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Nov 22, 2010
:banghead: I recently pinned(Tue) Sust 250/Deca 200(about 2ml of oil) into my right delt and it was a bit sore than usual after injection and thought nothing of it but gradually yesterday(Fri) I was doing shoulders and a reddish lump started appearing after I got pumped... Now I'm on here googling like a madman but don't seem to be finding much answers! The lump appeared nowhere near the injection site. It was like 5-6 inches below the site where the medial delt meets the bicep and tricep. I am not running a fever or anything but the lump is kind of red and warm. Should I worry? First time this has happened....
:banghead: I recently pinned(Tue) Sust 250/Deca 200(about 2ml of oil) into my right delt and it was a bit sore than usual after injection and thought nothing of it but gradually yesterday(Fri) I was doing shoulders and a reddish lump started appearing after I got pumped... Now I'm on here googling like a madman but don't seem to be finding much answers! The lump appeared nowhere near the injection site. It was like 5-6 inches below the site where the medial delt meets the bicep and tricep. I am not running a fever or anything but the lump is kind of red and warm. Should I worry? First time this has happened....

is this your first cycle???

Depends your size but i think it would be wiser to inject 1ml next times :)

W8 few days if no fever you ll be okay.
is this your first cycle???


Nah man this is my 2nd cycle.

And yea I have no fever but when I touch it it's hard as a rock and kinda hurts. I have 4 injection spots(delts/glutes) do you guys think I need more for EOD pinning? Quads are out of the question. last time I pinned I couldnt walk for more than a week.
yer fine man.......this is common with "higher" solution levels

its a thing that cheaper ug labs do to compensate for
their "less than sanitary conditions" so that YOU...the consumer
DONT get an infection......or better stated....LESS chance for infection

its common practice

yer fine man.......this is common with "higher" solution levels

its a thing that cheaper ug labs do to compensate for
their "less than sanitary conditions" so that YOU...the consumer
DONT get an infection......or better stated....LESS chance for infection

its common practice


what is the common practice exactly? lol and I dont want me a red lump every frikkin time I pin... I got this from a sponsor here and lets say I got 60ml of this stuff....
what is the common practice exactly? lol and I dont want me a red lump every frikkin time I pin... I got this from a sponsor here and lets say I got 60ml of this stuff....

lol......did it come in a bag???


the common practice is higher anount of solution that is actually needed
Give it another couple days, if it gets much worse(bigger and more red) go to the doc and tell them as little as possible... ;)
:banghead: I recently pinned(Tue) Sust 250/Deca 200(about 2ml of oil) into my right delt and it was a bit sore than usual after injection and thought nothing of it but gradually yesterday(Fri) I was doing shoulders and a reddish lump started appearing after I got pumped... Now I'm on here googling like a madman but don't seem to be finding much answers! The lump appeared nowhere near the injection site. It was like 5-6 inches below the site where the medial delt meets the bicep and tricep. I am not running a fever or anything but the lump is kind of red and warm. Should I worry? First time this has happened....

Has happend to me with UG.. High BA & BB...

You can filter some oil and dilute a little, this might help.

I have less issues pining in the Gluts vs Shoulder.
When i pin my shoulders, i will split it between both shoulders when it is over 1 ml. Are you using ug gear? That could be it. I also go with a 5/8" pin not a 1"

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