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Injectable dbol. Essentially same dosage will work?

The general rule of thumb I remember is to cut the dose in half for Injections. Also, Ramp up like any other injection.
Dude its the same for oral and injects mg for mg. Its methylated so it will make a double pass through the liver unless injected. I mean if your liver values are high and you need to get rid of an extra pass through it. I think your kinda threading the needle and are borderline needing to take time off. Or you just want to minimize liver stress which is totally understandable, some would say smart but how much damage is that extra pass doing??? I also think injecting it is great as it will take the body sometime to process/metabolize the oil, which means it stays in the system longer. How fast that is, no one could accurately tell you if it is suspended in oil and that's really something person specific. One could and should imo just take dbol 3 or 4 times a day to keep serum levels more stable as the half-life is fairly quick. All this being said if I had a injectable version I would inject it. If not I would just take it orally. If I was to brew it myself I'd make it injectable. if I got to a point where my whole body was saturated with the shit I'd just take it orally for a few days. I can remember to shoot once a day but to take the shit 3-4 times a day on a regular basis I would miss taking it sometimes. And would just double up the next dose. To each his own!!
Or take turinabol, which has no bloat and no estrogen conversion. If I wanted to fill my muscles with water, I can do that by loading creatine 🤷
Or just maybe the estrogen is part of why it's also so effective? More GH if not on synthetic GH among other things. And the mild-moderate dopamine and mood boost can't be beat. Well of course there are exceptions. Dianabol is also not a terrible choice if only taking one steroid and an oral at that. The dreaded "dbol only cycle." I took dbol only cycles as a teen and felt on top of the world, good sex drive etc. As one guru said, it's sufficiently androgenic to not make you feel like shit without inj. test (keeps up sex drive), supplies some estrogen, and is under the "test derivatives" class of steroids, rather than DHTs or 19-nors. Really, what would you rather take if you could only take an oral for a PED? I know this doesn't apply to any of us but still.
Dude its the same for oral and injects mg for mg. Its methylated so it will make a double pass through the liver unless injected. I mean if your liver values are high and you need to get rid of an extra pass through it. I think your kinda threading the needle and are borderline needing to take time off. Or you just want to minimize liver stress which is totally understandable, some would say smart but how much damage is that extra pass doing??? I also think injecting it is great as it will take the body sometime to process/metabolize the oil, which means it stays in the system longer. How fast that is, no one could accurately tell you if it is suspended in oil and that's really something person specific. One could and should imo just take dbol 3 or 4 times a day to keep serum levels more stable as the half-life is fairly quick. All this being said if I had a injectable version I would inject it. If not I would just take it orally. If I was to brew it myself I'd make it injectable. if I got to a point where my whole body was saturated with the shit I'd just take it orally for a few days. I can remember to shoot once a day but to take the shit 3-4 times a day on a regular basis I would miss taking it sometimes. And would just double up the next dose. To each his own!!
My understanding is that it, and anything else, takes many passes through the liver until metabolised, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Duchaine speculated that the first pass might be why in his experience dbol was better via oral, higher levels of some active metabolites maybe?
My understanding is that it, and anything else, takes many passes through the liver until metabolised, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Duchaine speculated that the first pass might be why in his experience dbol was better via oral, higher levels of some active metabolites maybe?
Ya know what you say sounds logical and I learned this one pass/two pass shit so long ago that I don't even know where to start looking. And its just not important enough for me to go looking. So I will concede the argument to you sir. Though I know guys that prefer to inject and those that prefer oral. I think.its.personal preference probably but i.know.studies.that say it doesn't matter. I don't know if you ever tasted reforvit-b but it was 25mg/ml and it wasnt.in oil or water something in between viscosity wise and tasted so bad most people just injected it and you could tell someone was on it as their piss smelled like it.
And my brain with all its processing power and nootropics just realized you probably know.all about reforvit-b given that you know who Dan Duchaine is...lol.
Has anyone tried Tren base injectable? I've seen it combined with Dbol and was looking for feedback on how it worked and how it compared to just taking the Acetate version? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
And my brain with all its processing power and nootropics just realized you probably know.all about reforvit-b given that you know who Dan Duchaine is...lol.
No I never saw the product or used it but I know why your piss smelled. B-vitamins lol. I assume, didn't look it up.

