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So I'm not fat it's skin....this sucks

Hahahaha can't believe you remember that! I see that chick all the time now she's pretty cool, she was going through some shit at the time....

The important stuff... forget about it. Can't remember shit. I'm all about the simple things that life has to offer lol

Glad it worked out.

Let's see a plan for your diet and training?
The important stuff... forget about it. Can't remember shit. I'm all about the simple things that life has to offer lol

Glad it worked out.

Let's see a plan for your diet and training?

I've done things a little differently this summer I've been lifting 3 days and doing cardio outside the other 3 days, cardio is normally the bane of my existence but it has felt good getting it done. It's eventually going to start getting cold out here and doing sprints on iced pavement probably isn't the smartest so I'll take the cardio back in the gym which sucks but oh well.

This summer has been a shit show because I had a business burn down and I've been really distracted with that, have not trained nearly as hard or with the frequency I normally do and it shows, luckily that should be coming to a head soon.

I'm super sick at the moment but as soon as I'm better I plan to start with a PSMF diet for a couple weeks just to kick start and then transition into lean meats, eggs, dairy and veggies....the usual. Honestly I'm just not going to bring any junk home and I'm not going to eat out, lately I've been on the road a lot dealing with business crap so I haven't been able to eat clean at all or train as much as I would like....again it shows.
I've done things a little differently this summer I've been lifting 3 days and doing cardio outside the other 3 days, cardio is normally the bane of my existence but it has felt good getting it done. It's eventually going to start getting cold out here and doing sprints on iced pavement probably isn't the smartest so I'll take the cardio back in the gym which sucks but oh well.

This summer has been a shit show because I had a business burn down and I've been really distracted with that, have not trained nearly as hard or with the frequency I normally do and it shows, luckily that should be coming to a head soon.

I'm super sick at the moment but as soon as I'm better I plan to start with a PSMF diet for a couple weeks just to kick start and then transition into lean meats, eggs, dairy and veggies....the usual. Honestly I'm just not going to bring any junk home and I'm not going to eat out, lately I've been on the road a lot dealing with business crap so I haven't been able to eat clean at all or train as much as I would like....again it shows.

I'm glad your getting the ball rolling again but we all go through rough patches in life. That's when you need to go into cruise control and keep powering through
I fucken hate technology I actually had to look this up but I got it thanks brother.

Go ahead try to tell me it's not so bad, you look at this pic it looks like I've never fucken worked out a day in my life....

Every summer I would say to myself "I'm finally going to do whatever it takes to not have these love handles this summer" and every summer I failed. I honestly had no idea it was all pointless I just thought I wasn't disciplined enough, I can't remember the last time I even tried to gain size, for a decade all I've done is try to lose fat to get rid of them....all a joke on me the doc said there wasn't any fat there at all!

View attachment 207372

Im not trying to be a dick but your not lean. You have a lot of fat or bloat so its hard to say how severe it really is. What is the leanest you have ever gotten? Do you have pics of it? They would look a lot smaller if you lost more BF and built more muscle. More muscle will help to recomp your look of your body, boost your metabolism to keep fat off, and draw attention away from your midsection.
Youve taken a lot of stuff from what you listed to try and burn fat but have you ever actually gotten shredded lean like if you were trying to compete in a men's physique category for example? If not, how do you know what you really look like? Also, surgery before taking yourself to that place is expensive & risky + the scars and downtime which you mentioned already. Its possible you could avoid all of that if you got serious about dieting down to sub 8%.
I get moon face. I thought it was all genetics and there was nothing I could do. Then I figured out if I dieted to a point that was pretty low (single digits) but that I could maintain year round my moon face actually went away and I could keep it off.
I've done things a little differently this summer I've been lifting 3 days and doing cardio outside the other 3 days, cardio is normally the bane of my existence but it has felt good getting it done. It's eventually going to start getting cold out here and doing sprints on iced pavement probably isn't the smartest so I'll take the cardio back in the gym which sucks but oh well.

This summer has been a shit show because I had a business burn down and I've been really distracted with that, have not trained nearly as hard or with the frequency I normally do and it shows, luckily that should be coming to a head soon.

