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HGH pricing variences


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 20, 2008
i've noticed a big swing in prices on HGH from sponsors here, like 100% difference. How is that? I mean is the $150/100 iu's the same stuff as the $300/100 iu's? I heard something about the cheap stuff is 192aa and the expensive stuff is 191aa, which is the 'good' stuff. Can anyone help me out w/ this, thoroughly confused...
well friend, I will say this. Although you may want to get other opinions than a "source".

So people are "middlemen", therefore they are buying product from a manufacturer. Therefore they need to mark up prices in order to make the profit they require.

Some people are willing to work on smaller profit margins and will price product cheaper than others.

Our hgh, for example, is 191aa and is abolutely the highest quality. We are not middlemen and also do not mind working off of smaller profit margins, if it can be made up in a higher quantity of orders.

Just an opinion.


well friend, I will say this. Although you may want to get other opinions than a "source".

So people are "middlemen", therefore they are buying product from a manufacturer. Therefore they need to mark up prices in order to make the profit they require.

Some people are willing to work on smaller profit margins and will price product cheaper than others.

Our hgh, for example, is 191aa and is abolutely the highest quality. We are not middlemen and also do not mind working off of smaller profit margins, if it can be made up in a higher quantity of orders.

Just an opinion.



Though a sources opinion, I think it's spot on! Same goes with prices for all dvds. It's a business game, everybody is looking for their own piece of the pie.
Yeah, i understand all that, but that big of a spread, that's a HUGE difference, i don't see many businesses having that big of a spread... Just curious, the old saying goes "if it's too good to be true then it just might be", but that's why iam asking for clarification, i know nothing about HGH...
bro resellers can sometimes put up a huge price difference.
it really doesnt have to do anything with quality.
Well, i guess it is the same stuff, i just had to question that big of a spread...
Too Good to be True?

Gator, I'm with you on the recent price changes for HGH. Could be HGH suppliers are getting squeezed by the new peptide movement (CJC 1295 etc)? But drastic price drops do make you wonder. That would be quite ballsy if Dynasty wasn't being straight. You have to give them credit for jumping in so aggressively. I'm impressed. Will I order? We'll see.
$3.00 an iu is stupid cheap!!!!!! IT WAS NOT LONG AGO THAT 191aa Was $15.00 an iu.

If you call your local pharmacy and ask for a price for 5mg Humatrope which is only 15 iu it will be around $300.00 thats $20.00 an iu.

makes you wonder how these guys can manufacture such an expensive compound so cheap and still make a profit.
& if you call a pharmacy a bottle of test can run $150, same from a gym dealer. And a bottle of test can be had for as little as $30 from sponsers - which is what a 5 fold difference. i dont think its hard to believe at all that their high quality gh can be given away at that price especially since so many people are intrested in it these days. As said b4, the volume of sales is where they are making their money.
well said ;)
well friend, I will say this. Although you may want to get other opinions than a "source".

So people are "middlemen", therefore they are buying product from a manufacturer. Therefore they need to mark up prices in order to make the profit they require.

Some people are willing to work on smaller profit margins and will price product cheaper than others.

Our hgh, for example, is 191aa and is abolutely the highest quality. We are not middlemen and also do not mind working off of smaller profit margins, if it can be made up in a higher quantity of orders.

Just an opinion.


Saying $3 an iu is cheap.... i remember when you used to be able to pick up blue tops for almost a third of that i think prices are just now starting to get back to where they where two years ago or so.
& if you call a pharmacy a bottle of test can run $150, same from a gym dealer. And a bottle of test can be had for as little as $30 from sponsers - which is what a 5 fold difference. i dont think its hard to believe at all that their high quality gh can be given away at that price especially since so many people are intrested in it these days. As said b4, the volume of sales is where they are making their money.

i just happened to walk into the pharm next to my wifes work to pick up some needles, and asked how much a 10mg bottle of test cyp was. 65usd, i was like wow, good price, to bad i have no script...lol
I am really impressed by Dynasty's eloquent response. If this were legal for me to take advantage of, I would be all over it.
i just happened to walk into the pharm next to my wifes work to pick up some needles, and asked how much a 10mg bottle of test cyp was. 65usd, i was like wow, good price, to bad i have no script...lol

compounded vs pharm brand plays a big variance in price, as well as the pharmacy itself. me, i pay $5 a bottle - gotta love insurance ;)
i guess what i'm asking is who has tried both?

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