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HRT question...any proviron alternatives with a script?


FOUNDING Member / Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 6, 2002
Im going for my every 3 month checkup this week to get my blood drawn etc. I also need to refill my test cyp and hcg scripts. My doc is good with suggestions, and has prescribed clomid and arimidex before.

I would love to get some proviron, but its not available in US pharmacies. Anything I could use as an alternate to free up bound test that he could prescribe me?

Also, anyone else having a problem getting HCG now? Seems there is a shortage in the pharmacies around here, as everyone is back ordered. What gives?
Im going for my every 3 month checkup this week to get my blood drawn etc. I also need to refill my test cyp and hcg scripts. My doc is good with suggestions, and has prescribed clomid and arimidex before.

I would love to get some proviron, but its not available in US pharmacies. Anything I could use as an alternate to free up bound test that he could prescribe me?

Also, anyone else having a problem getting HCG now? Seems there is a shortage in the pharmacies around here, as everyone is back ordered. What gives?
Yeah. Everyone is short HCG. BN, I'd ask for Aromasin. Just like Proviron, it lowers SHBG, has an anti-estrogenic effect, has a positive effect on lipids as well (in some studies) and also can raise endogenous LH and FSH. It will not compete for AR receptors like Proviron will either

ref: http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/88/12/5951

Good luck man!

Im going for my every 3 month checkup this week to get my blood drawn etc. I also need to refill my test cyp and hcg scripts. My doc is good with suggestions, and has prescribed clomid and arimidex before.

I would love to get some proviron, but its not available in US pharmacies. Anything I could use as an alternate to free up bound test that he could prescribe me?

Also, anyone else having a problem getting HCG now? Seems there is a shortage in the pharmacies around here, as everyone is back ordered. What gives?

Hey Bro, As long as you got a presciption from a license Doctor, you can get presciptions out of the country. Check what countries you can do this with, I deal with Canada, and it is perfectly legal.
what is your free T at? my bio avail is twice the norm!!! ???
whats all this talk about HCG shortage, i have 32 boxes ...hahah

MANY legit pharmacies are having difficulty getting HCG from the wholesalers. If you have 32 boxes than send me a couple you greedy bastard! :p

i though when i used denkadiol? it made me feel similar to proviron...

actually it made me have the same odd/off feeling i had doing proviron and cytadren...

however i am doubtfull as to its actuall ability to free test and feel it might have worked by adding more total mg to my weekly dosage
Hey Bro, As long as you got a presciption from a license Doctor, you can get presciptions out of the country. Check what countries you can do this with, I deal with Canada, and it is perfectly legal.
Are you sure? You can bring an actual script in from Canada for a non-FDA approved drug to the US? If so, that would be nice... but I'm guessing pretty expensive. Can you expand on this? Because I'll get an Rx in a week if this is true.
they are of no use to you, only 10000 iu ea...haha, actually tho, my last 4 boxes are on back order....sons a bitches
Wow... those are the big ones. I only use 200iu every few days. That's why I loved those 2000iu vials. They are perfect. 10,000iu would go bad before I used it all.

O/T - did you know that HCG is an even bigger monstrosity of a molecule than hGH? hGH is 191, 192 amino acids while hCG is 244 (weighs more too obviously)
Are you sure? You can bring an actual script in from Canada for a non-FDA approved drug to the US? If so, that would be nice... but I'm guessing pretty expensive. Can you expand on this? Because I'll get an Rx in a week if this is true.

Well, you just ruin everything:D Yes, they have to be FDA approved, I know there is some exception to the rule, as far as research drugs for treating certain ailments, but that I can't tell you, which ones.
Well, you just ruin everything:D Yes, they have to be FDA approved, I know there is some exception to the rule, as far as research drugs for treating certain ailments, but that I can't tell you, wich ones.
Shit. You had my hopes up. I would have been all over that.
they are of no use to you, only 10000 iu ea...haha, actually tho, my last 4 boxes are on back order....sons a bitches

when i used to shoot 10000 i would blow up like a baloon for 24hrs...
when i used to shoot 10000 i would blow up like a baloon for 24hrs...
Yes and now you probably have about 11 Leydig cells still functioning. Whoops!
I'm on HRT and tried to get proviron from my doc but upped my arimadex to 4 a day and 5000iu of hcg per week
Yes and now you probably have about 11 Leydig cells still functioning. Whoops!


got the wife perggers a few years back a couple time and she kept losin em...

havent done anthing like that since before then..
yeah, i dont think canada carries the 5000 iu, so 10 it is, i use it for 60 days at 350iu 2x week...

Sounds like a good plan. Not too much, not too little. You don't want to turn secondary steroid-induced hypogonadism into primary hypogonadism by blasting your testes with LH (hCG)

...ask Dr. Chrysler... he'll tell you.

Thanks for the responses guys. Ouch I would ask for Aromasin but I am not covered right now and the price on even 30tabs is pretty damn high, even through Canada. I am happy to have scripts and being totaly legal, so it is my only choice. I guess I have to wait until things get better for me...
Thanks for the responses guys. Ouch I would ask for Aromasin but I am not covered right now and the price on even 30tabs is pretty damn high, even through Canada. I am happy to have scripts and being totaly legal, so it is my only choice. I guess I have to wait until things get better for me...
Ugh... that's a tough one. Just be safe big man. Proviron is alkylated. I've read it's not as bad but it's still made to survive first pass.

I assumed you had coverage. My fault.
Use Avena Sativa extract to free up test. It is pretty effective, shop around for the strongest possible, and aim for 1000-1500 mg/day.
and of course, no script needed.

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