This is exactly what I was saying...albeit in a nice way. IF there is any real benefit (not just speculation and feel), then how do we quantify it?
Obviously studies. However yes, I'm able to gauge plenty from simple side effects. I've discussed this topic before in length.
Certain side effects can even be used to gauge potency. In sum, side effects occur for a reason -- they're actually a "
response to a cause". In other words, if you are receiving a side effect, something is causing it. Of course, one could be imagining those effects? If so, then thankfully YES we do have studies.
For instance, I've attempted to explain that by increasing the I.V. dosage, using a bit of math we can prolong/extend the GH peak duration comparable to that of SQ/IM, while achieving a peak value far greater than either SQ/IM is capable. Note the following study.
Plasma Clearance of Intravenously Administered Pituitary Human Growth Hormone
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 60, No. 5 864-867
Copyright © 1985 by the Endocrine Society
"To determine at what rate the components are cleared from the circulation, blood was obtained at specific intervals following a bolus iv injection of pituitary hGH in hypopituitary patients. Each sample was gel filtered to determine its component profile of RIA values, which, when plotted vs. the time interval it represented, yielded a means of monitoring its disappearance from the plasma. Total hGH Was cleared with a t, of 21.5 min, the little component was cleared at 19.0 min, the big component was cleared at 26.5 min, and the pre-big component was cleared at 45 min. These data indicate that the larger the hGH component, the longer it takes to be cleared from the plasma."
To extrapolate from the study: In a nut shell, the higher the dosage, the longer the hGH component remains in circulation.
Thus, while I've stated I can literally feel the peaks and most certainly the crash, the above study confirms why I'm able to calculate their duration via dosage size. It's really not that complex a matter.
REAL studies will need to be performed...blind at minimum...double blind preferably. The studies show that the GH rapidly clears the bloodstream.
You're insinuating there may be benefits lost utilizing IV vs. SQ/IM? If so, note the following study (there are others).
Insulin-like growth factor-I response is comparable following intravenous and subcutaneous administration of growth hormone
Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 51, Issue 6, Pages 472-476
T. Kimbrough, S. Shernan, T. Ziegler, M. Scheltinga, D. Wilmore
"Subcutaneous (sq) administration of recombinant human growth hormone (r-hgh) has an anabolic effect and increases systemic insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) in surgical patients. IGF-I is a mediator of growth hormone (gh) anabolic effects. To determine the effect of intravenous (iv) administration of r-hgh on systemic IGF-I, 11 patients were given 14 1-week courses of daily 8-hr infusions of r-hgh (10 mg in 500 ml D5W). Serum gh and IGF-I levels were measured. To compare routes of administration, iv r-hgh patients were matched to comparable sq r-hgh patients and IGF-I responses were examined. Illness severity effect on IGF-I response to r-hgh was assessed by dividing 16 burn patients who received either iv or sq r-hgh into two groups on the basis of severity scores. Analysis of the data showed that IGF-I levels increased significantly after iv r-hgh, IGF-I response to iv r-hgh (1.14 ± 0.18 U/ml to 4.12 ± 0.65 U/ml) was not different from IGF-I response to sq r-hgh (1.04 ± 0.36 U/ml to 4.96 ± 1.09 U/ml)."
Results? As far as IGF-1 goes (which is what we want secreted) =
No difference!
So as far as studies go, this is where you're losing me. Yes, durations are shorter as most studies utilized smaller comparable dosages. Yet this is countered via implementing larger doses. GH I.V. administration has been around from rhGH conception. It, along with other forms of administration have been researched and even exhausted. Many of the studies (I could cite 10 right now) which addressed and tackled your very concerns. For instance, you said,..
I just don't see many people saddling up on the notion that you can save money and have GH spikes throughout the day just by pinning your veins a half dozen times a day (or even once or twice a day).
First off, let's be clear before I continue.
DON'T pin "half a dozen times a day"! However once or twice a day? Yeah, I believe I said, "
you could opt to inj. at least one of them via I.V." Meaning, try one IV a day. Not necessarily multiple times, though I did say, "but someone could." Thus, the option. Personally, I feel once is enough, though studies have been clear to point out, two and even more times are better. Again, note the following study.
Time Mode of Growth Hormone (GH) Entry into the Bloodstream and Steady-State Plasma GH Concentrations, Rather Than Sex, Estradiol, or Menstrual Cycle Stage, Primarily Determine the GH Elimination Rate in Healthy Young Women and Men
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 84, No. 8 2862-2869
Copyright © 1999 by The Endocrine Society
"Endogenous GH half-lives presumably represent pseudosteady state values, because GH is secreted episodically in short term bursts akin to consecutive brief IV infusions with resultant plasma levels (especially during the night) that do not decay to zero before additional GH release occurs."
Did you catch that? According to this study, consecutive, i.e.
multiple IV infusions better mimics our naturally secreted GH algorithms due to the brief intervals IV is capable of.
Further they stated,
"We thus conclude that for any given body surface area, the elimination properties of GH in men and women reflect predominantly the time mode of hormone entry into the circulation, rather than gender, menstrual cycle stage, or prevailing serum estradiol concentration.....The time mode of entry of GH into the bloodstream significantly governs the determinable half-life of GH removal"
In other words, they determined the amount given throughout the day, i.e. intervals and that once born into the bloodstream are what determined the GH half-life and its clearance rather than any other supposed (mentioned) factor or variable.
Doing a SQ or IM injection is one thing. Tying off and lacing a needle into your vein is a very, very large and unsavory bridge that most people will not dare cross...
There are a few legit reasons not to try IV. However I contest they are not based on a lack of research or unfamiliarity. Yet injecting via IV is not as bad as most "fear". For myself, I do not tie off. My vascularity is desirable and dosages are so small, it's pointless. None the less, if anyone has any concerns and or does not know what they are doing, then don't.
I don't want this to come across as anything other than what it is. Which is a modest disagreement between two like-minded, educated individuals. I believe that new ideas and hypotheses have to be questioned and not just taken at face value.
I am curious about you and your goals. Are you working for life enhancement or maximum muscular development?
I'm 46. It's been a long haul, yet I'm out for and have been achieving both without extremes to either. That is of course, unless IV dosing is extreme?
I can only imagine where this would have went if I had mentioned the coagulation of an IV dose in addition to a SQ.
Or have I already?