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HELP - Wife has Endometriosis - Will HCG help?


New member
Apr 5, 2006
Does anyone know ifo HCG will help Endometriosis?
Or do you know any other treatment that does?

My Wife has it and the doctors here know nothing!

She need her LH and FSH to increase to stop ovulation. And SEX BINDING GLOBULIN needs to decrease.

Will HCG stop Ovulation? The birth control pill is only effective for 6 months and then it stops.

She is taking Danazol now which is a prohormone, but her receptors are Filling up.

Thanks for your help!

You really need to find a real doctor. I don't care if you have to travel to get to one, but she need professional help, not something from a forum buddy.
Couldn't agree more. Yuo might ask the doc about luprolide (Lupron).

Thanks but that has a boat load of side effects to it!

It is really about controling hormones and who is better at that then us!
Does anyone know ifo HCG will help Endometriosis?
Or do you know any other treatment that does?

My Wife has it and the doctors here know nothing!

She need her LH and FSH to increase to stop ovulation. And SEX BINDING GLOBULIN needs to decrease.

Will HCG stop Ovulation? The birth control pill is only effective for 6 months and then it stops.

She is taking Danazol now which is a prohormone, but her receptors are Filling up.

Thanks for your help!


How old is you wife? and for how long she is been taking Danazol?
Not sure how far of a drive Birmingham, Michigan is from where you are in Wisconsin; but there is a doctor named Edward Lichten that I guarantee could solve your problems. You can check out his website at
Bro, if your doctor doesnt know what to do contact a real professional about this issue. This is a real issues and its a real painful one to watch especially when you have a love one that suffers from it. I notice you live in Wisc. Bro, come to Chicago and look for real professionals in that field, also you may want to visit a specialist. My friend had it and she had certain medical procedures done to her and now she's cool and doesnt suffer from it.

If you want and once my friend returns from vacations I could ask her more about it and let you know, pm me!

Just trying to help bro!~
right here goes.

My ex had this and I was with her throughout the whole treatment process.

for her to get over the awful pains she suffered during her period (and at other times to be fair) she saw a specialist in london. Being a geek I ended up listening inherently to what was going on.

It turns out that the endometreosis or Chocolate cysts were what had been stopping her concieving as we werent using protection at the time and hadnt been for the last two years. she had a few scans to see the size of the cysts but they cant really see them due to their size so the easiest form of treatment is exploratory surgery.

They gave her an endoscopy and made two small incisions to insert cameras near her ovaries. upon locating the cysts, they burnt them open carefully and destroyed them. This was all done under sedation.

They filled her up with gas for the operation, I dont really know why this was although my feeling is that it would have been to inflate her abdomen a bit as she had a small frame, but i'm told this is a common procedure for any women that undergo the treatment.
It was uncomfortable for her the night she came home due to the pain of the gas and i can remember i had to rock her to sleep because she was hurting so much.

she had to start taking the contraceptive pill straight after this as the hormone regulation would substantially lower the chances of the cysts reforming. I can remember the specialist also said that she would really need to have kids soon (soon being 5 years) to keep her chances up of successful conception. Once having kids, the chances of the endometriosis coming back was dramatically reduced. Why, I cant remember, but if i do i'll post it up.

needless to say i'm not with her now but i spoke to her recently and she no longer has any pains at all and this took place well over a year ago.

I know of one other woman who has undergone the same procedure and is now trying for kids due to its success.

Too many doctors and hospitals still dont know enough about this and just put it down to bad period pains. Think its about time they wised up.
Endo is a women's worst nightmare. I know. I've been there. There really is no cure except for a hysterectomy... unless something new has come out.

I went to the very best doctors when it came to endo. It started very early with me. By time I was 21, I had my first laser surgery. It took them 3-1/2 hours to clean me up. The doctors were the ones who invent the surgery for endo using a laser, so they were the top with the most advance technology. They told me I'd have no problem getting pregnant. The surgery really did help. I spent 3 months on Lupron and another 3 months on the pill straight with no periods. They said that would keep me from ovulating and it would kill off any more endo. 10 yrs later I was married and trying to get pregnant, and found out the endo was back. It was just as bad as before covering my spleen, bladder, pelvic bone, lower intestines, colon. I had cyst on my ovaries and my tubes were totally blocked. I had another laser surgery and spent another 3 months on Lupron, and a 1-1/2 later it was all back with my tubes blocked. Invitro was my only option to get pregnant. I decided no more. I had a hysterectomy and it was the best decision I ever made. I was 34 years old at the time.

