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In regards to EPH ban...

Crimson Ghost

NPC Judge
Dec 3, 2002
Does anyone know if the herbal form, Ma Huang, will be banned as well?

I can't find anything on this.

from what ive read yes ma huang will be done as well i find it funny that with all the attention to this subject we had and all the positive people speaking out against the ban, that it still happened kinda makes you wonder why we even vote anymore. just my .02
Ma Huang and ephedra are the same thing. This ban only affects the herb version. Ephedrine HCL and it's derivatives are not affected by this new legislation.
Koevoet said:
Ephedrine HCL and it's derivatives are not affected by this new legislation.
Sorry that's not true (except maybe for "mainstream" products like Primatene). I just called my supplier and FDA is only allowing them to sell 300 tablets per customer in a 30-day period and I need to send them a copy of driver's license and social security card in order for them to make the transaction! Of course they are one of the largest (and cheapest) online suppliers :mad:

DNEpharm.com has required a SS# and driver's license for YEARS to buy pure eph HCL. It has nothing to do with the new ban but the crackdown on kitchen chemists and meth labs.
the ban happened because of the media and the attention brought to the subject by fat overwweight athletes dying. did they die from ephedra, no. they died for multitudes of other reasons. another example of how the media controls a lot views. the other thing about politics, you dont vote for you. once you vote someone in they just try and appease the masses so that they get their paycheck for a long period of time. hell its easy money, its not like you do shit once you get elected.
BrooklynJuice said:
DNEpharm.com has required a SS# and driver's license for YEARS to buy pure eph HCL. It has nothing to do with the new ban but the crackdown on kitchen chemists and meth labs.
I attempted to order online but couldn't - so I had to call them. They told me it probably had to do with FDA watching them. They told me that driver's license and SS# was being required by FDA?


Isn't Ma Haung an herb.

(10 years from now)
Today the Government past a new bill banning all herbal products because (long pause) they just need something to ban so herbs sounds like a good thing to ban.
they just need something to ban so herbs sounds like a good thing to ban.

More like they want to protect drug companies that offer overpriced more dangerous remidies!
JAG said:
More like they want to protect drug companies that offer overpriced more dangerous remidies!
Big brother is certainly going overbaord!

I believe that a person is much SAFER taking 25mg of Ephedrine than XXx amount of Ma Huang or Ephedra (derived from Ma Huang) as neither of those have standardized amouts of ephedrine. In other words, am I taking enough Ma Huang to get the equivalent of 25mg ephedrine or have I drastically overdosed - nobody knows!

but still doesnt anyone feel like no matter how hard we oppose something anymore that we just arent heard?? im just really feeling like pretty much all my rights have been given the finger
i just got my order from D&E(ephedrine hcl) and along with it they sent this piece of paper stating that the recently announced ban on ephedra by the FDA DOES NOT effect the otc ephedrine products sold by D&E.it goes on to say that otc ephedrine products will continue to be available after the ephedra ban goes into effect.i also called them and they confirmed this over the phone that as long as i continue to order ephedrine hcl or sulphate that there will be no problems and that the ban only concerns the herb ephedra.
That's good news!

They are on the FDA's Hot List that I've seen. I didn't know D&E carried any ephedra-based products - but then again, I've never looked for any.

Primateme mist or tabs are epinepherine, a diffenent substance (but relatively as effective) will NOT be affected by the ban, as far as I know. Neither will pseudoephedrine. So there will be altenatives-Im trying to dig up an article on these other thermogenics.
I'm not worried - we will find a way to get ephedrine. It's just the fact that we'd have to go underground (and probably end up paying more :( )to get it for NO SUSTANTIAL reason other than there's people that abused it.

i've seen 2 posts now stating that ephedrine HCL is not affected by the ban... so that should be good news... time to go buy some mini-thins at the local truck stop.
Let me clear this issue up. Working closley with ANSI, Thermohydroxadrine, manufacturer. ALL EPH products re ban. HCL and MaHung included. No loop holes in this one fellas>
yardrock said:
Let me clear this issue up. Working closley with ANSI, Thermohydroxadrine, manufacturer. ALL EPH products re ban. HCL and MaHung included. No loop holes in this one fellas>

You are wrong, the ban only includes ephedra (Ma huang).

**broken link removed**

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