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High Hematocrit Level


New member
Oct 6, 2008
Hi Guys.
Want to thank everyone for all the great info and input.
My concern is I'm 47, 10% bf and on a mild cycle.
Running Cyp. 200 EW, EQ 200 EW,Masterone 300 EW,GH 3 iu's 6 X's / WK
Blood work showed high Hematocrit level 55+, Dr. recomended I stay off for a bit.
Basically just started back on after 3 plus months off.
One friend recomended I give blood.
If so how often and is this a realistic solution or just a band aid on a problem and the real answer is to get off until things fall back in line.
Thank you everyone, your knowledge is appreciated and valued.
give blood once a month, take a baby aspirin once a day?
I give double red platelets. They only take the cells, not the clear plasma. You can't donate as often when you do that vs. total blood donation however. That will get your Hematocrit down immediately.
Give blood.
I give double red platelets. They only take the cells, not the clear plasma. You can't donate as often when you do that vs. total blood donation however. That will get your Hematocrit down immediately.

How often do you give red platelets? I was just looking at my blood bank and they have "double red blood cell donation" but you can only go once every 16 weeks. Platelets you can go every two weeks but its does not refer to them as "double red platelets". By donating platelets how does it take down your HCT? I just want to make sure I don't waste my time and donate the wrong thing (of course helping people is cool)
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Androgenic Anabolic steroids stimulate the kidneys to produce EPO=bone marrow =more red cells=new RBC cells live for four months. there is no negative feedback mechanism it will get very high and the risk of stroke and kidney CV damage is very high. Search on polycythemia because it is simply Steroid induced polcythemia or artificial blood doping with your own EPO stimulated by AAS.
some steroids are worse than others like Deca Drol EQ Testosterone and dose dependent as well.

Go to a hematologist and they will phlebotomize you twice a week if necessay to get it under 50 most prefer 45.
Many don't want to go to the doc so the other option is going to 2-3 blood donation centers per month initially to get it down and then keep it under control with 1-2 pints per month.
No blood donation center will allow you to donate more than once every 56 days so to get multiple ones you have to put in some foot work. The red cross is one. local blood bank is another option -most large hospitals have these and also local blood banks like the american blood bank etc.

you can search on my past threads to see the value of donating blood on and off cycles-but go in fully hydrated to reduce hematocrit-glycerol sea salt and a lot of water the day before helps reduce the hematocrit-they will disqualify you if your hematocrit is too high.

keep it under control by 1-2 times a month and keep the cycles lower and shorter.

To me hematocrit is the most dangerous side effect from cycling that no on pays attention to as even if they do they have trouble donating blood but follow the advice in this thread and you will feel better and be healthier.
How often do you give red platelets? I was just looking at my blood bank and they have "double red blood cell donation" but you can only go once every 16 weeks. Platelets you can go every two weeks but its does not refer to them as "double red platelets". By donating platelets how does it take down your HCT? I just want to make sure I don't waste my time and donate the wrong thing (of course helping people is cool)

Red Cross accepts whole blood once every 8 weeks or double red once every 16 weeks. I just prefer the double red since only cells are removed and your plasma is pumped back in after the process is complete. That seemed better to me as far as blood viscosity (thinner). Not sure how far it comes down as I have not had it tested right after the donation, but the nurse said it would be an immediate drop, or in her words "it won't be that high when you leave here"
Androgenic Anabolic steroids stimulate the kidneys to produce EPO=bone marrow =more red cells=new RBC cells live for four months. there is no negative feedback mechanism it will get very high and the risk of stroke and kidney CV damage is very high.

How do the pro's deal with this massive? I can't imagine all of them constantly donating blood :p
Tested on Monday, my hematocrit was 57.3%. :eek:
It would be nice if some places online sold 14-16gauge butterflies so we could just do it ourselves at home. It just flows that way opposed to needing a big syring with smaller butterflies.
Tested on Monday, my hematocrit was 57.3%. :eek:

Yikes. Mine had been up to about 58 right before I had my heart attack! You better get that down real soon. I did get it down by drawing much blood though, so I dont think it was the cause of my heart attack. IMO giving blood is just a band aid and is just putting off taking care of the problem and possibly putting you at more risk while other factors in your blood increase. Good short term treatment at best. Thing is, taking the AAS can also increase levels of things like prothrombin in your blood which also can lead to clotting. Giving blood does nothing for this.
Yikes. Mine had been up to about 58 right before I had my heart attack! You better get that down real soon. I did get it down by drawing much blood though, so I dont think it was the cause of my heart attack. IMO giving blood is just a band aid and is just putting off taking care of the problem and possibly putting you at more risk while other factors in your blood increase. Good short term treatment at best. Thing is, taking the AAS can also increase levels of things like prothrombin in your blood which also can lead to clotting. Giving blood does nothing for this.

That sucks. I thought by getting rid of blood often enough which keep down rbc,hematocrit and hemoglobin is all you needed to do, while keeping lipids in check.
Yikes. Mine had been up to about 58 right before I had my heart attack! You better get that down real soon.

My blood test results on 21 April 2009:

* RBC = 6 520 000 /mm3.......... max = 6 500 000

* Hemoglobin = 18.6 g/dl.......... max = 17

* Hematocrit = 57.3%............ max = 54

* HDL Cholesterol = 0.32 g/l.................... should be > 45

* Ratio total cholesterol / HDL = 4.97......... < 4.50

* Alipoprotein A1 = 0.97 g/l..................... > 1.01

* Creatinine = 13.5 mg/ml.................. max 12.5

* ALT (liver) = 113 UI/l..................... max 72
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How do the pro's deal with this massive? I can't imagine all of them constantly donating blood :p

You are most likly correct, if they did not have there own personal doctor on hand they would just draw it themselfs.

Good post massive G, allot of very good information there. Thanks.
you only have to fill it 47 times to = 1 pint.:D

yah lol Even a 100ml syring would require filling it 4x. Big pain in the ass. I used to have a few 14gauge butterflys from a buddy who was on dialysis and they are awesome. Just flows right into the kitchen sink :) Done in 10min at the most. I wish somewhere sold them. I may have to break into the bloodbank
once you get back to normal range it can be kept there by taking 20ml out each week.

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