I don't want to discourage you totally. I know some women who successfully over come it. They usually do this by getting pregnant, but it's a catch 22. Some women just can't get pregnant, therefore it's going to be a continuous battle. Getting pregnant just doesn't guarantee it will cure it. It still can come back. The pill will help reduce the symptoms, but it doesn't guarantee to keep it from coming back.... so we wait until doctors find a cure.

Lupron does have risky side effects, but under the best doctor's supervision it can help. It's not going to cure it though. For the most up to date informtion on endo got to Endometriosis

It's worth it to find the very best doctors for this. If you are near Atlanta, GA, I'd recommend Dr. Nezhat... any of them. They are brothers who I went to for both my surgeries. **broken link removed**

Another suggestion for stopping ovulation is looking into BC that give her a quarterly or 2x a year period. There is nothing wrong with it, and could really help. If I had it to do all over again, after my first surgery I would have do a quarterly or 2x a year cycle instead of monthly.
Thnaks guys!

We are not trying to cure this ourselves, but getting info from people who have lived it is very valuable!

So thanks again!
You're welcome. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Endo varies from women to women. It can be mild and easy to get rid of, and for others sever and very painful. It can even make sex very painful. When it comes to having children, 30-40% of women with endometriosis are infertile. Making it one of the top reasons women can't get pregnant. It's also hereditary. My mom, her sister and probably my grandmother had it.
TJ how did it end up for you? This really scares me, as i think my gf has it. They gave her birth control where she will have her P once a month. She would probably want to die if she cant have kids one day she wants one so badly. This sounds like its really serious.

She doesnt want to do the surgery to see if she has it, i think she is scared. Is there any other way to know for sure? She has alot of the symptoms.
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TP4U, she really shouldn't worry about this right now. If it is mild, then they will be able to help her. If it is serious, then I can tell her from experience that it's not the end of the world. I couldn't have children, and I learned how to cope with it. Now I'm child-free and happy. There are so many options now that she will be able to have a child even if it's by adoption.
TP4U, she really shouldn't worry about this right now. If it is mild, then they will be able to help her. If it is serious, then I can tell her from experience that it's not the end of the world. I couldn't have children, and I learned how to cope with it. Now I'm child-free and happy. There are so many options now that she will be able to have a child even if it's by adoption.

I know, but you have to know her to understand. Adoption would not make her happy. She wants one that is hers. It would devastate her probably more than anything i can think of. Iv agreed to try to have one with her after my show prep is over in july....she wants to do it now before its too late (doc said if she does have it it could get worse over time, so do it early). If that fails, probably get the surgery and take further steps. You think she could be sterile by the time shes 21(thats how old she is)? Shes had the pains since she was went away with birth control and came back when she came off shes back on BC. She only got the pains once in a while tho (maybe one day a month for a few hours) so you think maybe its minor?
Endo is so unpredictable. It's really hard to believe that it could cause someone 21 to be sterile, but even a doctor promise anything. I was 22 when I had my first laser surgery, and the doctors assured me that I would be able to get pregnant. I was not ready to have children at that time, so I waited.

You both are so young, and life will take you in so many different directions. A child changes your life forever. This is something that I wouldn't rush into just because of the Endo. I would wait. Just my MHO. I know exactly how she feels because I've been there. I was devastated too and watched my marriage fall apart. There were many reason why my marriage didn't work, but I'm sure the infertility treatments didn't help any.

The other thing to remember is medical technology has made so many incredible advances that 5 -10 years from now they could have a cure or another to help women with endo. Keep all this in mind before you do anything. Also... I did have another choice... invitro. I just didn't want to go through any more treatments. Invitro has been very successful for many couples. I also know couple who got pregnant with artificial insemination using the dad's sperm. There are other options other than adoption.

I waited until I was 30 before we started trying. We went through 4 years of infertility treatments. After everything I went through... to this day I don't regret waiting. Things work out for a reason and life is what you make of it.

