I've used IPs Accutane caps and tabs, and many other brands, including the "real" Roche gel caps. Unless you are ordering other stuff from IP and it makes sense from a WU and shipping cost, I'd go with ResearchStop's tane- it is on sale now and definitely seems accurately dosed where IPs seemed weak.
man look yall needa take my advice on this and stay away from accutane TOO many sides go research the shit... the shit is just down right crazy... look at our sponsort for the acne annhilator is a soap it did wonders for me
Thanks Ill check into RS, I don't need to research anything I've done 2 stretches of accutane for about 6 months each at 160mg a day when I had real Roche brand. Skin was dry as hell but didn't have a single zit for over a year after. Good stuff
Thanks Ill check into RS, I don't need to research anything I've done 2 stretches of accutane for about 6 months each at 160mg a day when I had real Roche brand. Skin was dry as hell but didn't have a single zit for over a year after. Good stuff
Wow- 160mg / day.... that will cause sides!! under dr. supervision I did 80mg and it was a little harsh. But now I just "cruise" with 20mg ED/EOD and blood work is fine, with the help of Liver Protectant.
To the guy who said use a topical solution- you've obviously not experience deep cystic acne that when on your back will pop and bleed when you are doing bench press, etc- NOTHING beats "Tane when you need it- but try other solutions including anti-biotics first, preferably under doctors care.
But I will most definitely vouch for RS!!! I've used 20mg / day for a month now and it's acted almost identical to RX tane! Slightly underdosed I believe but not significantly by any means, just noticeable if you've ran course(s) from a Derm before! Amazing product and you really can't beat the price.
I just got done with 5months @80mg ED and my skin looks beautiful! The sides I got was super bad peeling lips, blurred vision, made me super sleepy, and also gave me spotty skin.