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I am now convinced!! (GH--test--slin--t-3)


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 22, 2002
Hey I just got an email from a buddy I wrestled with and lived with for awhile. He moved to Cali about 2 years ago. I have known him for 4 years. 6 if you count the years he moved away.

He is about 5'8 180 pounds and about 10% --NOT ANYMORE.

I have always had better genetics than him (or so I thought) and we used to lift together a lot. He had a good physique but nothing monstrous. Anyhow he could never get past 180 pounds, even after taking a gram of test. He is really a very paranoid guy when it comes to juice etc...Well fellas he is now 230 pounds and looks like FREAKING tank, and prolly about 8%. This means in two years he gained a whopping 50 pounds!!! AND dropped bf. He claims he still eats OK (as in he eats almost anything just not sugar, chips, burgers) but I was astounded....SO I had to ask him how he did it. He told me has been on gear non-stop, and eating like a refugee. MOSTLY he told me he really noticed the change when he tried GH. He did a lot of research, hooked up with some big boys in the San Diego Powerhouse Gym, and EXPLODED. Said taking the 12iu GH, slin ED at 15iu postworkout, .25mcg T-3 and a gram and a half of QV test cyp. He said he was even heavier when he threw in some dbol!

Anyhow, he tells me he is totally convinced that I will grow like a weed on this type of cycle....He also told me that the slin will make all the difference. Now I know this has been a belabored topic but GOD, I mean this was a COMPLETE transformation. When Big A said you will GROW from this type of cycle he meant it. I asked him if he was gonna compete but he has serious Stagefright --- I think he is just scared that he will get beat -- do not get me wrong he could really do some damge -- but he is not that type of guy -- he just likes being big and he loves the ladies. So that is his motivation. People say that GH is no miracle drug well I BEG TO DIFFER --- Cycled correctly with other compounds you have a formula for growth. He even told me the slin really helped him with his appetite.

I wanted to wait until I was at least 25-26 to try GH ---maybe not...I am 24 now.

My hypothetical next cycle:

10iu GH ED
15iu slin ED post workout
1 amp of sust Ed
.25 T-3 ED
400-600mgs of EQ a week OR tren at 100mg ED
50mg dbol ED

AND EAT EAT EAT 2-3 pounds of meat a day along with protein shakes and potatoes, oats.

My question: has anyone else experienced such impressive gains like this w/gh slin test? Or know somebody else who just MORPHED into a new body?
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Of course I don't disagree :)

At my age, it's time to consider the GH :)

My question to any or all is the T-3 in the equation. I don't think it's needed, or is it?!?

damn that is impressive. ::gets an idea:: well i'll tell you what guys. I'll volunteer to be your guinea pig, so just send me all the supplies and i'll get started right away hehehe

Typically the T3 would be used to offset any issues with fst gains that can be found with slin.
I also think that a small doseage helps to increase protein synthesis which obviuosly in turn assists muscle growth etc.

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
Xcel-the T3 will help with fat gains from the slin, but it may or may not eat away you muscle/potential gains. You'll have to try it to find how it works with you. The gh may be all you need to keep from getting fat on the slin. IMO the huge amount of gains is due to the AS and slin, with the gh playing a much lesser part in that, but keeping away fat gains without muscle loss.
Actually, the T3 is usually added to offset the reduction in thyroid production that gH will cause...if I remember correctly. gH becomes really effective as a fat burner when you throw T3 into the mix...

just my $0.02...but this cycle would 0wn...if you can't grow from it...well...you're dead.
Ivan....same thing happened to a friend of mine.

One of those 6 foot guys,naturally lean always struggles to gain weight....biggest he got doing the test and dbol thing <that I do and have always done to this day> was 200lbs. Well he moved to cali to be a personal trainer....he's now 245 and just as lean. He is doing 8iu's of gh and 2cc's test a week...500mgs-750 and he's a swollen, big bastard now. I am the same height and still outweigh him....but he looks bigger to me. Oh, yeah and he dabbles in the insulin as well.
It is a great idea

That is how I got past my sticking piont of 235lbs.
10ius gh/day along with 12-15ius slin 2/day and 2g of test and dbol.
The only problem is guys run into, is being able to afford a cycle like that for an extended period of time.
My cycle was for about 12 weeks. It got me to about 265lbs without changing my bf% by much.
Well bud it looks like we might have to take that step in the next couple months?

I would like to try that combo.
princessbicep said:
Actually, the T3 is usually added to offset the reduction in thyroid production that gH will cause...if I remember correctly. gH becomes really effective as a fat burner when you throw T3 into the mix...

just my $0.02...but this cycle would 0wn...if you can't grow from it...well...you're dead.

I know on paper this may be true. But if thyroid is decreased, then why do you get cut on gh, even without extra T3? IMO it is not needed but Im sure it can help cut you up more than the gh alone. Just some may suffer muscle/size loss.
On a high calorie diet T3 would keep the extra fat off from the slin, it makes perfect sense to me. At higher calories muscle loss would not be a concern. Most people notice muscle mass loss when T3 is added at the end of contest prep where muscle glycogen stores are extremely low and calories are restricted. With the tyroid working over time the body has nothing to burn but muscle tissue. In other wors it sounds like a great combo, and I am going to run the exact same combo this fall. not that you guys really care what I have to say as only a couple of you guys know me.:p
I could neve imagine going over a gram of test let alone 2. I thought I was nuts with some of the things I've done. But you guys take the cake.:p
Hey Mbelly, you made this statement:
"not that you guys really care what I have to say as only a couple of you guys know me."
The longer you are here, you will realize, as long as your comments aren't idiodic or assenine, we really do care what each and every person has to say.
Ivan, I don't know about the t-3 as I've never tried it. I think a better stack to cut or keep the bodyfat in check would be clen, as I've had great luck with it along with gh, slin, sus, and drol (I use eq. when I take a break from the drol). I agree with Mike that the gh is the weakest of all these compounds and for me that would be the first one to cut out if $ was a factor. I think the slin has made the biggest difference for me as I've been able to hold muscle while dropping the fat. It allows me to consume an extra 1500 calories without adding any fat since I'm actually utilizing the carbs at night to build.

Armageddon said:
I could neve imagine going over a gram of test let alone 2. I thought I was nuts with some of the things I've done. But you guys take the cake.:p
That would be 2g test per week, not per day. lol.
Just didn't know if there was a misunderstanding there.
Although 2g per week is still quite a bit.
well better save your money, lol
gh at 10iu a day is gonna cost atleast 30-40 bucks a DAY.
say you do get it @ 3$per iu which is a very friendly price
thats still $900 per month. not to mention your gear,food,
protein that you have to have with it. it had damn sure be a miracle drug to spend that much Jack on it. I cant say much though i just started some jintropin at 10Iu per day but can only afford to do the first 10 days of each month. We`ll see what happens. Id say most guys that use those doses all month
are either fairly wealthy, have no family or responsabilities other
then BB, or are some damn good hustlers, :)
MBelly-many people do lose mass using T3 while NOT in a cutting phase. It really seems to vary greatly between person to person. Of course the more calories the less loss. But on mass diet and at the beginning of a cycle (2wks in) I was using 25mcg and was losing slightly and flat. This seems to be one compound where you have to try it to see how it works for you.

That was a rather weird comment at the end of your post...dont worry we wont bite (we might bite your girlfriend though!).
Re: Arm,

mike man said:

That would be 2g test per week, not per day. lol.

Now I would like to see the coffin that that poor bastard would be in as it should be huge. :(

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