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How to get over Ego


Active member
Oct 12, 2009
Ok so I am actually saying fuck it and running a cycle the right way finally. I always tried to cut and bulk at the same time and it always fucks with my gains. Here is my question to all the guys that get big in their off season. How do you cope with not being lean? I hate looking fat. I am by no means fat at all to the normal person, but all this eating, and all this heavy lifting is making me fucking huge/with abdominal fat. I don't compete, nor will I ever, so I don't know what it is like to let my self get big, than cut it down. I see these pictures of dudes 14 weeks out with high BF, than they shred that shit down. I just need some advice on dealing with the whole self image thing. Appreciate it
It is a mental thing to get upset with having too much bf if you are someone who lives this life style. It will take some time getting used to. But by no means do you have to get excessive and throw good dieting out the window. Do what works for you. It is possible to make quality gains without increasing bf by 7 or 8%, If you see it's going the wrong way to quick, adjust your diet. You don't have to pack on all that size in one cycle. Moderation is the key. Just think of having a few extra pounds as more body weight to throw around. But never have I had to grow a big gut to bulk.
How do you cope with not being lean? I hate looking fat.

I am in your same boat. I haven't competed yet but I am passionate about the BB'ing lifestyle and as such I have developed my own off and on seasons. I am currently 36 lbs. heavier than I was in June of this year and its not all pretty mass if you know what I mean. You have take pride in what you are doing and in knowing that you can manipulate your own body as you deem fit. 95% of people in this world have no clue how to do this. IMO knowing how to pack on the pounds and then shape it when you lean out and ultimately add more pure muscle is an art. Keep your mind on the ultimate goal.
Ok so I am actually saying fuck it and running a cycle the right way finally. I always tried to cut and bulk at the same time and it always fucks with my gains. Here is my question to all the guys that get big in their off season. How do you cope with not being lean? I hate looking fat. I am by no means fat at all to the normal person, but all this eating, and all this heavy lifting is making me fucking huge/with abdominal fat. I don't compete, nor will I ever, so I don't know what it is like to let my self get big, than cut it down. I see these pictures of dudes 14 weeks out with high BF, than they shred that shit down. I just need some advice on dealing with the whole self image thing. Appreciate it

GH goes a long way towards maintaining lowe BF, and really helps joints recover from the beating they take from lifting heavy. But it's not a free pass on diet so to speak.

If you can afford it, I'd consider GH use. My .02.
my opinion, with all do respect bringthepain, is get your diet in check before going with gh. you shouldnt have to control bf with gh, but do it through diet. Thats like taking a guy that has never worked out and stick him on the juice while he just "eats a lot". Then when he gets off cycle he looses all if any gains and ends up worse off then when he started because his bf was kept down from the aas and is wondering why he got fat. GH, AAS, Slin, etc, are a means to an end. Get the diet and training down then when you got that covered, by all means start experimenting.
If your lean and you know how to maintain that, then you can always get back to where you are now right?.. if you need to down some calories to bulk up do it the right way and youll stay lean enough to not look like a fat ass, you might get some water depending on your meds, but not a lot of fat, this is what i need and works for me, I need 5,000 calories roughly a day depending on activity, i dont just eat junk to get those calories,I eat 5 meals each a lil shy of 1,000 cals a meal its boring but i eat 10 eggwhites no cheese no salt, and 80grams of carbs from oatmeal with some nonfat sugar free creamer and fat free milk thats meal one, the next three are just 8oz chicken breasts seasoned but again no salt and 100 grams carbs from sweet potatos, I add sugar free syrup and some cinamon, Last meal lean steak or some fish seasoned no salt 60grams brown rice and some steamed veggies. I drink plenty of Milk like 20oz with each meal just my preference,and a shake once or twice a day. My point is I don't gain a lot of fat from this at all but still add plenty of muscle Ive tried different diets and might have gained more weight but not more muscle, Give something like this a try, just tailor it to you needs and you wont need to worry about getting fat i think people who do are just to lazy to eat right.
my opinion, with all do respect bringthepain, is get your diet in check before going with gh. you shouldnt have to control bf with gh, but do it through diet. Thats like taking a guy that has never worked out and stick him on the juice while he just "eats a lot". Then when he gets off cycle he looses all if any gains and ends up worse off then when he started because his bf was kept down from the aas and is wondering why he got fat. GH, AAS, Slin, etc, are a means to an end. Get the diet and training down then when you got that covered, by all means start experimenting.

I was assuming he already had a pretty good grasp on diet as any BB should if they're using chemicals. I did mention that GH wasn't a free pass to eat like sh!t;)

What I meant was given the same caloric intake, he would be leaner per se, AND reap the other benefits GH has to offer as well....
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stay lean with diet

or cover up:D

if i can't see abs i worry most about my health cuz that usually means i am eating bad and prolly raising blood pressure.
only slipped and started eating like crap a few times and when i did i felt like crap looked like crap and health was crap.

short story, stay lean and you will want to eat more and you might yeild more gains in your offseason. ask Phil Hernon about all of this.
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Who said you have to get FAT to get big in the offseason???:confused:
I was assuming he already had a pretty good grasp on diet as any BB should if they're using chemicals. I did mention that GH wasn't a free pass to eat like sh!t;)

What I meant was given the same caloric intake, he would be leaner per se, AND reap the other benefits GH has to offer as well....

