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for guys that have accepted the dark side.

if all anabolics (pharmacueticals) were gone tomorrow, nothing, all gone.

would you still be as dedicated?

would you still train?

would you still diet?

would you still compete?

would you look any better than the average guy at your gym?
edge250 said:
for guys that have accepted the dark side.

if all anabolics (pharmacueticals) were gone tomorrow, nothing, all gone.

would you still be as dedicated? YES

would you still train? YES

would you still diet? SOMETIMES

would you still compete? MAYBE

would you look any better than the average guy at your gym? I DONT NOW.

The reason being, Im a knucklehead like that......as you are.
edge250 said:
for guys that have accepted the dark side.

if all anabolics (pharmacueticals) were gone tomorrow, nothing, all gone.

would you still be as dedicated?YES
would you still train?YES

would you still diet?Not as hard!
would you still compete?Not sure!

would you look any better than the average guy at your gym?Possibly
I own a gym so I really would have NO EXCUSE not to train. So that question for me was always going to be yes. Still compete, that is a tough one. I will say a tentative yes, it is not always about the drugs. I have been off for four years prior to now so it definately is not about the drugs! Good post edge!!
currently over 50% of posts on the 1st page is pertaining to drugs.
30 out of the 35 advertisers (sponsors) of this board are drug related.

Yes. I've only done 1 light cycle and that was 6 years ago. I just like the way I feel When I'm training and disciplined with my diet. ( not today though, I just ate 2 packs of M&M's)
all these compounds do is allow me to enhance what i enjoy doing.

to me training and being in the gym is like cake. i really like cake.

now, anabolics are like ice cream. they help me enjoy the cake more.

but just cause there is no ice cream it doesnt make my cake any less good.

(i use this analogy for women as well- cake being my life, and women being the ice cream. a good woman can enhance your life, but it doesnt mean your life is no good without one)

The answer...

is a big YES. I love to train and the proof of that was getting into the gym as soon as possible after the surgery,it took a couple of weeks but I went limping and holding my gut anyway.The doctor was not happy but I could not stay away. Im convinced it saved me mentaly and physicaly.:D
I wonder the same thing about other people allthe time. Sometimes I get kinda jealous because they dont deserve to juice. I cant stand people who dont workout all winter long then right before summer they start juicin and workin out, ON THE SAME DAY. No respect for those people. 0 (ZERO)
I think when roids will be totally extinted most of us will still working out. Because most of us have the passion.

Yes I would still be working out and just as keen. Gear just enhances what I already do and the enjoyment of it. Like racing a car... if all anyone had to race were crappy little things out of the 1960s, but you loved to race, you'd still keep doing it and enjoy it just the same.

I would be sad for a couple of days. Then I will answer YES for sure!
IronMike said:
Yes I would still be working out and just as keen. Gear just enhances what I already do and the enjoyment of it. Like racing a car... if all anyone had to race were crappy little things out of the 1960s, but you loved to race, you'd still keep doing it and enjoy it just the same.


I think those crappy little things out of the 1960's are cool
I trained hard before I took anything.

I love to workout. My expectations might change depending on what happened to my physique.

I might lose weight because I prefer NOT to be too grotesquely sloppy.

I figure I'd lift every bit as hard, but fewer times per week. I'd get lean and stay that way.

I also would probably do more of the other types of training. For example, I really love to swim. I be working on that more often.

I never did like to compete as far as getting on stage went, maybe once every 10 years. So no, I wouldn't compete.

I DO believe I'd look better than most people who are in the gym. Not because I am better, just because most people don't try hard enough or eat correctly.
Last edited:
edge250 said:
for guys that have accepted the dark side.

if all anabolics (pharmacueticals) were gone tomorrow, nothing, all gone.

would you still be as dedicated?

Yup, Ive got goals to achieve.

would you still train?

Hell yes.

would you still diet?


would you still compete?

I dont compete in BBing but I have competed in sports before ever using a pin, and have continued afterwards.

would you look any better than the average guy at your gym?

yeah.. the most i use is pretty low dose test anyway.. so it is not like my body was built on alot of gear.. i have decent genes.. i grow pretty easily and when i am off training and even lifting sometimes, i hold alot of size.. so yeah.. i would train.. and try to stay as large as possible.. but.. i will say this.. we would all be a little dissapointed if that ever happened..:eek:

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