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How to deal with these sides!

Simple, if it were me I would drop the anadrol and watch things resolve over 10 days.
I.personally think you have anxiety issues but you could be having cardiac problem as well. I'd rule your.heart out first.and.foremost and @bbextreme is.very knowledgeable in that. though he looks.to have ignored me.....but if.you have insurance.and have a.gp gate keeper I'd start there.first. Even without insurance.go.to gp...leave out the juice.part. Your RNR.is.great but.they deal with shit like this everyday! I would try to get in as quick.as I can . I think the juice is giving you.anxiety you'd be.amazed what that can do make you feel likea. Fuck i.had two diet Mountain dews today and I was freaking out so i.have to go take an ativan and by the.end. I.didnt have.vertigo. My stomach was not twisted in knots and I was having.dizzy spells that went away. Its.really just the.craziest shit. But good luck to you and if you can nail it down to a specific compound.I'd personally just.quit taking that as the.drugs.that get rid of anxiety have shitty sexual side.you dont.want....trust me and best wishes!
I haven’t ignored you man. You’re just tagging my username wrong so I’m not seeing the post. All is good. 😊

All good suggestions. I hope it’s anxiety over a heart issue. Generally guys will know or feel the anxiousness though in my experience.

Honestly, the OP is 40 and just re-introducing gear and at a decent amount. The body is a built more work by then so could just be it adapting and scaling back a bit could solve it all.

I just think every guy who wants to blast gear should (especially over 30 or 40) should get some baseline screening done as you just never know. It’s always the shit we least expect or see coming that gets us. Ironically that same shit is usually preventable if caught earlier on.
I haven’t ignored you man. You’re just tagging my username wrong so I’m not seeing the post. All is good. 😊

All good suggestions. I hope it’s anxiety over a heart issue. Generally guys will know or feel the anxiousness though in my experience.

Honestly, the OP is 40 and just re-introducing gear and at a decent amount. The body is a built more work by then so could just be it adapting and scaling back a bit could solve it all.

I just think every guy who wants to blast gear should (especially over 30 or 40) should get some baseline screening done as you just never know. It’s always the shit we least expect or see coming that gets us. Ironically that same shit is usually preventable if caught earlier on.
Well Good to know thank you!! And my main concern if it is anxiety he just don't hop on antidepressants. I mean you might have fill the.script.and just uses.benzos. when it pops up here and there. A Dr will make sure you always have your sertraline cause you don't get addicted.to that.......just benzos. Of course thats.bullshit as you can't just quit sertraline but.no of course your not addicted to it. You just see people doing freeky shit on the news "when they quit taking their medicine when they fell better and don't think they need it anymore". Which I think is code.for "yea.he's been methed.out of his mind for 6 days and a pack of polar bear ninjas have been chasing him". I know.some don't like benzos on here.but.its.very effective. Keeps.A lot.of people out of the.hospital.
Well Good to know thank you!! And my main concern if it is anxiety he just don't hop on antidepressants. I mean you might have fill the.script.and just uses.benzos. when it pops up here and there. A Dr will make sure you always have your sertraline cause you don't get addicted.to that.......just benzos. Of course thats.bullshit as you can't just quit sertraline but.no of course your not addicted to it. You just see people doing freeky shit on the news "when they quit taking their medicine when they fell better and don't think they need it anymore". Which I think is code.for "yea.he's been methed.out of his mind for 6 days and a pack of polar bear ninjas have been chasing him". I know.some don't like benzos on here.but.its.very effective. Keeps.A lot.of people out of the.hospital.
The line as I’ve always been taught it is not going over 2mg of benzos per day for management and only using as needed.

They can be very effective, but also very addictive and the withdrawal for them are crazy, especially over the 2mg mark.

Look at what Jordan Peterson went through when he ventured up to 4-8mg daily. He wanted to die and took over a year to pull out of it.

But the body will become dependent on most medications. Beta blockers are a great example. Try taking a beta blocker for years and then stopping it cold turkey- it won’t be fun. You have to or “should” taper it as well.

Anxiety is very real though and can destroy peoples lives so if gear amplifies that, I agree that it’s not worth it. I know many of bodybuilders who back off compounds because they cause anxiety for them. So def agree with you on that.
At 40 I would drop the anadrol for now as suggested above and get an ECHO and CT calcium score test done prior to diving in too hard on gear.

Blood work as well to check lipids, HSCRP and homocysteine in addition to a comprehensive metabolic panel. This will be less that $100 through Ulta Labs and the CT calcium score is $99 and both are the best $200 total you’ll spend before jumping into a cycle IMO.

