my opinion 60mcg is too much.. remember igf isnt quick, your goal is to make more muscle cells ,that then will take time to mature, this is were steriods come in to maturethe new M-cells more quick, at 60mcg i believe you could be going systemic, which you DONT want for the future,
smaller is best with igf , it takes time to see the defference, nothing is quick in life, unless its water wieght
i have had the best results with 25mcg bi lat at the most EOD.
then take a test cycle to mature those new cells, then after that cycle you will start to see benifits of that igf in the past..
workout bi/tri,( pin pwo 25mcg into each bicep, then eat 60 g or more of simple carbs followed by 40g of fast acting protein then hour later consume solid food, chicken breast, brown rice, vegs ect..
the few days later
workout chest, pin pecs 25mcg each pwo and same as above,
and stop after 30 days so body doesn't get used to it.
then i would do 12 weeks test cyp or ent, then in post cycle do igf again.....