If you dont want to push the drugs, then you need to be absolutely 100% on diet, training, sleep, recovery and stress.
Unless you're some genetic freak? But lets be realistic, you'd already know that now.
You dont need high drugs if your goal is to just look good for the beach. Squeezing more out of less is nailing the above consistently for years and progressing food and lifts.
I’m definitely not a genetic freak
But idk about the need for excessive gear use for my goal;
I don’t understand how I’ve seen everyone who’s worth their salt on here say “you can be XYZ size and shape on 500-750mg Test, 4-6iu GH and some Var, Primo or EQ etc” and that “XYZ” size and shape is light years bigger and better shape than what I’m proposing. Yet it seems like the impression I’m getting is for a 190lb guy who’s only been on TRT for 10 years and hasn’t done a bodybuilding workout routine for about the same amount of time is going to need grams of gear and to be dialed in like an IFBB pro to gain 20lbs of muscle..
2 completely contradicting statements I’ve come to see on this board..
I’d think being so “fresh” for lack of a bette word would produce those newb gains everyone wishes they still had, usually you hear it’s the guys who are already SHW trying to put on 5lbs of stage weight that have such a hard time..
Either way, I’m going to take the advice and put in the work, maybe I surprise myself and everyone, or maybe it takes me a lot longer than I think..
Side Note: I think everyone is so adamant about the gear dosages because I’d bet my last $1000 that everyone thinks they’re taking a lot more than they actually are for where they are… We haven’t had testing in years, the sponsors know it and I’d bet are taking full advantage of it (at least some of them)…
Sure, we’re all different and will respond different to a degree, but I’d love to see anyone proving with blood work and pharma grade TRT that 200mg puts them at 600-700ng/dl… I’d bet that puts 99.9% of us above 1200 at peak…
I see guys on here posting they’re taking 1g-1.5g+ of Test and they’re in the 2,500-3,000 range..
I’m aware it’s not a linear increase in levels as the dose increases (ex: 200mg is 1200ng so 400mg should be 2400ng)… But I’ve seen other’s and have my own blood work to show that there’s no way anyone is adding 800mg+ of Test to their TRT and only pulling 1000ng more on their bloods.. That’s ridiculous..
I’d bet most guys are taking 50-70% of what they actually think they’re taking..