BigBoyJ said:People will tell you to bake, boil, stir fry, bbq and everything else.
Big_O said:I'm not a big fan of IP....I bought some cyp ONCE and shot myself with just a little of it in the glute mind you.....The pain was like test 450....I then actually looked at the vials really close....There was shit in all the vials...Now cyp can crystalize and should disapte when heated.....The shit was still in the vials after heating them up....These weren't just crytals there was some other crap in it....
My point is I'll never use I/P injectables again......on top of that the fucker still owes me for those vials and a few more on top of that.....It was an approved source over at ANAsci awhile back if your wondering....
I'd stick with B-D if i had my choice for injectables....or human grade