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Jun 5, 2002
I didn't take offense to anything you or any of the other guys said about hunting. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. In your particular case......I can tell from your posts that you think about things a lot. We are all a work in progress. We are all capable of working on weaknesses. I have a bunch to work on. I also know you and I share a lot of similar views ...maybe this hunting one is the only thing I can think of that is opposite. I can assure you and I think you know this, I am certainly not blood thirsty and do not enjoy killing. I will do it once in a great while. My mom won't do it and would glady put us all in the ditch at 70mph to avoid a gopher crossing the road! Not me, the little bugger is gonna get squashed and I am going to live.

Anyway, the only reason I got pissed at one of the guys on that thread ,who I normally have no problem with, was because I got defensive. No doubt by accident, he sort slammed Elings who was a student of mine and Jesse Marunde who I went to school with. Both of these guys are fellas I introduced to the board. Elings was particularily impressed with the physique of the fella who I got ticked off at...plus, I'd mentioned that he was funny and posted some good stuff about his life out of the gym. ;)

Anyway, all that shit has been resolved via pms.....Everything is fine, I hope so anyhow.

As far as you and I go, there was'nt any doubt in my mind. I warn you though, a good looking chic in Montana is one who isn't overweight! So you might want to think about bringing one of your hot, non-psycho strippers up here with you when you retire!
:D :D

bump...so Iabad...sees it.
JT is definitely one of my role models on this board. Don't mean to sound like an ass-kisser, but he's such a standup guy with a good head on his shoulders. Sorry to hear about all the silly nonsense of that elk thread, but glad to hear things have been patched up. Lots of good bro's on this board...
Kind of reminds me of something my grandad used to tell me about my grandmother and her friends who would play bridge everyday and would be complaining and arguing and bitching at one another during the game, but then would be laughing and holding hands on the way out the door. Did this for years. Maybe even a decade or two. My grandad did the same thing with his poker buddies. That group started playing right after WWII and he played until he died last year. ha.
JT .........your post and explanation mean alot , but like I already said they are definately weren't needed .........You are someone that I truely cherish around here and feel blessed to have exposure to you and your words. Thanks for all that you share here and for the friendship that you have always extended to me ......

Final word on the hunting issue .........I understand we just come from different worlds on the issue . And while I don't understand it ,please don't think I am judging anyone here ............I don't have the right to judge anyone here as has been pointed out ....... I also read what Ouch said about animals just being animals ........And while I totally respect and understand his veiw point . I think he has missed the point as to why some people have so much empathy for animals in the first place .

A certain person that I respect a ton here pmed me and he mentioned the evils of man ,and how they can literally enstill fear in even the fearciest of God's creatures .[ The hate , greed , selfishness , lack of compassion / respect ......shoot ....I could go on forever ......right ? ] and I think that this point alone defines why certain people have maybe too much compassion for animals in general . [ maybe myself should be included here ] There is a certain purity and honesty in an animal that a man could never truely process . An animal only only knows survival [ searching for food , breeding , avoiding predators ......ect....] Where as man ,the so called higher species ,pocesses the traits as mentioned above . Is man really better because of his higher developed brain ? I think if you had you my life's expiriences you might say different . And I think it is this perspective that I share with many . [ and why so many have too much compassion towards animals as Ouch suggests ] I have never seen prue evil in animal , but I see it every single day in human beings without fail .........