I'm super sick at the moment but as soon as I'm better I plan to start with a PSMF diet for a couple weeks just to kick start and then transition into lean meats, eggs, dairy and veggies....the usual. Honestly I'm just not going to bring any junk home and I'm not going to eat out, lately I've been on the road a lot dealing with business crap so I haven't been able to eat clean at all or train as much as I would like....again it shows.
you ever listen to Andy Frisella's podcast? I think it would be very beneficial for you mentally and physically. He is not everyone's cup of tea. He can be a little annoying at times when he goes on a rampage rant but otherwise, he's very intelligent when it comes to biz and life.
The reason I ask this is you make a ton of excuses. It took several days of posting why you couldn't post a pic yet. This post above is loaded w excuses that all have a solution.
Cold out does not mean you cant do cardio. There is no reason you shouldn't be doing cardio every day if your love handles bother you as much as you state.
Your biz burned down. That sucks but again you still coulda lifted and done cardio.
Being sick doesn't mean you cant eat healthy now. Being on the road doesn't mean you couldn't have packed your meals to eat healthy.
I could keep going but my point is not to pick apart everything you say. It is simply to show you that you make a ton of excuses.

His podcast talks a ton about mental toughness and how to create it. It even has a program for free you can follow to build mental toughness and that program includes dieting, cardio, prepping meals etc. All the stuff you need to have in your tool belt if you ever want to get lean and stay lean to lose your BF. Plus, you'll learn a lot of great business techniques and tips. You can listen to it while doing cardio outside if your too busy ;).

Best of luck. You just gotta commit and start.
you ever listen to Andy Frisella's podcast? I think it would be very beneficial for you mentally and physically. He is not everyone's cup of tea. He can be a little annoying at times when he goes on a rampage rant but otherwise, he's very intelligent when it comes to biz and life.
The reason I ask this is you make a ton of excuses. It took several days of posting why you couldn't post a pic yet. This post above is loaded w excuses that all have a solution.
Cold out does not mean you cant do cardio. There is no reason you shouldn't be doing cardio every day if your love handles bother you as much as you state.
Your biz burned down. That sucks but again you still coulda lifted and done cardio.
Being sick doesn't mean you cant eat healthy now. Being on the road doesn't mean you couldn't have packed your meals to eat healthy.
I could keep going but my point is not to pick apart everything you say. It is simply to show you that you make a ton of excuses.

His podcast talks a ton about mental toughness and how to create it. It even has a program for free you can follow to build mental toughness and that program includes dieting, cardio, prepping meals etc. All the stuff you need to have in your tool belt if you ever want to get lean and stay lean to lose your BF. Plus, you'll learn a lot of great business techniques and tips. You can listen to it while doing cardio outside if your too busy ;).

Best of luck. You just gotta commit and start.

Thanks brother and I don't mind tough love but you made a lot of assumptions there. Didn't say I wasn't going to do cardio, said I would take it in the gym when it got cold out instead of outside. I did lift and do cardio it's just that when you're on the road for weeks at a time going from airport to airport and making appointments shuttling around business associates you miss some workout days and hotel rooms don't normally have stocked kitchens. Believe me I don't need pity nor am I looking for it, save that for the weak.

I appreciate the well wishes not big on podcasts but I'll check it out, thank you.
I actually have consultations with two more docs, I hope this guy was just an idiot but it didn't seem so.

This is me right now no size at all this summer and I'm sick as balls right now been really frustrated.

200mg cyp and 3.3iu GH
Doctors also filter patients! Decline to treat people but in a polite way. We do it all the time. If that was just skin, it would be paper thin when you pinch it. Your body fat in that last pic is at least 20%. Just get lean and grind it down.

Side note, morpheus 8 is the WORST most painful RF micro-needling device on the market, but they do have great marketing. The needle tip is spring loaded instead of smooth motor driven like every other device on the market. We own a similar, better machine and I did my research before dropping $90k on the machine.
Doctors also filter patients! Decline to treat people but in a polite way. We do it all the time. If that was just skin, it would be paper thin when you pinch it. Your body fat in that last pic is at least 20%. Just get lean and grind it down.

