look at the fatasses i work with scarfing all the shit down their hatches then hear them bitch for the next 11hours about how it is so tough to lose weight. it is really easy
the beotches here stuff the 2 fridges with RANCH dressing, MAYO, HOT POCKETS, and there are always donuts, muffins, brownies, and treats on the table...and they all wonder why they are fat asses...
Why the hell would you want to avoid the candy? Life's short...eat!! I'm not really the best person when it comes to diet though. I had a large stuffed crust meat lovers pizza for dinner last night. 4 taco supremes and 1 nacho supreme for lunch. Before bed I had 12 chunky chips ahoy cookies and a big glass of milk. I don't know what the hell's wrong with me. I've been eating like this for two weeks. I can't stop. And no, I'm not trying to bulk. I'm still around 10-11% bodyfat though. Maybe it's a tapeworm.