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Ironman 70.3 AND stepping on the platform

I did, about a month ago actually. Singular dosage of 250mg Tren E. Completely and utterly wrecked me. In ultra sports the guys frequently talk about taking "tren-abol". Turns out endurance athletes don't know anything about anabolics. Its T-Bol. Their slang is waaay off. @Matsuo Munefusa You can drop an "I told you so here" mate.

2 miles into a warm up on a 13 mile run and my time was 30% slower than standard - two days after the injection
150 yards into a 2,500 yard swim and I was winded and done - four days after the injection

Took about 10 days for baseline cardio to return after a singular injection of Tren. Stay the F away from tren. This is while taking cardarine and Aicar as well.
250mg is not low dose.
2.5-5mg per day is low dose.
10mg tren base is probably more suitable for endurance if one was hard set on using tren.
250mg is not low dose.
2.5-5mg per day is low dose.
10mg tren base is probably more suitable for endurance if one was hard set on using tren.

You are 100% correct. My experience with Tren is purely from 2010-2013 running heaps of it. In my mind I was thinking "this should work". Was also going off dosing protocols for miss-named T-bol... Its' one however I will pass on for the future though. May work well for some but even towards day 10 I still hated how I felt.
250mg is not low dose.
2.5-5mg per day is low dose.
10mg tren base is probably more suitable for endurance if one was hard set on using tren.

What would the benefit be? The anti-catabolic effect? I wond if 50mg tren E 2x a week would work
What would the benefit be? The anti-catabolic effect? I wond if 50mg tren E 2x a week would work
i dont see any benefit.. pmcchris started a thread a few months ago about running tren as part of his ultra marathon ped protocol.
everyone advised against it, but he was adamant about running a low dose.. low dose in this case should have been no more than 35mg per week.
now chris is saying he experimented with 250mg... ok.. :)
This thread is one of the most interesting threads I’ve seen in awhile.

Crossover/hybrid athletes got my respect.
This thread is one of the most interesting threads I’ve seen in awhile.

Crossover/hybrid athletes got my respect.
My respect also, with a bit of incredulous admiration for the insanity. Look at his training volume! This is a full-time job.
Finished a 3 mile easy run this morning, this afternoon I have bench/squats.

From PMchris talking to me I will switch to full cardio days and full lifting days, but today will be a double day.

Rest of the week will look something like

Tuesday: deads/pull
Wednesday:speed runs
Thursday: swim lessons+Upper
Friday: off

This week is kinda fucked up, I have 3 12s in a row coming up so Friday sat Sunday will be hard to get longer sessions in
Finished a 3 mile easy run this morning, this afternoon I have bench/squats.

From PMchris talking to me I will switch to full cardio days and full lifting days, but today will be a double day.

Rest of the week will look something like

Tuesday: deads/pull
Wednesday:speed runs
Thursday: swim lessons+Upper
Friday: off

This week is kinda fucked up, I have 3 12s in a row coming up so Friday sat Sunday will be hard to get longer sessions in
For the run days if time allows add low impact cardio as well. Run + swim or bike.

On the swim day I’d say add a bike ride, low impact recovery day. Don’t add a run.

If sprints are new to you pick a mile pace you want and shoot for that for your sprint (7 min pace = 105 seconds per 400, etc), don’t go balls to the wall.

One of the greatest mistakes I’ve made was going straight into sprints and not getting my body to adapt.
Other thing to note, as you begin to add cardio volume you will begin to become more and more sensitive to the effects of carbs. I hover around 13% body fat, where I personally feel the best and have the most energy output for extended events. Fridays and Saturday’s I carb load and go in for a Meyers cocktail with 2 liters of lactated ringers. My weight usually shoots from 210ish to 222-224 Sunday night.

Locker room photo taken Friday, dive photo is from this afternoon. Can’t tell too much but you can see all definition / etc is virtually washed out and I look like a fat kid today.


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Test, eq, tbol, nandrolone, GH, cardamoms, new stuff is aicar. Played with it last month and didn’t notice anything honestly.
^^^don't forget the EPO ◄we can't even keep it stocked ..sells out as fast as we get it in

& AICAR is another one that has become quite popular in recent years

TEST, EQ, TBOL, GH, IGF are standard issue with the endurance athletes i'v corresponded with


^^^i'v even heard low dose DROL for the HCT rise
^^^CIALIS for increased blood-flow
^^^sodium bicarb to combat lactic acid

^^^don't forget the EPO ◄we can't even keep it stocked ..sells out as fast as we get it in

& AICAR is another one that has become quite popular in recent years

TEST, EQ, TBOL, GH, IGF are standard issue with the endurance athletes i'v corresponded with


^^^i'v even heard low dose DROL for the HCT rise
^^^CIALIS for increased blood-flow
^^^sodium bicarb to combat lactic acid

I’ve actually got some EPO from you. I’ve been a bit timid in regards to running it mate.
I’ve actually got some EPO from you. I’ve been a bit timid in regards to running it mate.
^^^lol'r lucky brother's a tough one to keep in stock

we cater to various different athletes; EPO is not for everyone, but it for sure has it's niche's like everything else we do; best results come when we do our due diligence
^^^you sound like you already have a very good grasp/understanding, don't think it would take you long to figure out it's best use