Side note, morpheus 8 is the WORST most painful RF micro-needling device on the market, but they do have great marketing. The needle tip is spring loaded instead of smooth motor driven like every other device on the market. We own a similar, better machine and I did my research before dropping $90k on the machine.

Oh he didn't decline to treat me I have the sheet in front of me of what he wanted to do, he said some very light lipo as i didn't need much and significantly pull my skin down.

Regardless I'm not taking the easy way I am going to grind it out, looking forward to posting a new pic in a couple months.
Did he say you smelled like Testosterone to? 😅
i dont even know whta t
By the way I sincerely appreciate you guys for knocking some sense into me, I needed it!
you can do this and once you do its much easier to maintain because you know what it takes to get there, you know what you do and do not do well with while dieting, and you are more motivated than ever to make this look your new lifestyle. You can get there in 8-12 wks if you really want it. Dont look at it like 2-3 mo though. Just make this week count. Then once you do try to add a day to it then a week and so on. Sometimes the overall goal can seem daunting but when you take it a week or even a day at a time its much easier especially while you create new habits.
i dont even know whta t

you can do this and once you do its much easier to maintain because you know what it takes to get there, you know what you do and do not do well with while dieting, and you are more motivated than ever to make this look your new lifestyle. You can get there in 8-12 wks if you really want it. Dont look at it like 2-3 mo though. Just make this week count. Then once you do try to add a day to it then a week and so on. Sometimes the overall goal can seem daunting but when you take it a week or even a day at a time its much easier especially while you create new habits.

I like that, one week at a time that works....

I had a old fitness chick at the gym a couple years or so back that sniffed my chest in the middle of a set and told me she could taste the testosterone on me or something like that, it got weirder and more fun from there haha.

She's actually a cool chick was just going through some shit but that's what he was referring to.
Dr's job is to make people feel better, even if that means telling them what they want to hear. After looking at your pics you have more then just skin. I store fat much the same as you. I am jealous of people that store it fairly evenly over their whole body. You may have to get pretty lean to get the look you want. I can be well into the single digit BF range and still grab tissue on each side.
I agree with everone on here that says its fat. Just by your posts you can tell you have never truly dieted. For example, you said something about trying to diet it off in the summer and failing year after year. No serious person only diets down in the summer. You cut when bodyfat gets to high. Summer, winter, fall, it does not matter. This shit takes some serious willpower to get to single digit bodyfat. Just do it
I plan to start with a PSMF diet for a couple weeks just to kick start and then transition into lean meats, eggs, dairy and veggies....the usual. Honestly I'm just not going to bring any junk home and I'm not going to eat ououts.
This is just my opinion bro, but I think this is the wrong approach. I think you should get on a structured bodybuilding diet and then adjust it every 3 or for weeks as needed. I think you're setting yourself up for failure by starting off on a super restrictive diet, then transitioning to a vague "clean" diet where you aren't tracking anything.
Trust me, I've made this mistake multiple times, lol.
I fucken hate technology I actually had to look this up but I got it thanks brother.

Go ahead try to tell me it's not so bad, you look at this pic it looks like I've never fucken worked out a day in my life....

Every summer I would say to myself "I'm finally going to do whatever it takes to not have these love handles this summer" and every summer I failed. I honestly had no idea it was all pointless I just thought I wasn't disciplined enough, I can't remember the last time I even tried to gain size, for a decade all I've done is try to lose fat to get rid of them....all a joke on me the doc said there wasn't any fat there at all!

View attachment 207372

you still look better than most on this board
I've been a trainer for 35 years. Trained 1000's of athletes, mostly BB's
It's fat 100% Your stupid doc knows nothing. I tell all my clients as soon as you get below 10% BF you will have decent abs.
Bro train like an animal to gain muscle (best way to drop BF anyway) gain 15-20 pounds muscle (going to take at least 12-18 months) then one hard core pre-contest diet and you'll reach the promised land.
You hold your fat in that area. Diet down to 6-8% and it will be GONE!
Weights 5 days a week, cardio a little after each WO. Come on man! Train like a BB. Doesn't sound like you know what a pre-contest diet is. (not trying to be a jerk)

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