1. No dont try and go in the same exact place.
2. Of course you dont want to inject into a vein
3. Minn 5/8 max 1" You just want to make sure its in the muscle... Not sitting on top of the muscle.
4. Just draw back a bit on the pin before injecting... If your in the muscle it will just be an airbubble... If your in a vein it will be blood. If you asperate and see blood and not the airbubble Do not inject.
check out this site it may help a bit... www.howtodoinjections.com .... And as far as where to inject and how often read BigA`s articles.
Honestly though I couldnt understand why your first injection would be with syntherol?
Thanks for everyones response. First off sorry for the confusion. When i said i never injected i basically ment synthol inot my bi's. I have done test before into my glute. But before i had syringes i drank the test. Now i have syringes and im wanting to know how to inject it into my bi's. When i stuck it into my glute i just stuck and injected. So i guess synthol in your guys opinion would not be a good idea to do? Just keep stickin to the test i assume? Just to let you know, i do not currently have synthol but was just asking about how to inject it. But i guess its the same as test. So do you think i should scratch the synthol idea and just keep to the test since i now have syringes? Test works great for me so i guess theres no reason to switch over to synthol right.