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HGH Injection times


Jul 3, 2010
Hey guys I am 22 years old been taking HGH for a little over two months (ND Blues) but haven't seen much results at 5IU ED. I was reading in order to feel more the gh I would need to take upwards of 8-10IU to feel the same effects of a 30 year old who only needs 4-5IU to feel the same effects. Why is this? I thought since I am already producing around 2IU naturally I would need less IUs to feel the same effect as a 30 year old who is only producing 1IU naturally a day??? Doesn't add up.
Hey guys I am 22 years old been taking HGH for a little over two months (ND Blues) but haven't seen much results at 5IU ED. I was reading in order to feel more the gh I would need to take upwards of 8-10IU to feel the same effects of a 30 year old who only needs 4-5IU to feel the same effects. Why is this? I thought since I am already producing around 2IU naturally I would need less IUs to feel the same effect as a 30 year old who is only producing 1IU naturally a day??? Doesn't add up.

I am no expert but from what I understand it takes a while for the body to start gaining the effects of hgh. I am only chiming in here because no one else has.

If you do a search on here you should be able to find the answers you need. At 22 I am thinking a lot of people on here are going to say you shouldnt be messing with it.
2 months is hardly enough time to see any affects from hgh
Run it for AT LEAST 3 months. Better still 6 months and above.
5iu daily is a nice dose. you should be seeing much fat loss with that dose. although for optimal fat loss with gh you need to be on a low carb(low insulin producing) diet.

At your age I would concentrate on the AAS instead of GH. save the GH for when your levels really start to fall off. Mid 30's.

I'm in my mid 30's and using 5iu EOD and already seeing fat loss after only 2 weeks. GH is better low and slow. lower doses for longer periods of time. Im planning on using GH for 6 months.

my current cycle:

TEST Cyp: 300mg per week
HGh: 5iu EOD
T3: 50mcg daily
Clenbuterol: 40 to 80mcg daily (only 14 days per month)
You need to remember that you are producing 2iu daily WITHOUT supplemental GH use, when you add the 5ius daily of GH in, it doesnt nessessarily mean that there will be 5iu+2iu=7iu of GH in your system. There is a negative feedback loop which tells your body to stop producing it when it sees exo GH in your system.

Also, older guys probably see a better response from lower doses simply because their body hasnt "seen" high GH levels since when they were younger, and therefore are more sensitive to it.

I'm almost 24 and have been using GH at 5iu 5on/2off for 2.5 months and am seeing nice results. Fat is slowly coming off which is great considering i am on a bulking diet.

Going to add a small dose of T4 in soon for some added synergy
Just curious what you think about a younger guy using GH, what if he was doing a 3 day blast? Like M/W/F PWO 10iu, how would you say that would work in terms of fat loss and growth? That way he would still be producing some natty GH on off days as well, no?
My Opinion is...........

I'm really in between because I have never done GH. I would say if you diet is great not just good and you have been training correctly then it's your choice. I waited until mid to late 20's to start gear thats me.

Just because somebody that has won two-three shows and is older than you says it's a bad idea, you still don't have to listen, I wouldn't if I had my mind set on it.

See what i'm saying??????

Hey jucin, how come I couldn't add 2IU Naturally +5IU synthetic =7IU altogether. Are you saying i am wasting some of the gh? I could lower the dose and save some of it if I am only wasting it.
Hey jucin, how come I couldn't add 2IU Naturally +5IU synthetic =7IU altogether. Are you saying i am wasting some of the gh? I could lower the dose and save some of it if I am only wasting it.

Hey jucin, how come I couldn't add 2IU Naturally +5IU synthetic =7IU altogether. Are you saying i am wasting some of the gh? I could lower the dose and save some of it if I am only wasting it.

Well just like with natural testosterone production, there is a negative feedback loop with GH as well - which senses when there is too much gh in circulation, and causes the pituitary to stop its production.

Im not an expert on this, and couldnt tell you how severly the pituitary's output of GH is hindered from x amount of exogenious GH use. But i doubt that, while taking growth hormone, you would be producing the same amount of GH you would naturally be producing if you were not on the exo GH at all.

I know natural GH production is said to rebound very much faster than natural testosterone production, so it is possible that you might be producing some naturally even though you are taking GH.

Okay... Well i was thinking if I would be better to save my money and gh if I lowered the dose and produced more of my natural gh, instead of using more synthetic gh and producing less of my own gh. I dunno it is a difficult question.
Just started using GH and im in the third week and i have seen noticeable fat lose. But I'm also on a SHIC cycle as well so its not just the GH along with eating clean.
Okay... Well i was thinking if I would be better to save my money and gh if I lowered the dose and produced more of my natural gh, instead of using more synthetic gh and producing less of my own gh. I dunno it is a difficult question.

may want to look into a CJC/GHRP cycle if thats the case. Check out DatBeTrue's thread, it has a LOT of info
Well just like with natural testosterone production, there is a negative feedback loop with GH as well - which senses when there is too much gh in circulation, and causes the pituitary to stop its production.

Im not an expert on this, and couldnt tell you how severly the pituitary's output of GH is hindered from x amount of exogenious GH use. But i doubt that, while taking growth hormone, you would be producing the same amount of GH you would naturally be producing if you were not on the exo GH at all.

I know natural GH production is said to rebound very much faster than natural testosterone production, so it is possible that you might be producing some naturally even though you are taking GH.

this is why you wana go 5 on 2 off
5/2 off

Why would you advise 5/2 protocol?? Wouldn't it be better for your system if it is in your system everyday? I'm at 5IU ED at 22 years old for 2 months and haven't seen any fat loss, and i measure at the gym with calipers.
Why would you advise 5/2 protocol?? Wouldn't it be better for your system if it is in your system everyday?

Everyday is great for anti ageing and most beneficial to people over 50 who intend on using gh indefinately.
I'm about to turn 40 and I use 2-3 ius 5 or 6 days a week. I should say, I hope I'm using 2-3 ius but I'm not sure how many iu's i'm really using because I've never had any gh tested.

At your age, you should be be doing 10iu PWO 3 times a week. JMO
Why would you advise 5/2 protocol?? Wouldn't it be better for your system if it is in your system everyday? I'm at 5IU ED at 22 years old for 2 months and haven't seen any fat loss, and i measure at the gym with calipers.

tricking the body is good, maybe you have bunk stuff? , fwiw, i didnt have any fat at 22 i couldnt get off by working hard, im 44 now, that said, i saw a def change in body comp within a month, albeit slight, its there 4ius 5/2 2 wakeup, 2 pwo

i also upped the cardio once i started the 6 month run and dropped red meat, you need to attack things from diff angles imo
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im 25 been on gh on and off before not really understanding how it worked. i used it mainly for fat loss thru cutting diets. of course on a lower carb diet with high amounts of cardio i felt like 3 months of gh had all to do with the fat loss i experienced. now im back on for growth and i was told at my age doing 10iu's E3D immediatly pwo was the best for growth. i have heard that at a younger age you do pulse more than say someone in their later 30's. so taking a synthetic version of what you already produce at a lower dose the body wouldnt necessarly recognise it. im not sure if thats all true, just what ive read
are you using slin with that 10ius?

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