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Insulin question


Sep 19, 2004
Purely from a supplement stand point. What percent would you say that insulin plays in the size of todays pro's?


Just like every drug used/abused in BB'ing today, you're talking about maybe a +/-5% difference at best.

The truth is genetics and hard work make up 90%.

The people who disagree are doing so mainly only to justify their own drug abuse (well I'm not huge and shredded on 1 gram of test, time to go to 2!)
at least somebody gets it!!!!
Today's is the key word

Purely from a supplement stand point. What percent would you say that insulin plays in the size of todays pro's?

Genetics is definatly #1 factor in ones ability to grow. Then diet, training, etc.. But why are today's genetic freaks that much bigger than yesterdays freaks?
Ok I'm just making up numbers here:

50% diet
30% training
15% AAS
5% peptides

But this doesn't tell the whole story. First all of these things work synergisticly. Second, without some of these things nothing will work at all.
Genetics is definatly #1 factor in ones ability to grow. Then diet, training, etc.. But why are today's genetic freaks that much bigger than yesterdays freaks?

"Genetics" are over rated. They might make all the difference in the world at the TOP level, but at the lower levels, they matter much less. I really thing "genetics" are more "how one developed from birth to 12 years old" that sets the stage for everything.
there is no question that today's pros take higher doses than the guys in the 70s and 80s, not to mention the big variety of compounds they have available now days. Genetics? sure, but today's cycles make the old timer's look like child's play. As for insulin it helps certain guys, but everybody responds different to it, I even know of at least one pro, pretty massive dude, that never touched insulin due to health related problems. god bless you.
This question is too hard to answer. I think 95% of what makes a pro is mental attitude/psychology. Even if you have the best genetics in the world you still have to want to bodybuild.

But obviously many athletes use Insulin I'm sure some utilize it more more/less than others.
But why are today's genetic freaks that much bigger than yesterdays freaks?

Want to know my honest opinion?


I have seen diets from pro's of years past and sure, their calorie intakes are up there, but NOTHING like these guys eat today. A former mr O bulked on about 4800 calories off season, and never dropped below about 3500 precontest. Today you've got AMATEUR guys in the SHW eating 10000+ calories and dieting on 6500. It's insane!!!! Couple that with anabolics and heavy training, theres your answer.
I understand what you're saying but if it is mostly genetics, determination and food then why are alot of top pros of today much bigger then Lee Haney or Dorian Yates?
I said it before, more juice , more mass, you gotta be kidding yourself to think that these monsters today are that big solely because they're consuming 5 more chicken breasts a day. Even in our own situation, we experiment with all different doses, and the more you do the bigger you get, no way around it. Bless you.
i think the real question here should be hgh/slin combo..correct? if you look at the timeline of when hgh was only available from natural occurring means it wasnt so readily available right? then when they were able to manufacture it via engineering (rHGH as opposed to HGH) and not have to extract it from cadavers and price of it started to decline.

now if you look at the size of the top competitors and the timeline of the history of price decline and increased of availability of rHGH, they are pretty close in relation! is it a coincidence?? who knows? but def something to think about

you can probably do a search about history of growth hormone and get the info, i read a lot about it a few years ago when wondering how they able to make so much now when i remember back in the day it was only extracted from dead people....its interesting stuff
i think the real question here should be hgh/slin combo..correct? if you look at the timeline of when hgh was only available from natural occurring means it wasnt so readily available right? then when they were able to manufacture it via engineering (rHGH as opposed to HGH) and not have to extract it from cadavers and price of it started to decline.

now if you look at the size of the top competitors and the timeline of the history of price decline and increased of availability of rHGH, they are pretty close in relation! is it a coincidence?? who knows? but def something to think about

you can probably do a search about history of growth hormone and get the info, i read a lot about it a few years ago when wondering how they able to make so much now when i remember back in the day it was only extracted from dead people....its interesting stuff

Point well taken bro. I am pretty sure that in the days of Arnold and Ferrigno, Insulin wasn't used in bodybuilding and GH was just coming into the sport, and only the rich guys could afford it, now days there is some protein powders that cost more then the blue tops. God bless you.
Big difference, of coourse diet and proper training techniques are the key, also if you do it and then you get out of shape and you are not a 24 x 365 day bodybuilder why bother?
With magnum's diet and nutrition techniques and my trainer's HIT everything is coming together after this 12 weeks of hell!!!
Las year 3 weeks before teh show i was 222 pounds, this year 3 weeks before the show i am 232 pounds and same exact conditioning.
Ok i never got off shape after my last year show, i just went up to 6.8% and in this pics i am 4.5% body fat, should be 3.5 or less for the day of the show hopefully.
Does it makes a difference??? i dont know... for the ones who knows me and have been seen my progress and ups and downs, and as my friends says ... this is my biggest ever, just waiting to nail it for the day of the show.
It is going to be a tough show since it was no Night of Champions and it is 2 weeks before the arnold. Who says a pro show is easy??? well, as you know i am doing my best.
Take a look of this pics 25 days before the phoenix show and i will post some closer soon. mostly everything is bigger even my best parts improved.
All the best


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Today you've got AMATEUR guys in the SHW eating 10000+ calories and dieting on 6500. It's insane!!!!

It's insane alright. Can you give me a couple of examples of amateurs who diet on 6500 calories a day?

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