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Help - Knee Pain


Aug 27, 2010
Hi guys...i have recently started getting pain under my kneecap, even when just walking it feels sore.

Im heavier then i ever have been, and am squatting heavier than I have before....do you think they are the reasons why?

It's causing me alot of discomfort, worth going to see the gp about it or not?
Do you use knee wraps when you squat? I have a similar issue going on. I stopped squatting for a few weeks, started back with leg presses a couple of weeks ago and my knee feels a million times better. I always wrap my knees when squatting too.
ice the knees several times throughout the day for 20 minutes at a time.
Hi guys...i have recently started getting pain under my kneecap, even when just walking it feels sore.

Im heavier then i ever have been, and am squatting heavier than I have before....do you think they are the reasons why?

It's causing me alot of discomfort, worth going to see the gp about it or not?

Hell ya bro. if you have good insurance and dont mind the scrutiny see a doc. Take care of yourselves, all of you.

Time passes quickly. before you know it, youre in your 50s and thinking about wheelchairs for the future. Dont think it doesnt happen. I was a hardcore paratroop, now, there are days I literally "roll" out of bed. SAVE YOUR JOINTS!!!
Go see your doc. Better to get it checked than to ignore it. It may turn out to be something that RICE can take care of, but you will be better off finding out for sure.
Hi guys...i have recently started getting pain under my kneecap, even when just walking it feels sore.

Im heavier then i ever have been, and am squatting heavier than I have before....do you think they are the reasons why?

It's causing me alot of discomfort, worth going to see the gp about it or not?

I had the same sharp pain everytime I squatted until I started goin ass to ankles ..I also got it from heavy hack squats. I started wrapping and it went away ..but like they say go see the doc if you can !
I was always under the impression that wrapping the knees was bad as it caused pressure on the patellar tendon (the one that's hurting). I also didn't like having to use heavier weights. I just use neoprene knee sleeves. No more constant knee pain. Now when I go VERY heavy on squats and get some pain, I use DMSO on the knees for a few days and all is well.
I was always under the impression that wrapping the knees was bad as it caused pressure on the patellar tendon (the one that's hurting). I also didn't like having to use heavier weights. I just use neoprene knee sleeves. No more constant knee pain. Now when I go VERY heavy on squats and get some pain, I use DMSO on the knees for a few days and all is well.

I think I will look into the DMSO for my knees. Thanks.
Sore to the touch? bottom of knee cap? Sounds like a Patellar Tendon problem. Check your form on certain leg exercises, especially if you are doing ATG squats. I think that is what really messed my knee up going real low on squats. My form seemed so be Ok but honestly I really dont think doing ATG squats suits me at all so I quit and now squat wide to parallel.

I will say what seems like a small problem now can get worse and worse and worse in time if you keep on doing what you are doing to cause the problem!
I had the same sharp pain everytime I squatted until I started goin ass to ankles ..I also got it from heavy hack squats. I started wrapping and it went away ..but like they say go see the doc if you can !

yeah, hack squats did that to me too. Hack squats are not needed anyhow. Way too much stress on the patellar tendon.
going really heavy low rep for too long on squats would do that to me. I reccommend that you use periodization and vary your reps every few weeks or so. If you feel the least little hint of knee pain I would lighten up the load for a few weeks and then work back up in weight again. You cannot go heavy all the time.

I found that knee wraps cured most of my pain too. Once I started wrapping when going heavy, my trouble just about went away. I would work as heavy as 495 lbs for about 8 reps on a regular basis and not get sore.
Go see the doc man, better to be safe than sorry. I had knee pain on the left side and rear of my knee for months and just wrapped it, used ice, and motrin when necessary. Finally it became unbearable and I went to the doctor and ended up getting surgery on the meniscus and lcl. I think if I would have went to the DR sooner I would have avoided surgery but who knows. I would rather take care of it sooner when it may be something miner and a week or two off may fix the problem as opposed to using temporary fixes and just prolonging the problem, but I am no doctor so who knows.

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