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Help with Depression and Anxiety

I have changed careers and the new line of work is completely different than I'm used to and there is a ton of learning I need to do. Plus, I was in my other line of work for 19 years and confident and good at it. This adapting is pretty rough so what you're saying makes sense.

That is always a tough one. I went through the same career thing the past few years and it is funny when you are middle aged and have supervisors who are pretty much kids, 😆
That is always a tough one. I went through the same career thing the past few years and it is funny when you are middle aged and have supervisors who are pretty much kids, 😆
Yeah it's a huge change. I work for myself though so at least I don't have that to deal with. But sometimes we need to be humbled.
I'd hate to go the med route.
I was the same way for a long time, and I think it is a good strategy to not immediately take psychoactive drugs to deal with this issue.
I was basically low-key suicidal throughout my early twenties and then on occasion, I actively planned and tried to execute suicide. So I do know how hopeless one can get.
After five years of being this way, I had enough and went on sertraline/ zoloft. As I titrated my dose up to the max prescribable dose (200mg) the depression gradually subsided and then one day it was just gone. ... I had my life back. Idk whether I am some kind of super-responder to this stuff, but it allowed me to completely turn my life around. I started training for a job, I went out with friends, I found a girlfriend, started lifting, bought a motorcycle and I had the best year of my fucking life.

Maybe our situations are different though? My life was objectively shitty and there were concrete steps I could undertake to improve it. But I do truly believe that without the boost the SSRI gave me, it would not have been possible, at least not at that time.

I am now almost off of the meds (still take 25mgs every couple of days because I do get some withdrawal symptoms - but that is a lot less than the 200mgs I used to take) and I am not depressed anymore in the slightest.

I just wanted to throw this in as a counterbalance to your view ... before you consider doing something stupid, I would say give the med route a try.
Also ... sometimes I think our problem is that we do not do something stupid (not as in suicide, but doing something "unreasonable" or "irrational"). My brother for example is in a terribly boring and bad relationship and I think the best thing for him would be to do something "stupid" and leave his girlfriend for the girl at work that is a lot more exciting ... basically to throw his old life away and start a new one. - because his current one is not fun.
Hi guys. I don't know who else to talk to in my life so here I am. I've been dealing with depression for a few years and now anxiety has set in. I never knew what people meant when they suffered from these things, but now I do, unfortunately. I used to think this happened to people with weak minds, and my attitude was that people need to just suck it up. It's crazy to me though because it's in the mind and it's like I can't overcome it no matter what I do.

I was addicted to pornography for many years and this is the first year in a long time I have been free of it. I was hoping all this would lift when porn left, but it didn't. I've talked to my pastors, spouse, friends, and it's like no one can help me. It feels like I haven't been joyful in so long I don't know what that even feels like. This feeling is as if there's a weight placed on my every day and I have to carry it. Many times it feels like it's directly on my chest or the front of my head. It's like there's a net over my brain and it's for me. It's hard to describe. I understand why people cut and hurt themselves now. Sometimes I beat my head just to have some relief. It's my only escape.

Can anybody relate to this? This is no way to live. I pray and ask God for help, but it still remains. I don't understand.
Sorry you're going through this. My family has a lot of depression as well. Interestingly, the majority of serotonin produced ij your body is produced in your gut. If you're looking for a practical way to improve the physical aspect of depression I would take a look at your gut health. I would also look into good sleep hygiene and dedicate myself to sticking with a sleep routine and improving that. These two things have helped me immensely with extreme anxiety. No drugs helped.. at all. That's my experience.

The other thing is dedicated time with God in His word and prayer daily or multiple times a day. Sounds like you're working on that as well. Prayers for you brother.
Hi guys. I don't know who else to talk to in my life so here I am. I've been dealing with depression for a few years and now anxiety has set in. I never knew what people meant when they suffered from these things, but now I do, unfortunately. I used to think this happened to people with weak minds, and my attitude was that people need to just suck it up. It's crazy to me though because it's in the mind and it's like I can't overcome it no matter what I do.

I was addicted to pornography for many years and this is the first year in a long time I have been free of it. I was hoping all this would lift when porn left, but it didn't. I've talked to my pastors, spouse, friends, and it's like no one can help me. It feels like I haven't been joyful in so long I don't know what that even feels like. This feeling is as if there's a weight placed on my every day and I have to carry it. Many times it feels like it's directly on my chest or the front of my head. It's like there's a net over my brain and it's for me. It's hard to describe. I understand why people cut and hurt themselves now. Sometimes I beat my head just to have some relief. It's my only escape.

Can anybody relate to this? This is no way to live. I pray and ask God for help, but it still remains. I don't understand.
I’ll be turning 40 this year and have battled anxiety and depression since I was a teenager.

I can really relate to your post after an argument with my wife last night about my porn addiction as well. Such irony.

I have debated for years about medication and have tried therapy unsuccessfully in the past.

I have been lucky in the sense that even my worst depressive episodes only last a few days at most.

The one thing over the years that has always saved me was the gym.

Take it one day at a time. It will get better. No one is perfect. We are all here to support you in any way possible. Just ask for help if you need it.

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