle.
1000 mg of Monster Test e 300 weekly shot M/W/F/S
500mg a week of test a from another sponsor that im gonna finish up, then ill switch over to Monster's Tren E
400 Mg a week of Monster's deca 300
1mg of Monster Arimidex on the days that I pin my oils
half a tab of Monster Cialis preworkout as well as on my two off days(helps keep my blood pressure in range)

Ive already been runnin all these products for about 3 weeks and things are kicking pretty good right now. Ill update later with todays back workout and continue from there
I guess i should put up where im currently at. Im 6'1'' and im curently(as of a few days ago) 238 pounds. Ive been training consistently for about 13 years now. When i first started training i was 135 pounds. It's been a long road and eating has really been what has gotten me here. But.....i strugglw with it as I was diagnosed with IBS about 7 years ago which limits the foods that I can eat and messes with my appetite sometimes making it hard to get all the food in. I also had my gall bladder removed which makes it difficult for me to process fats. because of that my diet tends to be high protein, high carb, and lower fat. I really dont add any additional fat to my diet besides the 9 fish oils i take daily and whatever fats are in the meat i eat. A typical days eating looks like this for me.

meal one:4 ounces of boiled chicken breast, 1 scoop whey iso, 1/3 cup white rice flour and 1 scoop of sweet potato powder/modcarb/waxy maize mix from true nutrition all blended up with water. comes out to 60 grams of protein with 80 grams of carbs. I do this because i have IBS and actually eating all my daily food is a real struggle. This is easdy and fast and has worked for me for years
meal2: 25 grams of eaa's, 3 grams taurine, 105 grams of karbs from karboload taken intra workout
1 hour later is 1 scoop hydro whey and 75 more grams of karboload. I use 15 iu's humalin R pre wirkout and 5 more iu with that second shake
Meal 3: 1.5 cans tuna with half cup of cottage cheese and some mustard alon with a can of spaghetti o's( I love thes and they work well ost workout, sometime this is yogurt or fruit though)
meal 4: same shake as meal 1 but with 5.6 ounces of chicken so 70 grams of protein]
meal 5: 8 ounces of cooked chickentoday it was simmered in marinara until tender and topped with a little parmesan) and 7 ounces of cooked jasmine rice with a half tablespoon of grass fed butter on it
ill usually have a small snack when i get home from work..last night it was a peach, soemtimes its an ice cream bar or something. ust somethign small taht tastes good
meal 6: Same shake as meal 4
Todasy workout was back and it looked like this

Cable pulldowns with paralel grip:4x8
dumbell rows:4x8 and last two sets wee drop sets
Seated cable row:4x10
Assisted chins:4x8
smith machine rows:4x10
Good stuff man. You look like a big dude and I support any lifter with that goes against the clean cut bodybuilding image and has sleeve tattoos haha.
Good stuff man. You look like a big dude and I support any lifter with that goes against the clean cut bodybuilding image and has sleeve tattoos haha.

Haha....thanks brother!
Ok so today was arms. I was up pretty late last night so getting up and getting moving this morning was a bit of a struggle. But once I got to the gym and got moving I had a pretty good workout.

First up was rope pushdowns:20/15/12/10 super set with cable ez bar curls:4x10 with a 3 second negative and explosive positive
Banded smith machine JM presses:4x10 super set with machine curls:4x10 with a 3 second negative, then 10 partials, then a ten second Iso hold on each set
Dumbbell skull crushers letting the Dumbbells go behind my head:4x12 super set with pinwheel curls for 10 reps then hammer curls for 5 more
Two sets of overhead rope extensions finished it off. today was leg day. I still can't train quads due to this messed up knee. So I super settled a bunch of hamstring and calf work. I've got some bpc-157 on the way to try to heal this stupid thing up so k can hit legs properly
Alright first off, today was day two using monsters cialis. I was previously using a liquid cialis from another board sponsor that was very good, but man....this stuff from monster is fire!!! I send 1 20m tab preworkout and the pumps during my chest and shoulder workout was great!! But the real magic is when my girl and I got home. Rock hard and ready to go! We had sex and I stayed hard for like ten more minutes while we messed around and then had sex again. Needless to say she was impressed. Anyways...on to the workout

