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John Jewett - what do you like to know?

Did you experience "excessive flatness" on such a high dose of DHT in combination with such a low test?
I tried the whole low test high mast approach. Personally, yes I was flat as a pancake.
There are numerous high level guys who cycle this way.. lower test and high primo and mast.. Jewett is just one of many going that route.. Sam Pearce ifbb pro just put on his story he uses up to 3 grams of gear.. lower test and the amount of mgs is made up of mast and primo.. and again too many others to name.. its the total load of anabolics.. yes they all accrete about the same.. thats already been proven.. yes they all have a secondary characteristics that set them apart.. but once you flush the water off the actual tissue is going to be roughly the same. Justin Harris has even stated all one needs is test , primo, and gh. Hes not the only one .. if you wish to run deca, eq etc then go ahead.. its your choice but they all roughly do the same if total anabolic load is the same.. if one desires the fuller look and thinks it gives better training results i.e. heavier loads in the gym then go for those that push fluid. Deca.. test. Dbol.. if you can do those without a list of ancillary compounds to rid excess estro and elevated bp go ahead.. but there are others who choose to not go that route and choose less water retention compounds. And no one can deny the size changes in Jewett using test mast primo gh.
There are numerous high level guys who cycle this way.. lower test and high primo and mast.. Jewett is just one of many going that route.. Sam Pearce ifbb pro just put on his story he uses up to 3 grams of gear.. lower test and the amount of mgs is made up of mast and primo.. and again too many others to name.. its the total load of anabolics.. yes they all accrete about the same.. thats already been proven.. yes they all have a secondary characteristics that set them apart.. but once you flush the water off the actual tissue is going to be roughly the same. Justin Harris has even stated all one needs is test , primo, and gh. Hes not the only one .. if you wish to run deca, eq etc then go ahead.. its your choice but they all roughly do the same if total anabolic load is the same.. if one desires the fuller look and thinks it gives better training results i.e. heavier loads in the gym then go for those that push fluid. Deca.. test. Dbol.. if you can do those without a list of ancillary compounds to rid excess estro and elevated bp go ahead.. but there are others who choose to not go that route and choose less water retention compounds. And no one can deny the size changes in Jewett using test mast primo gh.
My dude 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💯
Did you experience "excessive flatness" on such a high dose of DHT in combination with such a low test?

Not at all. I did notice the “cosmetic” effects of Masteron gave my skin a thinner look when I switched the ratio from more primo to more Masteron.

My blood tests were very similar regardless of which compound was higher too.

Primo felt more sustainable long term, simply in terms of perceived well being. I can run it inconsequentially for longer periods of time. By the time I dropped everything, it felt like I needed a break.
Not at all. I did notice the “cosmetic” effects of Masteron gave my skin a thinner look when I switched the ratio from more primo to more Masteron.

My blood tests were very similar regardless of which compound was higher too.

Primo felt more sustainable long term, simply in terms of perceived well being. I can run it inconsequentially for longer periods of time. By the time I dropped everything, it felt like I needed a break.
how did the rate of muscle gain compare to higher test dose cycles youve done?
how did the rate of muscle gain compare to higher test dose cycles youve done?
I’ve seen the pics and he looks like a tank. If we are lucky maybe he will post more here so guys can see. It’s worked very well for him. 😎
Those levels are fantastic - Were you / are you taking a lot of supps or meds for lipids and HCT?
I gave up on some of the traditional OTC supps aside from the ones necessary for nutrition reinforcement. What I’m fairly convinced of is that fish oil and Telmisartan made the biggest impacts.

Fish oil at 3 caps with 4-5 meals.

Several of my blood markers also improved years ago when I switched from an ACE inhibitor to Telmisartan.

They’re the only 2 variables I can reasonably isolate.
was the bloodwork at the end of the 6 weeks of winstrol?
because for me winstrol hits my hdl hard as hell

Less than a week after stopping winstrol.

The mast + winstrol combo was really great (for me) in terms of looking harder.
how did the rate of muscle gain compare to higher test dose cycles youve done?

The same. High test makes me look like a water buffalo.

Every time I lean out, it seems as if the first month is just losing the water from compounds that aromatize. It’s weight, but not muscle accrual.

The harder compounds just don’t push weight up, so the perception of muscle increase isn’t there.

This could just be me as an individual though. I hold extra cellular water like it’s my job. Same goes for GH, pharmacy or generic.
Less than a week after stopping winstrol.

The mast + winstrol combo was really great (for me) in terms of looking harder.
impressive that your hdl still was that good.
you dont use a statin, or?
I gave up on some of the traditional OTC supps aside from the ones necessary for nutrition reinforcement. What I’m fairly convinced of is that fish oil and Telmisartan made the biggest impacts.

Fish oil at 3 caps with 4-5 meals.

Several of my blood markers also improved years ago when I switched from an ACE inhibitor to Telmisartan.

They’re the only 2 variables I can reasonably isolate.

Would you mind sharing what brand of fish oil you use?
I had my best blood test come back during the summer on…

Per week
210mg test cyp
1400mg mast e
525mg primo e
350mg winstrol (ran this 6’ish weeks)

I’d been running this way for several months. The doses varied, but test was always below 500 and primo/mast combined were above 1500. At one point primo was 1g and the rest of the anabolic load was Mast.

E2 was 15
HDL was 37 (usually in the single digits or teens while hard cutting)
LDL was 129 (usually around 90 on TRT)
Hematocrit 52
Hemoglobin 17

It basically looked like I was in TRT bloodwork/health wise.
That’s awesome it worked well for you, and of course we are all different so always do what works for you. Most would have likely horrendous lipids on that, but you seem to tolerate it incredibly well. Can’t deny that at all.
Like what?

Might have to make the switch myself 🤔
I was on Lisinopril.

Every 4-6 weeks, my lip would swell up BADLY. Read somewhere about angioedema and lisinopril. My lip would swell up, usually the bottom. I chalked it up to sleep walking and biting my lip while snacking at 3am while mid-sleep walk. This happened for years.

Completely stopped when I switched to Telmisartan.
That’s awesome it worked well for you, and of course we are all different so always do what works for you. Most would have likely horrendous lipids on that, but you seem to tolerate it incredibly well. Can’t deny that at all.
I used to have worse lipids on “standard” cycles while using an AI.

The recent changes must jive better with my body.
I used to have worse lipids on “standard” cycles while using an AI.

The recent changes must jive better with my body.
Definitely interesting. I’m reverse. AIs have never effected my lipids (unless I’m crushing e2) but mast, primo, winny etc kill mine.
Definitely interesting. I’m reverse. AIs have never effected my lipids (unless I’m crushing e2) but mast, primo, winny etc kill mine.
Same. Low test high mast + Mast / primo hdl = 15-20, ldl 100+
now high test, moderate eq, ari 0.5 2x week hdl 33 ldl 42…

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