..have heard of some able to drive up HCT with mere B12 shots ..or B12+Iron (FERINJECT®) taken together

..if you don't mind, how old are you?

i don't get into giving on certain products, but with anything that increases HCT ..a good "universal" precaution is to take some sort of blood thinner @night
..this is when the heart produces it's lowest BPM for a prolonged period & the benefit of an "anti-coagulant" is very beneficial
..have heard that cinnamon can be quite powerful for this ( does after all contain "coumarin" which is what Coumadin/Warfarin is made from)
^^^it does impact blood sugar too, so you may need to experiment

..the another of course is hydration

34. I've got a few protocols written out that interest me. My schedule is highly unpredictible so it freaks me out a little bit. Day to day no issues, have access to daily IV therapy if I want to take that route. If I have to leave town however I am straight out of luck and have an unknown in me which may adversely affect my roles and responsibilities if I undoubtedly get dehydrated on a trip.
For the run days if time allows add low impact cardio as well. Run + swim or bike.

On the swim day I’d say add a bike ride, low impact recovery day. Don’t add a run.

If sprints are new to you pick a mile pace you want and shoot for that for your sprint (7 min pace = 105 seconds per 400, etc), don’t go balls to the wall.

One of the greatest mistakes I’ve made was going straight into sprints and not getting my body to adapt.
If you’re going to do a periodized/cyclic training program then endurance is always the base foundation phase.
Pmcchris I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. Is this something you started for longevity or something you always have done? I myself am a I guess I’d say power lifter with pretty good lifts and now at 30 I’m trying to find a balance with strength and cardio. Are you able to still make strength gains focusing so much on cardio or just trying to maintain what you have built ?
Pmcchris I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. Is this something you started for longevity or something you always have done? I myself am a I guess I’d say power lifter with pretty good lifts and now at 30 I’m trying to find a balance with strength and cardio. Are you able to still make strength gains focusing so much on cardio or just trying to maintain what you have built ?
Strength gains aren’t so much a priority for me anymore. This is more phased around career demands and needs. If I wanted to start pulling heavier weight I could most likely without too much issue though.

My volume equates to some pretty serious CNS fatigue. Definitely don’t equate this to longevity mate.

I’d say figure out what your cardio goals are specifically first and post em up and we can put something together that’s a bit fun that will get you there without wrecking you.
Strength gains aren’t so much a priority for me anymore. This is more phased around career demands and needs. If I wanted to start pulling heavier weight I could most likely without too much issue though.

My volume equates to some pretty serious CNS fatigue. Definitely don’t equate this to longevity mate.

I’d say figure out what your cardio goals are specifically first and post em up and we can put something together that’s a bit fun that will get you there without wrecking you.

The last three weeks I’ve been epically fatigued. I’m recovering, work sets on the big three are progressing as they should, and my times and distances are coming down. But god damn, I feel like I got hit by a truck 3-4 days out of the week, and the other 3 days is just “tired”

I think I’m going to drop training frequency down to EOD instead of 4 days a week, and a little more focus on taking work sets to a RPE 7 instead of a 8 and sometimes 9 when I get to feeling froggy on my doubles
Definitely going to add 2-3iu growth a night. I have green tops in the fridge.

Also running 175 test/280 deca/280 mast.

Weird combo for endurance, but I don’t hold water (well not more than say 250mg test) and the nandrolone keeps my knees happy.

Thought about doing the EQ thing, but @PMCCHRIS you didn’t like EQ because of pumps?
Definitely going to add 2-3iu growth a night. I have green tops in the fridge.

Also running 175 test/280 deca/280 mast.

Weird combo for endurance, but I don’t hold water (well not more than say 250mg test) and the nandrolone keeps my knees happy.

Thought about doing the EQ thing, but @PMCCHRIS you didn’t like EQ because of pumps?
Im currently on

200mg test, 500mg EQ, 2iu GH (mornings), 20mg cardarine daily, 50mg aicar (started back up this morning).

Friday and Saturday night I take 20-40 in of igf

Also currently running TB and BPC for a posterior chain problem

Over the counter supps - baby aspirin, turmeric/curcumin, resveratrol, apple cider vinegar caps, ashwaghanda, metformin ER 1,000mg daily.

I have never ran masteron, even back in my bodybuilding days.

Anything over 500mg for eq and I get debilitating pumps on distance events.
The last three weeks I’ve been epically fatigued. I’m recovering, work sets on the big three are progressing as they should, and my times and distances are coming down. But god damn, I feel like I got hit by a truck 3-4 days out of the week, and the other 3 days is just “tired”

I think I’m going to drop training frequency down to EOD instead of 4 days a week, and a little more focus on taking work sets to a RPE 7 instead of a 8 and sometimes 9 when I get to feeling froggy on my doubles
Your CNS is probably freaking out a bit. I’m a big fan of having a deload then a complete off day when I hit those points. Saturday was a bike/swim day for me this week and Sunday four hours teaching a dive class. Just something get get like a 20% increase on resting heart rate and nutrient absorption going + flsuh out some lactic acid and highlight trigger points to work on. Super easy, Monday and I feel extremely fresh.

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