Flat dumbbell press: started at 50 and did sets of eight with every set of Dumbbells up to 120. Felt really good
Flat barbell pause press:4 sets of eight. Come down, stop two inches off the chest and pause for a two count, then lower the rest of the way and press back up. That's one rep
Machine press tri set with cable flyes and pec minor dips: 4 sets of 8 reap for each exercise
Dumbbell laterals:4 sets of 12 full range reps followed by 25 partials. These hurt!
Rear delt cable flyes:4x25
Machine overhead press:4x8 last two sets I did a drop set
Finished off with two sets of banded y raises. Great workout. My shoulders were so pumped I could hardly carry my gym bag to the car
Alright first off, today was day two using monsters cialis. I was previously using a liquid cialis from another board sponsor that was very good, but man....this stuff from monster is fire!!! I send 1 20m tab preworkout and the pumps during my chest and shoulder workout was great!! But the real magic is when my girl and I got home. Rock hard and ready to go! We had sex and I stayed hard for like ten more minutes while we messed around and then had sex again. Needless to say she was impressed. Anyways...on to the workout

Flat dumbbell press: started at 50 and did sets of eight with every set of Dumbbells up to 120. Felt really good

Flat barbell pause press:4 sets of eight. Come down, stop two inches off the chest and pause for a two count, then lower the rest of the way and press back up. That's one rep

Machine press tri set with cable flyes and pec minor dips: 4 sets of 8 reap for each exercise

Dumbbell laterals:4 sets of 12 full range reps followed by 25 partials. These hurt!

Rear delt cable flyes:4x25

Machine overhead press:4x8 last two sets I did a drop set

Finished off with two sets of banded y raises. Great workout. My shoulders were so pumped I could hardly carry my gym bag to the car

Awesome man... Following your log on here as well. I can attest to the Monster Cialis... Whoa... I'm taking 1 20 mg eod to control BP and I am rock hard all the time even at inappropriate times... Lol... It's good stuff!!

The dead only know one thing: It's better to be alive!
Awesome man... Following your log on here as well. I can attest to the Monster Cialis... Whoa... I'm taking 1 20 mg eod to control BP and I am rock hard all the time even at inappropriate times... Lol... It's good stuff!!

The dead only know one thing: It's better to be alive!

I mostly use it for BP as well. Mine tends to run a bit high and this helps keep it in normal range. But i love the other benefits as well!!!
Great log! Thank you.

I also suffered from IBS, use to have to take codeine to be able to go to work.

Tumeric and intermittant fasting took it away tho. No issues for 2years.

Where do you kcal get up to on your diet?
Great log! Thank you.

I also suffered from IBS, use to have to take codeine to be able to go to work.

Tumeric and intermittant fasting took it away tho. No issues for 2years.

Where do you kcal get up to on your diet?

Turmeric, a good digestive enzyme, probiotics have really helped me. Also...look into berberine. Its great for insulin sensitivity...but a lot of research has been done lately on its effects for treating IBS. And honestly...i usually dont count calories. Just macros. And i adjust those up and down depending on the mirror
Today is my off day from the gym. girl just went out of town for work for the next several days. I'm a bit bummed about that, and my stomach has been giving me a bit of issues so I'm gonna use today to kind of relax on eating and not take in as much to give my stomach a bit of a break.
Woohooo!!! Bpc157 came in today. Time to heal up this knee so I can get back to hitting legs hard
Just did m first pin of bpc into my left knee. 200mcgs. Gotta say it felt pretty weird pushing an insulin pin in my knee just above the cap, lol. Did a shot in my left elbow flexor as well. It's been buggin me a bit during lateral raises running low on this tren ace ive been using from another board sponsor. Ive got some tren e on the way from that should be here in the next couple days that ill be switching it out for. Ill be posting some pictures of all the gear ill be using. Gonna see if i can get one of my kids to take some before pictures too so I can track my progress. Hoping for some good results here!! was back day
Started with meadows rows:4x10
Reverse and forward facing pulldowns: start with six facing away from the machine then turn around and got 8 facing it for four sets
Two arm single d handle cable rows:4x10
Dumbbell pullovers:4x12
Barbell rows superset with single arm supinated pulldowns: 4x8x12
Two sets of dumbbell shrugs with a three second hold at the top for sets of 15

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