Ummm how bout u stop acting like a chick? Are u seriously complaining about this? Man up! chicks love my belly
Ummm how bout u stop acting like a chick? Are u seriously complaining about this? Man up! chicks love my belly

rofl. why would you want a 6 pack when you can have a keg!

I know what you mean, I need to get in controll of my diet.. I'm killing my self trying to figure it out.
If your lean and you know how to maintain that, then you can always get back to where you are now right?.. if you need to down some calories to bulk up do it the right way and youll stay lean enough to not look like a fat ass, you might get some water depending on your meds, but not a lot of fat, this is what i need and works for me, I need 5,000 calories roughly a day depending on activity, i dont just eat junk to get those calories,I eat 5 meals each a lil shy of 1,000 cals a meal its boring but i eat 10 eggwhites no cheese no salt, and 80grams of carbs from oatmeal with some nonfat sugar free creamer and fat free milk thats meal one, the next three are just 8oz chicken breasts seasoned but again no salt and 100 grams carbs from sweet potatos, I add sugar free syrup and some cinamon, Last meal lean steak or some fish seasoned no salt 60grams brown rice and some steamed veggies. I drink plenty of Milk like 20oz with each meal just my preference,and a shake once or twice a day. My point is I don't gain a lot of fat from this at all but still add plenty of muscle Ive tried different diets and might have gained more weight but not more muscle, Give something like this a try, just tailor it to you needs and you wont need to worry about getting fat i think people who do are just to lazy to eat right.

Do you eat every 4-5 hours? or when you fell hungry

It is a mental thing to get upset with having too much bf if you are someone who lives this life style. It will take some time getting used to. But by no means do you have to get excessive and throw good dieting out the window. Do what works for you. It is possible to make quality gains without increasing bf by 7 or 8%, If you see it's going the wrong way to quick, adjust your diet. You don't have to pack on all that size in one cycle. Moderation is the key. Just think of having a few extra pounds as more body weight to throw around. But never have I had to grow a big gut to bulk.

misread post.. thought you said not go over 7-8% BF
I'm going through something similar right now myself-I spent the last year getting down to a single digit bodyfat level. I've now been "clean" for almost 6 weeks and have been eating extra in order to keep my gains. I haven't lost a bit of size or strength, but have gotten a bit of a "glaze" over my abs that kills me every time I look in the mirror. I just try to tell myself that it's winter here in New England and I have no reason to be shredded at this time. The other thing is, just as others have posted, that people like us have the ability to adjust our bodies as we see fit. Just because we look in the mirror and feel "fat" doesn't mean we are doomed to be "fat". I know that after putting on some size this winter, I'll be able to shred the fat off just like I did last year, and look even better than before.
misread post.. thought you said not go over 7-8% BF

Yeah.. that would be something eh:eek:. Haha I was still trying to lower mine to that. I was just saying it's not needed to add 7 or 8 %bf to make the gains during bulking. Diet is very important.
Do you eat every 4-5 hours? or when you fell hungry

About every 3 to 3.5, if I start to feel hungry early i eat! But just a healthy snack(fiber bar, nuts..etc) and still stick to my schedule. My meals fall about 150 cal or so short from a thousand so the snacks and shakes make up the rest. Its like this 5am workout cardio 20min then abs calves whatever then home and shake and liquid carbs at 7 then meal1 at 10, M2 at 1pm, M3 at 4pm, workout 2 5:45, M4 at 7pm, M5 at 10pm sleep at eleven i work from home so it make this easy plus i get to nap haha
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Who said you have to get FAT to get big in the offseason???:confused:

I think it was Dante when he explained DC training, and how important eating is. Something like if your 180 lbs and you wanna be 220, you need to over the course of several years get to 250-265, than once that weight is maintained you can bring it down by cutting the fat, and you will be at a sustainable 220...it could have been someone else, but it was def. a great read, and made me think alot
yeah my diet is perfect, Its just that I am use to eating tiny amounts of food. For example when I was an athlete, not a gym rat/BB i would eat 5 egg whites, 1 whole egg for breakfast, protein shake after practice, 5 once chicken lunch, practice again, protein shake again, than for dinner a half pound of lean ground beef. That is where my hunger drive pretty much sits, however now that I am essentially doubling the protein intake, and adding rice and pasta throughout the day I start to feel like I am getting fat, it could just be water. Either way after every man meal I feel like I am having a fucking baby. I have the stomach of abs bulging out lol...anyone else get this way?

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