A telemed cardiologist can order the heart test if you don’t have a cardiologist. A PCP will generally write the CT Calcium test no issue.
Thank you for your detailed reply, I will get this done, I'm very active and try to keep myself up, I just turn to you guys when needed, thanks again
The line as I’ve always been taught it is not going over 2mg of benzos per day for management and only using as needed.

They can be very effective, but also very addictive and the withdrawal for them are crazy, especially over the 2mg mark.

Look at what Jordan Peterson went through when he ventured up to 4-8mg daily. He wanted to die and took over a year to pull out of it.

But the body will become dependent on most medications. Beta blockers are a great example. Try taking a beta blocker for years and then stopping it cold turkey- it won’t be fun. You have to or “should” taper it as well.

Anxiety is very real though and can destroy peoples lives so if gear amplifies that, I agree that it’s not worth it. I know many of bodybuilders who back off compounds because they cause anxiety for them. So def agree with you on that.
i have taken anywhere from 2mg to 4 mg pey day. Both ativan and xanax all prescribed I know the withdrawals are horrible but so is the withdrawal from sertraline, trazadone, serquel, and gabapentin. Weird but trazadone is something I think I would never be able to kick. I have taken a lot of drugs in the past and trazadone was the absolute worse out of all of them. In my situation there is no ever coming off these drugs. I would have so much anxiety that I could not function. Also I have quit metoprolol and yes that did suck my hr would be so high that I was scared to walk on a treadmill. Though now I am on it. I am looking for a new psychiatrist as if I had a good month and felt well I got to argue to not take a half mg away from my ativan. I think that is their goal. And having the level of anxiety I had sucked worse than the withdrawal of all these drugs combined. I don't think people should suffer because they have established a new norm for benzo prescribing that really don't fit well in that persons life. its like oh you feel good now suffer. Any sharing a patients perspective
i have taken anywhere from 2mg to 4 mg pey day. Both ativan and xanax all prescribed I know the withdrawals are horrible but so is the withdrawal from sertraline, trazadone, serquel, and gabapentin. Weird but trazadone is something I think I would never be able to kick. I have taken a lot of drugs in the past and trazadone was the absolute worse out of all of them. In my situation there is no ever coming off these drugs. I would have so much anxiety that I could not function. Also I have quit metoprolol and yes that did suck my hr would be so high that I was scared to walk on a treadmill. Though now I am on it. I am looking for a new psychiatrist as if I had a good month and felt well I got to argue to not take a half mg away from my ativan. I think that is their goal. And having the level of anxiety I had sucked worse than the withdrawal of all these drugs combined. I don't think people should suffer because they have established a new norm for benzo prescribing that really don't fit well in that persons life. its like oh you feel good now suffer. Any sharing a patients perspective
It’s all a tough and fine line. These medications do work and make people’s lives better such as in your case. The downfall is the body builds tolerances so you have to chase or ramp things for them to continue being effective.

What’s scarier is exactly what happened with the recent adderal shortage. If overnight someone like you or a patient on a benzo or dependent medication did not have access to it for days, weeks or months such as what happened with Adderal it would be a very scary world for those people and others around them IMO.

It’s the price or trade off we make IMO for living the lives we do. And I don’t say that in a bad way, I mean the high stress that comes with all we do in today’s time.

At the end of the day people should choose health and quality of life first IMO. I hold no judgment on what people choose to do or take (nor should any doctor). That goes for gear to medications.

All I try to do is tell people the objective things I know/have been taught or believe. 😊
Could be an arrhythmia I would get an ekg to be safe. Things like afib can come and go you’d have to be monitoring it when it’s happening to catch it
I.personally think you have anxiety issues but you could be having cardiac problem as well. I'd rule your.heart out first.and.foremost and @bbextreme is.very knowledgeable in that. though he looks.to have ignored me.....but if.you have insurance.and have a.gp gate keeper I'd start there.first. Even without insurance.go.to gp...leave out the juice.part. Your RNR.is.great but.they deal with shit like this everyday! I would try to get in as quick.as I can . I think the juice is giving you.anxiety you'd be.amazed what that can do make you feel likea. Fuck i.had two diet Mountain dews today and I was freaking out so i.have to go take an ativan and by the.end. I.didnt have.vertigo. My stomach was not twisted in knots and I was having.dizzy spells that went away. Its.really just the.craziest shit. But good luck to you and if you can nail it down to a specific compound.I'd personally just.quit taking that as the.drugs.that get rid of anxiety have shitty sexual side.you dont.want....trust me and best wishes!
If he had anxiety his RHR would be elevated. Perhaps not rocket high, but not 65. Something doesn’t add up in this equation. If he’s set on feeling his heart is beating hard… which I don’t know how, not creating rapid RHR or BP… I would have some heart scans done to be safe.
?If he had anxiety his RHR would be elevated. Perhaps not rocket high, but not 65. Something doesn’t add up in this equation. If he’s set on feeling his heart is beating hard… which I don’t know how, not creating rapid RHR or BP… I would have some heart scans done to be safe.
i believe I said that in my posts that rule the heart out first. But he said he feels like he wakes up with an adrenal dump to his body ask him how you feel that without your heart rate going high. Ive personally had this happen. I hope its anxiety/compound related. dude with anxiety its hard to explain how its nothing but your mind doing this.
Could be an arrhythmia I would get an ekg to be safe. Things like afib can come and go you’d have to be monitoring it when it’s happening to catch it
No I went into this a few times after I had heart surgery. You can feel it, you can tell your heart is beating irregular, your weak, dizzy and slightly confused or at least I was. Plus I had went into a few days after surgery while I was in the hospital. Its very easy to tell but both times they I said I had textbook afib. so maybe harder for some
At 40 I would drop the anadrol for now as suggested above and get an ECHO and CT calcium score test done prior to diving in too hard on gear.

