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I have to have pre-surgical testing soon


New member
Jun 13, 2002
I'm wondering if 250 mg of test a week would affect my blood work?
I was taking some deca at a low dosage but been off it for a few weeks now.
I'm wondering if 250 mg of test a week would affect my blood work?
I was taking some deca at a low dosage but been off it for a few weeks now.
First off I'm not a doc, so the following is just my experience. I have TRT dose rx'd of 200 cyp/wk. Before that they gave me patches. During the patch era I had a surgery, my patches didn't come up until I demanded to be allowed to continue to stick em on my body while both in surgery and after. Doc took no issue, test levels never checked. They tend to to more CBC kind of blood work for things like that plus whatever may be specifically required for the procedure in question. Also, I get blood work all the time from my doc. Unless a testosterone related check is ordered specifically, its not generally included. Maybe one of the MDs lurking in here can chime in with better Intel and advice. That was just my experience.

(I edited this post to add the following) In case I misread your question and it was not about the test levels getting flagged and more about a CBC being weird, that would depend on too many factors such as diet, vices and other shit you've been running in recent history as well as your physical activity levels and hydration... so bottom line if everything in your life is par for course, you've never had crazy labs (your monitoring this of course if running gear), you don't have any toxic vices, etc... then I don't thing a dose just above an normal TRT level would send up any red flags or even be noticed unless tested for specifically and even then your levels should not be off the charts.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Professional Muscle mobile app
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RBC needs to be within normal limits.
it was more about the blood counts and not the test showing up cause they wouldn't test for that.
also after this procedure is have to have the most extensive surgery which includes being paralyzed or death.
it will be reconstructive surgery of 9 levels of my spine and undoing my past dangerous surgery.
I had a cervical,thoracic lamenectamy and instrumental spinal fusion. this was from c3-t2 (7 levels)they took out a lot of my spine that was broken and any other abnormalities,then put in a titanium cage and fused it.
the fusion never took so my head I should attached to my chest unessa I force it up which hurts to much.
Now this surgery they will remove everything that the past surgery did and do reconstructive surgery on C3 -T2 and L5-S1 and this surgery most doctors do not do cause it's very dangerous plus they have to make a surgery that no one else will have.itsend different for each person.
Right now I can't walk and haven't for 7 months cause I keep falling,my legs my feet have a burning sensation and Mt knee and by my hip collapses and I fall.
this will be done at MT Sinai.
I'm scared ,I have a will in place incase I don y make it
I already wrote out a will and would like to say good by if I don't make it
I already wrote out a will and would like to say good by if I don't make it
Wow brother, It seems as though you have been enduring a hell of a trial. I will pray for a successful resolution and speedy recovery. In times of great difficulty, it has always gave me great comfort to have faith that a bigger plan was in play. I will monitor this thread, I wish you the best. Stay strong.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Professional Muscle mobile app
thank you for the prayers and I also wrote another thread about the surgery since this 1 has been overlooked
I'm wondering if 250 mg of test a week would affect my blood work?

I was taking some deca at a low dosage but been off it for a few weeks now.

I just went through pre surgery testing while on small doses of test and deca. Everything came back good but that's me. Obviously other factors combined with aas could affect your numbers in different ways. I'm just sharing my experience. My surgery was not life threatening and if needed to be put off for a few weeks than I could have. Prayers to you for a successful and speedy recovery. I would play it safe.
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If you're planning for death I wouldn't be concerned about gear, drop everything brother and be honest with your doc. I'm the last one to vouch for doctors but at this point I don't think you have a choice, whatever you were doing isn't working out for you.

Also.....you need better hobbies slice
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this was all from a car accident in 2002,never got hurt working out and 2 morons ruined my life forever!

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