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John Jewett - what do you like to know?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
Tomorrow i gonna have John on my podcast again. The idea is to talk about him transition from 212 to open and what he really change in terms of his protocol, diets etc. If theres any specyfic questions you like me to ask John please listed them below. Thanks!
Tomorrow i gonna have John on my podcast again. The idea is to talk about him transition from 212 to open and what he really change in terms of his protocol, diets etc. If theres any specyfic questions you like me to ask John please listed them below. Thanks!
Differences between the approach he used to add most of his size (like when he went from MW to HW and earned his pro card) vs. when he competed in 212 vs moving up to open - training, food (and the degree to which he drove up Bodyweight), and PEDs.
Id like to hear his thoughts on mast vs primo vs eq both in terms of off season and pre contest. I know he used a lot of mast before for pre contest but some people in the industry said he only used mast instead of of primo because he couldn't get real primo and I'd like to know if that was the only reason. And I've never heard him speak about eq so I'd love to know his thoughts on it.
  • What’s his opinion on using orals in the off-season compared to during prep?
  • In his opinion, what changes have had the most significant impact on his recent progress?
  • What common mistakes does he notice in other people’s diet and training approaches?
  • What’s his take on using Lantus as a bodybuilder and how to use it as a bodybuilder?
  • What’s his biggest regret or the most stupid thing he’s done in his bodybuilding journey?
I have plenty more questions in mind, but these should do for now, haha.
Is Masteron acceptable to use as a primary growth driver in the offseason. Even if you have access to real primo.
Why he wasn’t able to get real primo. 😂 Kidding, but it’s been said on here here a lot so sure someone wants to know. LOL

But seriously- I would love to hear about his diet, training and cycle changes that contributed to his huge progress from 212 to winning an open pro show. Detailing that process would be awesome to hear IMO.
Why he wasn’t able to get real primo. 😂 Kidding, but it’s been said on here here a lot so sure someone wants to know. LOL

But seriously- I would love to hear about his diet, training and cycle changes that contributed to his huge progress from 212 to winning an open pro show. Detailing that process would be awesome to hear IMO.
Yeah that's why I want to hear him clarify the high mast usage instead of of primo, because finding real primo isn't hard at all and it's hard to believe that he couldn't 😂.
What is the thought process behind his peri-workout insulin protocol mentioned on his forum given his previous educational commentary regarding insulin not being of much if any benefit.
How do we view? YouTube in your signature?
Mostly interested in his coaching experiences. There are thousand of competitors, but not many coaches of his caliber ;-). If you don't want to talk about this topic feel free to ignore my questions.

What are the usual mistakes he sees clients make? How are they different for lifestyle vs Competitive Clients? What has changed since he started coaching? How does he hold back his clients (e.g. training too much, dieting on too low kcals etc) and not let them be their own worst enemies?

Looking really forward to this one!
What approaches he would take with someone wanting to jump a weight class?
Why he wasn’t able to get real primo. 😂 Kidding, but it’s been said on here here a lot so sure someone wants to know. LOL

But seriously- I would love to hear about his diet, training and cycle changes that contributed to his huge progress from 212 to winning an open pro show. Detailing that process would be awesome to hear IMO.
I never understood top level guys saying that.. real primo is everywhere.. test after test prove it.. if my numb nuts can get real primo everyone can with a little due diligence
Since he is known for being very research based I would like to hear from him some specific instances where he feels “bro science” is stronger than clinical based.
While a lot of the questions you guys posted are fair/good questions, most are easily answered by going to John’s YouTube (or even watching @TeaMan last interview with John)

What is a controversial view in bodybuilding that he has?

This is a solid one
I never understood top level guys saying that.. real primo is everywhere.. test after test prove it.. if my numb nuts can get real primo everyone can with a little due diligence
This, for the first time we can litteraly test shit, i sent 3 vials to Jashino labs no labels, no tops nothing but my homemade label with a between 1 and 3, told him you tell me whats in these vials and the dosing.. bam all 3 came back as expected one was test e, one was primo and last was a cutmix of test, tren and mast.. dosing was pretty much spot on in all 3.

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