I believe hunting is nessary , [ unfortunately ] as well as the slaughter of animals for food . But I also believe as men we should do it with class , honor , respect , and integrity . As human beings it should be our responsiblity to kill and ship animals in a humain manner . Sadly , this will never be done because people just don't care enough to make it happen . What they don't see doesn't matter . [ I buy my meat for animals that have been sedated before being slaughtered by someone that I know personally.........why? because it matters to me .....when I eat fast food or eat out I know that that animal suffered through horrible stress during it's last hours and it just doesn't sit well with me .....I know I can't change anything , but I still feel the way I do ] I just don't understand how most human beings think .......I really don't ......maybe that is why I have so much respect and admiration for animals in general .[ as well feel a certain amount of responsibilty and compassion for them ] My heart/love is pure .......but I so rarely see that in others ......all people have ever responded to in my life is when I am violent ,weither it be in sports or in real life .......that is sad and for along time I lived a life against what was true in my heart because of that ......No one person has made feel more love than the dogs I once had .....never!!! .........Sorry for the rant ......but I hope that gives you alittle of my perspective and it probably similar for a lot of people that care about animals too. I understand that man is the top of the food chain ..........But does that make him better ? Does that make what ever he does right ?

With our intelligence and free will, we tend to be the most evil, cruel, pieces of shit that walk the earth. I can't argue that animals are by far more noble and honest than we are. :(

Your post was excellent.
Not only are you both very smart, but more than anything open minded people whose posts are always instructive and entertaining.

May one not necessarily agree with your statements, he can only respect Intelligence.

Keep up the good work JT & IABADMAN.
Thanks, LittleMack!

littlemack said:
JT is definitely one of my role models on this board. Don't mean to sound like an ass-kisser, but he's such a standup guy with a good head on his shoulders. Sorry to hear about all the silly nonsense of that elk thread, but glad to hear things have been patched up. Lots of good bro's on this board...
Kind of reminds me of something my grandad used to tell me about my grandmother and her friends who would play bridge everyday and would be complaining and arguing and bitching at one another during the game, but then would be laughing and holding hands on the way out the door. Did this for years. Maybe even a decade or two. My grandad did the same thing with his poker buddies. That group started playing right after WWII and he played until he died last year. ha.

lol...I don't really see how your post could be ass-kissing. I am a not any person of power here. I make no decisions. I am average physique-wise and have a lowly teaching position. Wow, what a screaming success story! lol...

The things you said made me feel like my I do have some things of worth inside this thick head though. I am going to print your post and Iabadmans out ...so everytime I have a bad day I can read it and think maybe I have something good to offer people I come in contact with.

Texans and Montanans.......hell my dad would come down right now and sit at the border...just to help the 'situation'. His advice to me for school ..."don't take any shit from anyone ever".....thanks dad! lol....:D :)
Phidias........thanks for not thinking I am some barbaric American!

Phidias said:
Not only are you both very smart, but more than anything open minded people whose posts are always instructive and entertaining.

May one not necessarily agree with your statements, he can only respect Intelligence.

Keep up the good work JT & IABADMAN.

I read your posts on that thread. You've got a big heart, like Iabadman does. Like I said above, My mother thinks just like you do and I love her. She won't even eat wild meat. I don't get it, but I do love her and respect her.

Thank you for your positive comments. I promise they mean a lot to me.

What country are you from?
Thanks for the respect and understanding JT [ as always ] ........I know we are the top of the food chain [the following is just me still venting abit and is not directed at JT what so ever .....he gets what I am saying ]........but doesn't that bare a certain amount of accountability and responsibility? If we think that animals are just throw away items at our disposal then what does that say about us as a species ? America IMO is the greatest country in the world for many reasons . We also probably treat our animals the best out of any of the industrialized nations .[ which isn't saying a whole lot, but it is worth noting ] . But is this because we are the most civalized of nations or is it over guilt about how we treat treat each other ? [ I would like think it is the first one .......but I have my doubts] I just don't understand the thinking of man and his cold selfish ways ......Of course there is good in all men ...........but it is vanity, which each pocess that is root of all evil IMO ........think about it ........and that is the main purpose of this rant .......We as bbers are some of the most vain creatures on this earth [ most bbers are snitches , thiefs , users , liars , cheaters , abusers , ect......anyone that has been in the game over time will agree with me 100% knows most bbers only really care about themselves ] My point is to open some eyes here and make some of you think and take stock of yourselves ...........Open your minds and your hearts fellas ......treat animals , and people with respect , kindness , and compassion ..........the world is about more than you........If you give ........you will get ......remember that ..........but it starts with you !!! All life is a gift !!!! respect that !!! And appreciate it !!!! Enough said for now my friends ....
Last edited:
Hehe :D in a country not really appreciated in America since W started "his" war in Iraq... if I tell you it begins with a F... I think you'll find :p :D

