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i'm not a wimp, but jeez.


New member
Jun 11, 2002
okay fellas, i am not a wimp, been in the game for years. plenty of pokes in my day, kinda look forward to em' actually. but this latest batch of qv test enanth. holly cheese and crackers. I thought i gotta ass implante. my bleeping ass swelled up, i mean big time. i've done mex gear sust. before without complaints. done calf injs. without complaint, but this is unbearable. any ideas? if i bake it will that reduce the ba levels and if so will that make it unstable. please help. i got two more 50 cc. bottles and no desire to use them at this point. and no i'm not gonna give them away lol. any help is appreciated. also i already mix with eq. no help.
Just go to the store and buy some Crisco pure vegetable oil. It's actually pure sesame oil. Filter the crisco oil into your enanthate if there is enough room. If there is not enough room you will need a new vial. I would start at 1/2 ml of crisco oil per 1 ml of enanthate. If it still hurts at that ratio, just add another 1/2 ml per ml of enanthate. At equal parts, I guarantee you'll feel no pain at all. I've done this myself and it worked great. You don't need to heat the oil after doing this, because there is enough ba in the enanthate to kill anything that may have been able to get through the syringe filter. Actually, when I did it. I didn't filter it at all, but it's probably good to do.
Personally, Id bake it and then mix it with a non-painful injectable like deca in the same shot. 1/2 & 1/2.
You should get the 10cc bottles...

I have been told that the 50cc has more BA in it to keep things stable. Try a hot shower after injecting. Run the vial under hot water before you draw it...also, run the syringe under hot water. Icy hot around the area.
I had the same experience with QV enanthate 50ml bottle. I will never use their stuff again. I tried baking it according to MikeS' instructions, but I dont think it helped.
this is IMO. i have only used their 50cc jugs, and all I have to say is JUNK. i know some people have positive things to say about it, but after my experience with the 50cc, it scared me away from ALL of their products.
again this is just MO, but i say it's junk shit.

no shit

the most painfull gear ive evr used. however as for it being junk, i dont think so, its good test, just painfull as all hell. swelling and pain are brutal, as posted above...mix it with something else. thatll cut the pain immensly. otherwise you should feel better knowing your not the only one out there suffering :D
Re: no shit

judas stone said:
the most painfull gear ive evr used. however as for it being junk, i dont think so, its good test, just painfull as all hell. swelling and pain are brutal, as posted above...mix it with something else. thatll cut the pain immensly. otherwise you should feel better knowing your not the only one out there suffering :D

i dont agree with it being good test, the pain i could deal with, as I've used str8 t400 for bi shots as well. all i'm saying is anyone can read the other problems i had with it, i was sick as a dog with every single shot...anyway, i'm not gonna retype everything, if anyone wants to see how i feel about it, you can do a search. but like i said IMO it's a junk ass test.

Remember that there ARE QV fakes floating around. That could be an explanation for some peoples bad experience with it. As far as the pain though, that can happen from the real or the fakes.

Make sure the corners of the vial are rounded and the holograms show several different colors when moved around in the light (like a prism). If these things don't happen, your stuff is fake.
Just to clarify BBJ's post... the corners of the LABEL on the vial must be rounded in order for it to be real.

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