I'm sorry to ramble. I wish I could be more help, but this is something that only time will tell. This is one of those things that leave you scratching your head and asking "why?".

I've been through it, and if you ever need to talk or need some resource just PM. I know what a struggle it is and that their aren't many people who understand it.
Endo is so unpredictable. It's really hard to believe that it could cause someone 21 to be sterile, but even a doctor promise anything. I was 22 when I had my first laser surgery, and the doctors assured me that I would be able to get pregnant. I was not ready to have children at that time, so I waited.

You both are so young, and life will take you in so many different directions. A child changes your life forever. This is something that I wouldn't rush into just because of the Endo. I would wait. Just my MHO. I know exactly how she feels because I've been there. I was devastated too and watched my marriage fall apart. There were many reason why my marriage didn't work, but I'm sure the infertility treatments didn't help any.

The other thing to remember is medical technology has made so many incredible advances that 5 -10 years from now they could have a cure or another to help women with endo. Keep all this in mind before you do anything. Also... I did have another choice... invitro. I just didn't want to go through any more treatments. Invitro has been very successful for many couples. I also know couple who got pregnant with artificial insemination using the dad's sperm. There are other options other than adoption.

I waited until I was 30 before we started trying. We went through 4 years of infertility treatments. After everything I went through... to this day I don't regret waiting. Things work out for a reason and life is what you make of it.

I'm sorry to ramble. I wish I could be more help, but this is something that only time will tell. This is one of those things that leave you scratching your head and asking "why?".

I've been through it, and if you ever need to talk or need some resource just PM. I know what a struggle it is and that their aren't many people who understand it.

Thank you for the reply. I know it is difficult and i know that we def need to think this through. I do believe i could possibly spend the rest of my life with her. We hardly ever fight and it is as good now as it was on day 1 and day 365 and so on......First step after i finnish my shows is to locate some specialists in the area and see them. We will probably let them make the decisions and give us our options...but worse case going to try for at least one with her. I know it changes your life in a big way, but i would rather 1 early....than none at all...and im positive she feels the same way. Lets hope.....

Does anyone know if there is a way to be positive about ENDO without the surgery?
You're welcome. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Endo varies from women to women. It can be mild and easy to get rid of, and for others sever and very painful. It can even make sex very painful. When it comes to having children, 30-40% of women with endometriosis are infertile. Making it one of the top reasons women can't get pregnant. It's also hereditary. My mom, her sister and probably my grandmother had it.

Still dealing with it!
She is teying danazol and it does work but it has side effects. As it a pro hormone so Crystal is on a very low dose (400mg) and 800mg is average. So we ill wait and see.

Thanks for asking!
My wife had it. She tried everything. With each different procedure, it only produced short term relief. Ultimately, she decided to have a hysterectomy....we were done with having any more kids and she was exhausted from living with the pain.

Here are a couple of sites about endo that might be helpful. I don't know if you've been to them or now. Maybe you'll be able to find some information on it that will help you out.

This is the website for doctor I used for treatments. He and his brothers actually invented the laparoscopy and laser surgery that is used today. He's the best you can get. or **broken link removed**
Here are a couple of sites about endo that might be helpful. I don't know if you've been to them or now. Maybe you'll be able to find some information on it that will help you out.

This is the website for doctor I used for treatments. He and his brothers actually invented the laparoscopy and laser surgery that is used today. He's the best you can get. or **broken link removed**

Thanks so much!
My gf has had endo for years and even lost a baby 5 months into a pregnancy with her ex husband, due to complications from it. Her and i aren't trying to have kids, so we're trying to figure out another solution for her pain. Shes 34, and just stopped taking birth control, cause it messed with her hormones too much, and made her moods fluctuate. In reading about therapies for this, i came across women taking Danabol, and another low dose testosterone. She's trying to put on muscle and already has a higher pitch voice, so i was wondering if hitting her with 50-100mg of test a month would be beneficial? From what i read, the reason why they don't like to prescribe the test therapies, is because of the masculine side effects of voice deepening, muscle gain, and higher sex drive. But she thinks those would actually be perks, instead of negatives. She's also on lexapro, so her sex drive is almost nonexistent. So, this could possibly benefit her. Thoughts???

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