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What to do if needle broke off in glute? Anyone deal with this?

My friends who work in the ER tell me that heroin addicts with have broken needles in their arms so you have to watch out not to get poked but these people are using a needle over and over and not taking care of it. I think the OPs only option is a strong magnet like the one that Coyote used to use on that Roadrunner.
Howard Hughes had a shit load of snapped on needles at death
Was HH a drug addict? I'm going to look it up. I know he became very reclusive.
Had a long history of opioid addiction.

Courtesy of the sundaypost.com, from the autopsy:

"X-rays revealed five broken-off hypodermic needles in the flesh of his arms as the germaphobic Hughes had insisted on using glass syringes with metal needles that became easily detached to inject the codeine to which he was addicted into his muscles."
It's impossible. You can't break it off. They can bend but not break. All my years on AAS and all my friends in my bbing circle no one has ever broken a needle off inside them.
i think this is everybodies worst scenario.. I have thought it might happen to me a few times when i was younger injecting test suspension and winstrol. The old mexican versions were not micronized so they would clog the pin and pushing down on the plunger so hard and reaching around in my ass... i have thought a few times it was going to break.. but never did.

if the needle breaks which would be difficult but not impossible... i would treat it like a splinter... see if possible to get it out with tweezers but if not then go to the doctor. they will lance the area and remove it.

be ready to have a good excuse as to why there is a broken needle in you. they will ask.
Maybe this is the 2024 version of the old thread of shooting it into your sphincter or anus? LOL

We just need an equivalent of the clambutter oil thread now....haha.
using slip locks ive popped the pin away from the syringe body and had the liquid squirt everywhere, its like an explosion if there is good presure on it. but then you just pull the pin out. the plastic top is still on it so its easy to see and grab. its a little weird/shocking the first time it happens. but ive done it plenty of times with cheap pins.

needles are gona break. i have used needles to fix broken door handles in my house then the pin thing that keeps them in gets lost. they work great! lol
If you bend a needle back and forth 5 times sure it will break off.

If you grab a hot pan without a oven mitt you will burn your hand

Have some fucking sense
Had a long history of opioid addiction.

Courtesy of the sundaypost.com, from the autopsy:

"X-rays revealed five broken-off hypodermic needles in the flesh of his arms as the germaphobic Hughes had insisted on using glass syringes with metal needles that became easily detached to inject the codeine to which he was addicted into his muscles."

I could definitely see this happen

I've seen drug users shoot with the same needle over and over again. We're talking a insulin syringe 30g. They would break off even easier. Nod off with the needle in there arm and fall on to it
i think this is everybodies worst scenario.. I have thought it might happen to me a few times when i was younger injecting test suspension and winstrol. The old mexican versions were not micronized so they would clog the pin and pushing down on the plunger so hard and reaching around in my ass... i have thought a few times it was going to break.. but never did.

if the needle breaks which would be difficult but not impossible... i would treat it like a splinter... see if possible to get it out with tweezers but if not then go to the doctor. they will lance the area and remove it.

be ready to have a good excuse as to why there is a broken needle in you. they will ask.

OMG! I remember those days when suspension and winstrol would clog my needle and I was stuck there trying to push it through. It was usually the test suspension with the white crystal's not going through.
not likely to happen but if it did then dig it out or go to the hospital and have it cut out. Be sterile. Rubbing alcohol is a friend
Dude when I was in high school I was the only guy that would get pins. No net at this time and people would deny me at the pharmacy all the time. I wound up getting a couple boxes of 19x1-1/2. A lot of people quit due to the pain. We were all like 16 though I am sure anyone on this site would use them if they had to. In hindsight prolly the best thing to happen to a bunch of kids using juice, I however was not deterred.

Yea I remember I read mix a little oil with the suspension and no clogs. I could get the 30ml bottles of Steris suspension when I was in HS. I read to just mix it with the oil which usually just resulted in you shooting some in gets clogged so you push harder a lot goes in hurts like hell repeat until none is left.

I have read Hughes autobiography and they had x rays of his body in it when he had passed and yea he had some needles in that body. Like they were pretty big needles. I think at the end he was pretty much confined to a bed. Really good read if you like to read.

I started bain and when that dried up oxys were just starting to come on the scene you could get them from heroin addicts that would go to the Dr. or have someone go to the Dr. so they could sell them or take them when H was dry. You would see people with like elephantitus looking forearms from when they missed a vein in their arm and got some nasty infection, plus they were all scarred up. The fuckers would get together shoot up and all go to sleep..lol Anyway 80's were like 10-20 bucks at the time so I managed to work myself up to 5-6 a day. Reused many a slin pin until the fucking things were dull as shit and then probably used them 10 more times. This was when they just had a coating on the outside that you rubbed off and then they were I.R. I am fortunate enough to just get bored of drugs and just don't want to take them anymore so I quit at 24. You guys think Kratom or Bain withdrawals were bad fuck I think I craved them things for a fucking month, like you don't want anything this bad ever, felt like total shit, had the shits, fucking freezing, shaky, could not get comfortable, always sweating..for a month.

I would just go to work and was praised by my boss for working when I was sick..lmao Anyway I have never heard of or had happen to myself or anyone I know of a modern day insulin pin breaking off in someone until this thread. Some of my friends graduated to heroin, a few wound up dead, some resorted to hooking their gf out, some in jail, most got busted and would suddenly reach out asking for shit when I hadn't talked to them in years. Oddly enough these always seemed the guys that talked the loudest...huh. A few of us got out, but we have all had major medical issues in our 40's. I was 187lbs with 15-1/2 inch arms with abs at 24 and in 18 months i gained 100lbs not anything close to all muscle. Like I actually started to eat everyday and was back in the gym. Anyway I am not proud of this but I would not trade this experience for anything as it made me who I am today. All my hs friends went to college got degrees and a career and at 24 I didn't have shit except a closet full of skeletons...
Man dumb threads are piling up these day!
(Oops am I being mean again? My bad).
using slip locks ive popped the pin away from the syringe body and had the liquid squirt everywhere, its like an explosion if there is good presure on it. but then you just pull the pin out. the plastic top is still on it so its easy to see and grab. its a little weird/shocking the first time it happens. but ive done it plenty of times with cheap pins.

needles are gona break. i have used needles to fix broken door handles in my house then the pin thing that keeps them in gets lost. they work great! lol
I’ve had that happen a few times with water based test suspension..it would clog and I’d push the plunger harder..pop
I’ve had slim pins come out at literally 90 degrees. This is when I learned drawing 5 different peptides in one syringe blunts the needle 😅
Oh brother everyone wanna post on promuscle but not everyone actually wanna be a bodybuilder
Yea I am guilty of that myself! People always ask how bodybuilding is going and I just say "well I am more of a weightlifter, I don't do bodybuilding contests and don't plan on it". I do want to be a bodybuilder but am not because I just wouldn't be a good one. My muscles bellies just don't have the shape. I doubt I would be competitive at even a local level unless of course I did the masters class and I was the only one that showed up in the middle school gym it was at. Though I have never met someone who lifts weights that would make a great BB and not do shows. I mean seriously you ever heard some say they are a real estate investor and then not own any real estate?

Also at one time you had to get fat to grow. Now I think it is more preferred to do almost a mock show and rebound from there and not get really fat at all. Go look at Lee Preist off season that dude blew up. He got really fat and always came in peeled. I did have a buddy tell me that I should do a mock show 1 time as most people would gain a lot of muscle after, this is when I was young prolly 20 years ago.

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