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Im Done with Dreams


Aug 31, 2006
Im done with dreams. I would like to know where I cancel my subscription to dreaming of all kinds permanently. Seriously! I have had quite enough. Tell me...What good ever came to me from having the “gift” of my subconscious to draw up scenarios that I can not always control?
I have a friend named Chris who was well practiced at attempting “dream control”. He once believed in the theory that through practice a person could control themselves in a dream any time they wanted. Picture something like the Matrix movie. He is about to turn thirty years old like myself and is no better controlling his dreams than balancing his checkbook.
Lately Hngrygrl says I am talking in my sleep. "Yelling!" she said. Its been going on a month now but I only found out when I asked her why she was sleeping on the couch one morning. She explained she had gotten scared at my “yelling foul words out loud in my sleep” and came out to the living room for her safety. WTF? I dont remember any such incident. I admit in the past I have woken myself up with my own talking out loud. I often have a recurring dream that it is necessary to yell out as loud as I can but in my dream I am unable to produce the yell and no matter how hard I try my cry out loud is but a whisper.
If it’s a dream that I am in a place I don’t want to be, I cant always wake myself up to get out and am forced to confront whatever horrible story line my subconscious produces for me. What about the dreams where you are in a perfect place? In a great place with your favorite people and you are so happy to be their. A sex dream fits into this category. The best sexual fantasy you could dream. You are perfectly happy to be at that place and never want to leave.......then the alarm goes off.. F$*$!!! I cant stand that!
The two worst dreams I ever had came in jail. One came on the first night in jail when I had a dream about something and had completely forgoten I was actually on the floor of a room with a hundred assholes...that only had enough bunks for sixty assholes. Slowly I came awake and could hear the sounds of the jail before opening my eyes and remembered where I was. That was like getting punched in my SOUL. The other worst is the dream scenario that takes place in the jail. I could not even escape jail in my dreams.
Last night I had a dream I was in Eden with Eve. It was just her and I. We were streched out underneath a red apple tree. We looked out at the beautiful skyline at a perfect sunset. Every word we spoke to each other was perfect and without need of explanation. Then I woke up. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom then had a smoke. “Don’t go back to sleep!” I told myself. “Never gonna be that good when you go back to sleep!”. I went back to bed because I was to tired to make coffee. A fraction of an instant later I was back in Eden with Eve! “GTF out of here!” “No way!” Twice in the same night? That has never happend to me before. It was a perfect dream again, but now we were stretched out watching the sun-rise. Eve and I stayed up all night in total bliss.
Then I woke up.
I dont complain because its a lot better than waking up in a room full of assholes. It is the fact that I felt so good in my dream last night that is bothering me. The feelings and images were so powerfull. At least I get to wake up to Eve.

Update: The residue from my dream the night-before-last stayed with me all day. I think the explosion of feelings I experienced was a result of some kind of very powerful interaction, possibly related to endorphins or the Effexor Rx I take once a day...IDK. All I can say is I have never felt a rush like that in a dream.
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HAH I feel yah.

But when I was 18 I had such horrible dreams night after night, I learned to get out of them. With the strategy I use I have yet to not be able to get out of a 'nightmare.' It took some practice but it was worth it. :)
The dream I hate the most is when I'm about to have sex with a super hot girl and I have to pee, but can't find a place to go.

I then go to the bathroom, (usually my old grammar school or High school bathroom, once it was college, once it was the gym, another time City hall) And I can't seem to make myself pee.

I usually wake up and go to the bathroom in my house to pee (for real) but when I go back to sleep, no more girl.
That's when I wake up the wife.
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Damn, nosmas, I'm sorry you are struggling with this.

I've had experiences where I was able to be aware of the fact that I was dreaming during the dream and intentionally change the outcome of it, kind of like waking up while still within the dream. Not consistently happened very infrequently.

I hope you get relief.
Damn, nosmas, I'm sorry you are struggling with this.

I've had experiences where I was able to be aware of the fact that I was dreaming during the dream and intentionally change the outcome of it, kind of like waking up while still within the dream. Not consistently happened very infrequently.

I hope you get relief.