Blood work as well to check lipids, HSCRP and homocysteine in addition to a comprehensive metabolic panel. This will be less that $100 through Ulta Labs and the CT calcium score is $99 and both are the best $200 total you’ll spend before jumping into a cycle IMO.

A telemed cardiologist can order the heart test if you don’t have a cardiologist. A PCP will generally write the CT Calcium test no issue.
Honestly given his RHR is great and BP is okay, I think this is overkill. I’m sure he could likely drop the anadrol and be fine, or this could just be in his head (more self aware of heartbeat since on cycle).
Also just for due dilligence anything heart beat related I'd also recommend keeping an eye on electrolyte intake.

My heart rate and heart beat can be effected by an imbalance in electrolytes. As I've gotten older my body is less resilient to changes and new dosing protocols.

Not medical advice but this is my personal opinion and what I aim for in the relevance micros daily.

5g sodium
5g potassium
1g magnesium

You can plug your diet into Cronometer and get a rough idea of where you're at in relation to the above targets.
Honestly given his RHR is great and BP is okay, I think this is overkill. I’m sure he could likely drop the anadrol and be fine, or this could just be in his head (more self aware of heartbeat since on cycle).
You think spending $200 for test/bloodwork that every bodybuilder and 40 year old should do in general to check their heart and health is overkill… 🤣

You guys crack me up- will drop thousands on gear and live this lifestyle, but doing baseline bloodwork and heart screening for a 40 year old is overkill. LOL
You think spending $200 for test/bloodwork that every bodybuilder and 40 year old should do in general to check their heart and health is overkill… 🤣

You guys crack me up- will drop thousands on gear and live this lifestyle, but doing baseline bloodwork and heart screening for a 40 year old is overkill. LOL
I think I came across wrong.

I don’t think doing those things is overkill in general, and if he’s never done any of them he should.

I just meant that given his only symptom is he “feels his heartbeat”, but his RHR and BP are okay, I don’t think there is anything wrong with his heart in this context. I really can’t even see a cardiologist getting him an echocardiogram for that.

There is always value to those test, I 100% agree.
I think I came across wrong.

I don’t think doing those things is overkill in general, and if he’s never done any of them he should.

I just meant that given his only symptom is he “feels his heartbeat”, but his RHR and BP are okay, I don’t think there is anything wrong with his heart in this context. I really can’t even see a cardiologist getting him an echocardiogram for that.

There is always value to those test, I 100% agree.
Ahh makes more sense. He has not had either of them done. That’s why I suggested them. 😊

I said it above in another post too, but honestly just may be because he is 40 now and has been away from it a while and is a lot for his body that quickly at his age.

But without having had those baseline test I think he should do them even if for peace of mind being 40 and not having had them.
I'm fairly new at this so be easy on me, i have been running test e at 500 per week and 50mg anadrol every day, along with 12.5 mg aromasin eod, for only about 4 weeks,
My question is what to do about my heart beat, it is pounding most of the time like I have been running, even at rest laying in bed it just throbs, it's keeping me up at night, I have a hard time sleeping and it is messing with my vision a little bit, it's like my adrenaline got ran up and now just stays up, but my BP is not high, and per minute is not high, 130/80, I'm working out hard 4 days a week, eating good, and no other health problems, is there anything i can do to get the pounding to calm down? I didn't really want to come right back off gear, Thank you
brother not trying to be rude.. i’m just a straight shooter. drop the abombs.. at least for a week and see if the sides go away. Drol is a super potent, super harsh compound. I ran it a few months ago, but couldn’t handle it. felt like shit so stopped it. there’s no set in stone tx book of what. you should run. If it doesn’t agree with your body just don’t run it. you don’t need drol anyways unless youre advanced.. 230 plus at least

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