Thailand had a product for geriatrics, vitamins and 5mg of metandienone, for vitality. I bet it worked well lol.
To update my own thread for anyone that s
Is interested in the future, im not having much luck so far with injectable dbol.

I'm 10 days into it now and have gained 0 pounds, maybe even lost one...
With oral, I'd be up 5-6 pounds at this point. I'm feeling nothing like i do on oral dbol. Have not noticed anything really.
To update my own thread for anyone that s
Is interested in the future, im not having much luck so far with injectable dbol.

I'm 10 days into it now and have gained 0 pounds, maybe even lost one...
With oral, I'd be up 5-6 pounds at this point. I'm feeling nothing like i do on oral dbol. Have not noticed anything really.
sounds like you don't have dbol at all. try to take it orally
You'll get less appetite suppression from injectable dbol, but it's still very much present. Just because it's injectable does not mean you should try to run it for 8+ weeks. Making it injectable makes it less liver toxic sure, but its still liver toxic at the end of the day. I think its weaker overall in injectable form since a lot of the anabolic activity you're getting from dbol comes from the metabolites produced when your liver breaks it down. This is even more pronounced with superdrol where the injectable version is nowhere near as strong as the oral version.

Injectable superdrol did nothing when I used it, I see others say the complete opposite. I agree that the liver breaks down key metabolites ex: anadrol.
See I think turinabol isn't worth taking at all. Like you could give me some free and I wouldn't even bother with it. I noticed nothing on that.
Take 150-200 mg a day. I thought it was shit until I upped the dose a lot. I don’t see how you would be disappointed at the higher dose. Lean hard dry veiny grainy gains. Best oral imo can diet or bulk w it. Decent strength too
Let's make this whole liver first pass simple:

Adult males have let's say 1.5 gallons on blood in them.

Liver filters 22 gallons an hour and so ~250 gallons in 24 hours.

For simplicity let's say injected compound is released 100% immediately from oil carrier depot. How many passes is that? Do the math it's >350x

Is a single pass even remotely significant? Fuck no, ignore this.
Take 150-200 mg a day. I thought it was shit until I upped the dose a lot. I don’t see how you would be disappointed at the higher dose. Lean hard dry veiny grainy gains. Best oral imo can diet or bulk w it. Decent strength too
Thank you for the info. I will have to try it again.
Let's make this whole liver first pass simple:

Adult males have let's say 1.5 gallons on blood in them.

Liver filters 22 gallons an hour and so ~250 gallons in 24 hours.

For simplicity let's say injected compound is released 100% immediately from oil carrier depot. How many passes is that? Do the math it's >350x

Is a single pass even remotely significant? Fuck no, ignore this.
That math seems suspect lol. Well the 250 gallons in 24 hours part at least.
Take 150-200 mg a day. I thought it was shit until I upped the dose a lot. I don’t see how you would be disappointed at the higher dose. Lean hard dry veiny grainy gains. Best oral imo can diet or bulk w it. Decent strength too
How long was the cycle at that dose?

Interesting to contrast with what they were documented to have done in East Germany. Your 200mg would be 6000mg a month. It should be "decent" for strength lol.

