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hgh and sterile water.


Active member
Jan 18, 2009
would hgh be fine to use with sterile water, refrigerated and used within 5 days?
Yes, but day 5 is it.
However BW is approx 14 days refrigerated.

Maybe, but if I remember correctly, BW can degrade the gh while sterile water won't.
Maybe, but if I remember correctly, BW can degrade the gh while sterile water won't.

Never heard that before. <shrug>

**broken link removed**

After all of the dilutent has been added to the HGH vial, gentling swirl (do NOT agitate or violently shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder has dissolved and you are left with a clear liquid. The HGH is now ready for use. Store your now reconstituted HGH in the refrigerator. If you used BW to reconstitute it will be good for three weeks. If you used sterile water, it will be good for about 5 days."
Never heard that before. <shrug>

**broken link removed**

After all of the dilutent has been added to the HGH vial, gentling swirl (do NOT agitate or violently shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder has dissolved and you are left with a clear liquid. The HGH is now ready for use. Store your now reconstituted HGH in the refrigerator. If you used BW to reconstitute it will be good for three weeks. If you used sterile water, it will be good for about 5 days."

I'm not saying BW won't work. I'm saying that BW will degrade it more quickly and just be less potent. My mistake previously saying sterile water won't. As soon as you are reconstituting it, the peptide begins to degrade. I see sterile water as the better choice when you get it from a place like sterilesyrniges .com

Big A explains it here in post #30:
I'm not saying BW won't work. I'm saying that BW will degrade it more quickly and just be less potent.

Actually BW does not degrade the peptide faster - it does just the opposite. And while I respect Big-A, I would be happy to debate the matter.

The reason the GH remains good for 3 weeks rather than a mere 5 days via BW and not sterile is because it contains 0.9% of Benzyl Alcohol - this is a preserving agent. Further, its Anti-microbial. Sterile water is only sterile water containing no preservatives nor antimicrobial agents. In reality, sterile water is meant to dilute for one injection, not to preserve as BW and AA do. Worse, the minute you've stuck a needle into the rubber stopper to relieve the vacuum, that vial of water is no longer sterile!

Here's another bit of info on Kefie's site:
Frequently Asked Questions about HGH | Online Pharmacy Shop| Buy HGH, Human Growth Hormones, Somatropin, Ship Insured guaranteed, original, legit, hygetropin hgh, Kefei Hgh to USA,UK, ITALY, FRANCE, SWEDEN, AMERICA, Feel Younger, human

I should say this - YES the minute recon occurs, degradation begins. It's just some dillutent will preserve (not degrade) the peptide better than others.
I don't know it all but, I figured the BW would last longer because the ba in it kept it from growing bacteria etc. Maybe it's the BA that causes it to degrade faster...And then I have to ask why would such a high percentage of gh companies included directions that specificaly say not to use BW.
I don't know it all but, I figured the BW would last longer because the ba in it kept it from growing bacteria etc. Maybe it's the BA that causes it to degrade faster...And then I have to ask why would such a high percentage of gh companies included directions that specificaly say not to use BW.

I think what's being missed here is the preservative = BA. It stays true to its name (preservative) and doesn't degrade, it extends the life. That means the protien GH, or rather the chain of 191 amino acids remain intact (preserved) longer. Of course degradation is the inevitable break down process of the acid chain. This is where you keep losing me.

Anyhow, as for companies sending sterile water out instead of BW, it's more of matter of safety than it is degradation, special concerns with respect to IV administration in particular. I can provide info if needed.

Perhaps Big-A can provide additional information not provided in that thread?

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