ART sounds like one thing, but personally - and no disrespect to anyone - but I would be very hesitant to see a chiropractor. If I ever have any issues with my back I'm going to an orthopedic surgeon. I don't know what kind of certifications are required for a chiropractor... I do know that orthopedic surgeon had to go through hell to get where he is today and odds are, he knows what hes doing.
For what its worth, I went to ortho before I ever went to a chiro and the ortho didnt do shit. My pain still lasted and it was only until I found ART and a chiro that I was able to lift again.
If you dont know what kind of certifcations are needed for chiropractic care, why are you implying that they dont go through hell to get to where they are (as brought about by your comparison to orthos)?
By buddy has had back issues for as long as I've known him and goes to the "doctor" (aka the chiropractor - his words, not mind) every once in a while. Well, lets just say he keeps having to go back for a reason.
Do you ever go to your general physician just once in your life? No you get follow ups to see if medication is working and if not then you are switched onto other shit.
If you knew anything about the spine, you would know that chiropractic is not a one shot endeavor. If you have an accute injury, you can get it fixed within one to a few adjustments depending on the degree. But overall, the spine is something that takes a ton of abuse and needs to be tuned up. Monthly visits are not uncommon because its a for of preventive health just like getting bloodwork, physicals, etc.
edit - OK I was curious about chiropractic schools so I started looking up the admissions requirements for the first school I saw. I couldn't find any. Guys thats not a good sign. Here is an article I found comparing the admissions requirements. Take it with a grain of salt because I don't have time to do any more research, but if you can find any more info that would be cool. I think this is reinforcing my previous conception that going to see a chiropractor may not be the best decision... at least for me.
Youre comparing apples to oranges here and there is so much wrong in the arguments in that article that it will suffice to say that its biased and FOS. Medical school and chiropractic school are different branches of medicine so to say that one is better than the other based on differences is retarded.
I think that the people knocking chiropractic need to try it for themselves before spouting off. I have tried both and recognize that there is a time and place for using all kinds of medical professionals (drs, orthos, chiros, etc.) but to think that one of them is going to be able to cure all of your ills is very stupid.