"According to records kept by Lathan and later obtained by Franke and Berendonk, Bonk consumed 12,775 milligrams of steroids in a 12-month period over 1978 and 1979, of which 11,550 were Oral Turinabol. That 12,775 milligrams is the highest quantity of anabolic steroids a human is documented to have ingested in a single year.
"West German calf breeders would use a similar dose to fatten an entire stable," quipped Der Spiegel in a 1991 article that cited some of Berendonk's preliminary research. It ran with a photo of Bonk as he squatted, bar in hand.
Bonk took more steroids than anyone, but not by much. Berendonk's research showed a weightlifter named Peter Käks ate 11,225 milligrams of Oral-Turinabol in 1978-79. Another prominent name on her list was Frank Mantek, who went on to coach the German men's weightlifting team from 1990 to 2012. During the GDR era, Mantek and Bonk were members of the same weightlifting club. Mantek's highest listed yearly dose of Oral-Turinabol was 7,600 milligrams, which he received in 1978-79. (Mantek did not respond to requests for comment.)
By way of comparison, East Germany's Uwe Hohn, who in 1984 became the only person to ever throw a javelin more than 100 meters (a distinction that still stands today), took an annual dosage that appears to have topped out at 1,135 milligrams that year. Ben Johnson, the Canadian sprinter, took roughly 1,500 milligrams of the anabolic steroid stanozololin in 1988, the same year he won Olympic gold in the 100 meters—a medal the International Association of Athletics Federations later rescinded after a positive drug test.*"

That math seems suspect lol. Well the 250 gallons in 24 hours part at least.

The math is right as I used a calculator. Assumptions and how liver works Square with this source and others. Also been discussed many times here that first pass is irrelevant given total number. I just provided the assumptions and math behind it. Even if it's 50% less the whole first pass thing is still bullshit rounding error.

The math is right as I used a calculator. Assumptions and how liver works Square with this source and others. Also been discussed many times here that first pass is irrelevant given total number. I just provided the assumptions and math behind it. Even if it's 50% less the whole first pass thing is still bullshit rounding error.

Maybe you don't know how to use a calculator then lol 🤷‍♂️. I'm messing with you but there is serious math issues with the 24 hour # of 250 you posted...
Maybe you don't know how to use a calculator then lol 🤷‍♂️. I'm messing with you but there is serious math issues with the 24 hour # of 250 you posted...

Lol. Now I need to go back. Shit. At dinner with beers. Math probably won't get better under these conditions. Will look tomorrow.
Let's make this whole liver first pass simple:

Adult males have let's say 1.5 gallons on blood in them.

Liver filters 22 gallons an hour and so ~250 gallons in 24 hours.

For simplicity let's say injected compound is released 100% immediately from oil carrier depot. How many passes is that? Do the math it's >350x

Is a single pass even remotely significant? Fuck no, ignore this.

WOW. Point still made but this is why it pays to have someone else review things as after a while you can't see it.

Liver Filters 22 gallons per hour
22 gallons X 24 hours = 528 gallons of blood filtration capacity per day (THIS IS WHERE I TRANSPOSED 52X and 25X)
Body Blood 1.5 gallons
528 gallons of liver filtration / 1.5 gallons of blood in body = 352 passes daily for all blood and contents
Liver is filtering your blood supply every 3.7 mins

Injecting an oral saves 1 pass through liver so 352 - 1 = 351
1 / 352 = 0.28% of total daily passes so call this toxicity savings by injecting the oral which is meaningless. The fact that people have been making a huge deal about this and repeating it since the dawn of time seemingly without understanding liver/heart/blood flow and volume, should give one a lot of pause.

Focus on injectable orals should be less stomach upset/gastro issues for some and a potentially slower, longer, and potentially more stable release into the body from oil depot though this will also depend on blood flow into specific muscle, carrier oil used, and just normal injection variability (hint the raw data that drives those very precise ester half-life charts we follow dogmatically for regular injectables has a huge amount of variability in all of these factors but even in same compound, same carrier, same human, same muscle...but nice rough approximation anyway).
Maybe you don't know how to use a calculator then lol 🤷‍♂️. I'm messing with you but there is serious math issues with the 24 hour # of 250 you posted...

Wow - I got it now and even almost made a similar one in the above correction. I actually am pretty detail oriented and have a grad degree in a decently quantitative field. Obviously, one would never guess from these posts!

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