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Inner VS Outer Biceps Head


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
OK, I need to know if anyone knows what's going on with my biceps shots. Sometimes I can be "slow" but I know this is what's happening. When I inject my inner biceps head (either arm), it's like I need to stand on the plunger to get it in!! :eek:

I'm relatively sure it's not scar tissue as I only use 25g pins, inject very slowly and generous massage. Besides, I inject my "outer" heads just as often and shit goes in them EASY.

same thing

I get that too Xcel.But I get it in various spots throughout the body.Some days the spots go easy some days hard as shit.I thought it was scar tissue as well,but maybe something else???
Same here! Sometimes its like injecting into concrete!
My left arm is far worse then right arm...
But I heat the oil and hang with it. :p
hey x. I usually do it with my arm extended and it seems to work
fine for me good luck

MikeS said:
Same here! Sometimes its like injecting into concrete!
My left arm is far worse then right arm...
But I heat the oil and hang with it. :p

me too looks like were all in the same boat hu?
I got an answer

Ok, I had some probs with this also, gear not SEO...anyhow, I had to have my toe fixed a few months ago and the doc shot waterbased lidocaine into it...hurt like helll, and I was really curious why he sort of " threaded/weaved " the needle back and forth, taking it out a little and back in a little as he injected...So I did the surgery myself two days ago and was turning colors trying to push the liquid into my toe...it was not until I slowly moved it back and forth that it would go in...

Anyway, when the doc had done this to me I asked him why, he gave me a very brief answer, but basically said that tissues, especially muscle tissue can "block" the needle and you have to move it to create a path somtimes....however this usually only the case with smaller guage needles.

Maybe this is what is happening with you?
I notice now that when I do give myself a poke, I move the dart a little as I inject and it DOES go in much faster, almost faster than I would like...
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still don't explain the discrepancy though from location to location i guess
Well I'd of bet a dime to a dollar that my evidence about biceps was "conclusive"!

Then I take a shot (right after I posted that) in my left, upper, "outer" biceps head and it's like concrete!! :eek:

What Ivan said makes sense - biceps being a small, dense muscle and small gauge pin being unobtrusive. So, gear "can be" hard to push into those muscles with small gauge pins :confused:

I just got done injecting my right, upper, "outer" biceps head and did the following procedure: pushed 1" pin in so that it was "very" depressed" (way into skin), aspirated, pulled pin back/out slightly, then back in (flush w/skin). The idea behind this ritual is to "creat a channel" in the muscle for the gear to go into. It went in like butter, had to "hold back" to do less than 1cc per minute! I'll know more by further experimenting and will post experiences.

Actually the pin seems to meet with the same resistance while submerging witha 23g as with a 25g. Hard as hell either way.
With a bicep's muscle fibers, they are tighter together than that of a glute or thigh. The thigh is a llong muscle with long muscle fibers. A Big bicep contains muscle fibers that are tighter together. That could be some of the problem.

Just my thoughts after studying cadavers for a semester.

This is in relation to IVANS answer

Why do you think a TNEDERLOIN steak is not as tough as a round steak
I have had the same thing happen!!! It just stops and it feels like nothing else will go in. Someone told me it might be scar tissue but, i do not think that it is b/c i have not been doing it that long.

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