if i have vials that are 4ius and just received vials that are suppose to contain 10ius should i be able to physically see the difference in the puck size?
Describe you vials bro!My hamster also was wondering if he had 4's when he should and was told he has 10's?? None of the typical GH sides @ 6i.u daily....
I have first hand experience. I'm a board sponsor here and we sell both 10iu and 20iu vials of HGH. The lyophilized disk in our 20iu vials is nearly twice the size as what is seen in the 10iu vials. So, yes you should be able to visually see a difference.
what if you dont have a "puck" and its more of a pile in the vial? is that a bad sign?
I have first hand experience. I'm a board sponsor here and we sell both 10iu and 20iu vials of HGH. The lyophilized disk in our 20iu vials is nearly twice the size as what is seen in the 10iu vials. So, yes you should be able to visually see a difference.
Be careful out there guys. Anymore, there are a lot of sellers who misrepresent their products all to make an extra buck at your expense.
I know this is a bit of an old thread but for the sake of those that actually search old threads to find answers to their questions I need to correct some wrong info I posted. I just learned that the amount of product in the vial actually does NOT always coincide with how many IU's are in the vial. Sometimes it does, but not always. It depends how the factory was setup at the time your vials are filled and what the concentration of the peptide was at the time your product was made. It's kind of like injectables. You could get 10ml of 200mg T or 20ml of 100mg T. They both contain a total of 2gm of product but one contains twice the volume. A similiar type of senerio could play out where you could have 10ml of 100mg or 10ml of 200mg T. They both visually look the same but one is twice as strong. Same exact type of situation with HGH. Sorry if my misinformation caused some to falsely accuse their source of shorting them.