But let me insist on the fact I truly enjoy the US, don't share all (if any :rolleyes: ) of my government's positions on international issues, and also don't think at all you are a "barbaric American" ;)

In fact, there are many barbaric hunters in my country :eek: :eek: :D

Just joking!
Don't be so hard on yourself there JT. I would definitely say that you are way ABOVE average phyisique wise. There are only a few individuals who would come on here and apologize to others. That says a lot about your character. Which you obviously have a ton of... I can tell life hasn't always been easy for you, but you've weathered through the storm and you never let it get the best of you. It didn't rob the "good" in you. Just made you stronger and wiser. Now you are educating our children. What more admirable thing can a person do? I don't know if everyone understands what teachers have to put up with on a daily basis and just how very little a teacher gets paid. Not everyone values education in this world. These teachers who spend 1 or 2 hours a day with students whose parents may not give a shit about little Johnny's homework. I've seen teachers who get so burned out b/c of this. JT is a rock though. This is the kind of guy I want teaching my kids.
Iabadman "Is A Bad Man." I've said it before. He has a ton of knowledge to share and I am thankful we have experts like this on the board. I rank his opinion way up there with this group. I sense he has a lot of inside info into this sport and he just knows what the hell he's talking about.

The hunting thing, well, I'm from Texas and I know what all you guys probably think. I grew up with it around me. Some of my best memories are of my parents and grandparents teaching me to shoot or cast a rod. I have friends who breed dear for a living and manage large ranches for people. My grandad and dad had a large and successful hog farm. A lot of my friends were in FFA. They would probably wonder what the hell I'm doing on a board like this. ha. So I guess everyone has their own opinions on things. As much as the animal rights activists hate people who hunt for sport, the people who hunt for sport probably have mutual feelings. I respect everyone's opinion on the subject, b/c we've all had different "up-bringings" and I know not everyone was raised with a .22 in their hand. I also agree that man has been evil at times, but also does a lot of good things in this world to help the fellow man. Its not that dark of a world. A lot of hunters are also conservationists.

You think this all is bad, go look at Africa where they have genocide. Sort of makes this little issue of hunting a moot point.
You think this all is bad, go look at Africa where they have genocide. Sort of makes this little issue of hunting a moot point.[/QUOTE]

Well said.
JT, Ibad, Littlemack

Thanks for the great post and truly heartfelt and honest opinions that you share through this and many other threads. It’s amazing the growth and wisdom that one can obtain by following a BB forum. Like you Ltlemk some of my friends wouldn’t understand why I would choose a BB Forum but then again they don’t have a gym membership either. Which is probably why I’m so thankful for this forum for it’s great advice that applies to life in general and getting to know people like you. Having an interest in BB puts one at odds at best with the general population; add a remote area for working and living (JT knows well) email and the net, has become for some, one of mans best friend.
Iabadman, JT, Phidias

I'm truly sorry if anything I said regarding animals offended any of you. I believe the kindness and mercy we show towards animals reflects the kindness and mercy that we ourselves are shown. Perhaps also the kindness and mercy we show to our fellow men and women.

One of my favorite individuals of all time was Francis of Assisi. His love and sympathy for animals brought animals to him without fear it is said. But not just animals but all creatures.

It was never my intention to offend anyone but only to try and differentiate between what is lawful and sometimes even necessary vs. something that is just inhumane and cruel (like killing a deer so that your family can have meat vs. pulling the wings off a fly). Clearly you see the difference.

Can't we just say that the world needs all kinds of people? ALL people have a place. Whether that place is good or bad is open to debate. I totally respect you guys and hope we all learn to be at peace knowing that it's a wide world with a wide variety of people.


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