That's exactly how I get out of them, works every time for the bad ones. The hardest part was to train myself to notice I was dreaming while still in my dream, then concentrate really really hard (on something I can't really explain, but it feels like I am the electric impulses in my brain waking myself up or exiting my brain haha) for about 5-10 seconds 'dream time' and I wake up. This may sound even weirder but sometimes I get stuck 'in between' a dream and being awake after I do this, I'm not dreaming per say but I'm now unable to control my movements - breathing, moving at all - like a completely paralyzed... So I scream, or at least tell my brain to scream and move as much as I can, but of course I don't actually do it since I don't have control of my body, but about 10 seconds of this (can be quite painful, cause usually I feel like I'm suffocating haha) I wake up abruptly breathing hard, and sometimes the last little scream or movement I was telling my brain to do my body actually does it cause I'm awake.

hmmm, very confusing I know :\
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No, I understand.
halflife, that is fascinating. thanks for posting your experience.

nosmas, i apologize if you feel i am hijacking your thread (i can delete)...

a related experience i have fairly often, especially when prepping and i am constantly fatigued:

i lie down to rest and focus on my breathing and just having whatever thoughts are going through my head. i can follow my thoughts as i drop into lower levels of consciousness...from conscious thoughts into dreams and come back out again. throughout i will have an unbroken stream of awareness of the whole thing...there will be distance, and things will cease to make sense, but i can follow it.
Use your dreams as a means to escape this nighmare we all call reality. Treat it as a sci-fi fantasy that has no plot, just special effects and entertainment. Just try to stay in control. But otherwise go with it. See where the dream leads, follow it through to the end and you will find your answer!! Hard to explain but when you get there you will know!
hey Nos, I see dreams in one of two ways…

1) if things are unsettled in my life or something is on my mind, I see dreams as a window of what's ticking in my head. Maybe the free association in my sub-conscience gives me a possible solution. Maybe its just a glimpse of something deeper in my head that I didn't see, maybe its just raw emotion.
2) Sometimes dreams are just good old entertainment. Much cheaper than cable too :D hey! I had a good day and that dream I had that night about Santa Claus shooting across the sky in that hi-powered rocket sled spewing fireworks was just a "feel good" celebration for the day? Cool!

In both cases, I am not interested in controlling dreams, not that I can. For me that brings it into conscience thought. Other scenarios just might be more interesting, not limited by my preconceived "rational" expectations. How many terrific concepts throughout history were made by men and women when the idea just popped into their head out of one's sub-conscience "muck"?

Bottom line, kick back and see what they say, if anything, or just enjoy the entertainment
Brick, I saw them the same...without a doubt. Cheap entertainment or subconcious Froidian desire...I agree 100%. This dream was special though.
You have WAY more disciplin than I do Phoenix. I have no doubt you have Bruce Lee-like ability to control every part of your body and mind! I do not have that right now but your post shows me a way to solve my anxiety..thanks. Yes please stop hijacking my shit! :rolleyes:
Oldfella takes the "everything positive road" which again takes more disciplin than I have.
...of course the Eden dream is a "generalization" of the actual dream. Names and events have been changed for privacy but the point was that it was just the best dam dream ever and Im still a little cranky about waking up from it...even now!
90% of the time my dreams suck. I have even woken-up screaming and sweating lately(it has been that kind of life...yes).
I quite smoking so I cant wait to see what dream time will be like for me now.
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Nosmas, I found this thread about dreams interesting. It wasn't long ago I posted a thread about dreams on another board, but now I can't remember what it was about. Most of the time I don't remember my dreams.

Like Brick, I have some theories on dream too...

1) I think some of dreams are from your subconscious maybe during the day or night a song, smell, etc, triggers a memory, place, or something in your subconscious that you may not even be aware of at that point is processed in your brain when you are sleeping therefore you dream about that memory or something. I've had times where a song reminded me of someone in my past, but only thought of them briefly, but later that nigh dream about them.

2) I too have wrestled with a problem and dreamed about possible solutions. As a graphic designer, some of my best designs or ad campaigns were ones I dreamed about at night. I also did better on test in school when I dreamed about what I as studying.

3) They are just random thoughts that just play out in your mind. Probably don't mean anything at all.

When I'm under a lot of stress, I have nightmares. My ex-husband use to tell me he could control his dreams too. I still can't figure out how to do that. A few years ago, I was trying to get away from my ex-bf (he was stalking me) and I was having very vivid nightmares that seemed so real and disturbing that I didn't want to go to sleep at night. Then I would spend several nights where I couldn't get to sleep. I would dream there was something evil in my room and when I wake up it's still there. Then I in that state where you don't know if you are awake or still sleeping and it felt like whatever was in my room was still there. I haven't had these dreams finally started going away once I stopped hearing from him. I've had some bad dreams, but nothing like those since I've met Everlast.

Lately I've been dreaming about going on vacation. The dreams are always different places and I do different things, but I'm always on vacation traveling some where... I think that's because I've been working so much lately and I really do NEED a vacation.

I think it would be interesting to have some of my dreams analyzed.

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